You Have A Onesie Party (Sam and Colby)

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"Guys." You yawn.
"I'm getting kind of tired so I'm just going to get ready for bed."
"Do you want us to pause the movie? We can wait for you to come back." Colby offers.
You had invited Sam and Colby over for the weekend as you three haven't hung out for a really long time, and you missed having them around. Before the YouTube videos and the vines, you would hang out with them constantly. Eventually you grew up and had to get a job, and they were really busy recording and writing so you just didn't have the spare time you used to have.
"No you guys keep watching." You say, standing up from the couch.
"You sure?" Sam asks.
"Yeah. Besides I've seen this movie before. I'll be right back." You tell them, heading to your bedroom.
You open your closet and find your favourite onesie on a hanger. You grab it and quickly slip in on, then proceeding to the bathroom to brush your teeth.
When you were done, you went back into the living room where Sam and Colby both looked at you.
"A onesie Y/N? Isn't that like a kid thing?" Colby smirks.
"Hey! Don't act as if you're still not a kid at heart. We may have gotten older, but that doesn't mean we can't still have the same fun we used to." You say, plopping down on the couch.
"True." Colby says as he gets up off the floor and comes to sit beside you.
"We should do it too Colby." Sam says before popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth.
"Do what?" Colby asks, keeping his eyes trained on the tv.
"We should where onesies too."
"I don't have mine here, and besides, the last one I had probably won't even fit me anymore." Colby states.
"I've got extras." You chime in.
"They'll be too small on us." Sam says, passing the popcorn bowl to you, which you then pass to Colby.
"I think they'll fit you guys actually. They're big on me."
"What do they have on them?" Sam asks as he reaches for the remote to pause the movie.
"One is a unicorn and I think the other one is Stitch?" You say, questioning yourself.
"Stitch?! No way! I call him!" Colby says as he gets up and runs to your bedroom.
"I guess I'm going to be a unicorn then." Sam says following Colby.
"All right then." You say as you follow them, just wanting to make sure they don't tear all your clothes out of your closet trying to find them.
"Where are they?" Colby complains, looking at each hanger.
"They're on the top shelf above the hangers." You say, pointing towards them.
"Okay." Sam says as he reaches up and successfully grabs them.
"Stitch is awesome!" Colby exclaims as he slips the onesie on over his clothes, Sam doing the same.
"And look at that, perfect fit." You smile at them.
"Let's go see how we look!" Sam says as he walks into the bathroom, looking at himself in the large mirror.
You and Colby walk in and you take your phone out, snapping pictures as the two of them make faces in the mirror.
"No, we need to take mirror selfies." Colby says as he turns to Sam.
"Okay." You say moving out of their way.
"Y/N don't be silly. You're going to be in them too!" Sam says as he pulls you into the frame.
You smile as Colby snaps multiple pictures on his phone, most of them you are hoping he will send to you.
"This is so much fun!" You say excitedly once you are finished taking selfies.
"Shall we go finish watching the movie now?" You ask, already knowing what they're response would be.
"You got us all wound up Y/N. Now it is time for a onesie party." Sam says, sounding incredibly dramatic.
You and Colby laugh at him as you go back to the living room.
You pulled an all nighter, with much more onesie fun. You hadn't realized until know how much you had actually missed Sam and Colby, but you knew you wouldn't wait this long to see them again.


So this is my first one with Sam and Colby combined together, so could you please leave your comments and tell me if you would like me to do another one like this in the future?
You are all so amazing! I've got freaking 1.67k reads and 45 votes. I was gone from Wattpad for one day and when I came back I got this amazing surprise and it was awesome! Thank you so much! I love you all!


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