Would You Rather

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So this chapter is based on one of their videos and as you can probably tell it's a would you rather preference. I dedicate this chapter to the people who asked Sam and Colby these weird but entertaining questions!


Sam's Answers:
Would you rather run a marathon on Legos or lay in a tub full of glass?

"She never said we had to go barefoot so I'd probably run a marathon on Legos."
Would you rather be popular at high school or just stay weird with your weird friends?

"I'd probably stay weird. That would be so much more fun."
Would you rather lick a hobos foot or eat skunk spray jelly beans?

"The skunk spray jelly beans was so bad but I mean at least I know that's edible and not going to kill me, so probably the jellybeans."
Would you rather get stepped on by a elephant or get all your skin scratched off by a monkey?

"You could just break my leg, but like if you scratched off your entire amount of skin I think you'd probably bleed out and die. So probably stepping on by the elephant."
Would you rather live in a Harry Potter universe or the Pokemon universe?

"Actually ever since I was a kid, Pokemon so much. Like that was my dream as a child to have Pokemon. You see a security guard, 'Go Charmander!'"

Colby's Answers:
Would you rather switch bodies for a day or become Samantha and Colleen for a day?

"Samantha and Colleen for a day, no doubt."
Would you rather throw up every time you see the colour red or pass out every time someone says thank you?

"I'd probably pass out, every single time. Looking around like *throwing up noises* like everywhere... Throwing up sucks."
Would you rather have to pull all your nails off your fingers or pull all of your teeth out of your mouth?

"I'm thinking the nails. Like teeth would hurt so bad. Teeth are so much harder to get out than nails."
Would you rather whip the rest of your life or nae nae the rest of your life?

"I'd rather whip for the rest of my life because thats so much cooler than being like *nae nae*."
Would you rather have three eye balls or two noses?

"Umm, three eye balls."
Would you rather have a large ten inch long belly button that swayed to music or have accordions for legs?

"I think the accordion like you could probably learn how to like walk in a cool way so you're always like jamming to music."
Would you rather pee glass shards or cry glass shards?

"Cry. I would rather cry them."
Would you rather never be able to kiss a girl or always have an awkward boner?

" *Silence* Always have an awkward boner. It's a good conversation starter."

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