Chapter 18

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Valerie's POV

I can't believe Keaton just left again. Where does he keep going? I know I shouldn't be thinking the worst but what if he really is cheating on me? I don't know what I would do. I mean, I kind of do live here now. I need to clear my head. I need to talk to Wes. He might know what is going on. If not, then I could just really use a friend right now.

I walk up the stairs to Wesley's room. I was about to open the door when but stoped when I heard him singing. I just stood there and listened to him play. I have heard him sing before; but this was different. This wasn't just a deep upbeat song. This was a song about someone.

Listen to the song on the side ---> (I know this isn't an Emblem3 song but pretend that Wesley actually wrote it :D)

Once I heard the song end, I waited a few moments before knocking.

I opened the door and I saw him set his guitar down on the stand next to his bed. He said hi to me and I just slowly made my way to sit next to him on his bed.

"What song was that?" I asked him pointing to the guitar.

"You heard that did you?" He put his hand behind his neck like he was embarrassed.

"Just a little bit. Who was it about?" I questioned. That song was just so adorable. He's crushing on someone.

"Ummm... No one. Just a girl." He responded looking away. Well whoever that girl was, she was lucky to have the heart of Wesley Stromberg.

"Can I ask you something?" I almost forgot the real reason I came in here to talk to him.

"Yeah. Shoot." He said turning back to look at me.

"Do  you know where Keaton has been going off to all the time? He's acting really strange and I don't know. ...Do you think that he-"

"No! Valerie, I don't know where Keaton has been going but I do know that he would never cheat on you! He is the most caring kid in the whole world and he is crazy about you."

"Then why has he been avoiding me?" I almost stared crying but I forced myself to fight back the tears.

"I'm not sure. But I promise you it isn't that. I would kick his ass, and he knows it." For some reason that made me smile. I let out a small laugh and Wesley pulls me in for a small hug.

"Thanks Wes. You don't know how much you mean to me. You truely are amazing."

"Well, I try my best." he jokes back to me. This kid always knows how to cheer me up.

My phone vibrates and I look down to see I have a new text from Keaton.

To: Val <3

From: My Keats :)

Hey, sorry we haven't spent much time together. Meet me at the beach in 20? I'll make it up to you. Dress nice ;) xoxo

I don't know how to respond to him. He is just going to avoid me for a week and then think I'm just going to come to the beach? Am I overreacting? Yeah, I must be. Wesley said it himself; Keaton would never cheat on me.

To: My Keats :)

From: Val <3

Yeah, sure. See you then

I'm not exactly happy with him, but I can't be mad. At lease not before I know what all this is. I decide to go back to my room and pick out something nice. After about 10 minutes searching for something to wear, I finally manage to pick out a nice blue dress with white sandals. I curl my hair just a little bit. Good thing they live like 2 minutes away from the beach. I grab my phone and make my way down.

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