He Gets A Cold

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Sam: "Achoo!" Sam sneezes while he's sitting at the kitchen table, editing a YouTube video.
"Sam. It's not allergy season yet, so I'm guessing you have a cold."
"What. No impossible." He answers, wiping his nose with his sleeve.
"At least use a tissue." You say, handing him the box.
He mumbles a thank you before blowing his nose rather loudly.
"Face it Sam. You have a cold." You shrug.
"No. I do not have a cold. My immune system works fine. It's been working great since I was 7, which was the last time I had a cold. Therefore I don't have to take any medicine or anything." He begins coughing afterwards and heads to the fridge to get a bottle of water.
"It was just a tickle I swear." He says after he gulps down at least half the bottle.
"Sam. You have a cold. It's alright everyone gets them."
"Not me. I only have allergies." He takes his seat at the table again.
You roll your eyes at him and head into the living room to watch tv.
"Y/N." Sam stumbles in.
"You finished editing the video?" You ask.
"No I'm just freezing so I can't. Will you warm me up by cuddling me?"
"No." You laugh.
"Why not?"
"Because you have a cold and I don't want to get sick."
"But you always want cuddles from me, your boyfriend." He says, pointing to his chest.
"Well not today Sam."
He walks over to you and lays down beside you, placing his head in your lap.
You sigh and place your hand on his head, removing it quickly as it was hot.
"Woah Sam you're burning up." You say placing your hand on his forehead.
"I am not."
"Are to. I'll get the thermometer."
He takes his head off your lap and you head to the bathroom grabbing the thermometer. When you come back, you hand it to him and he sticks it in his mouth. The only reason he's doing this is to try to prove that he doesn't have a cold, but no matter how hard he tries to prove he doesn't, he really does.
It makes a beeping noise so he takes it out, handing it to you. You read what it says and smirk. He has a fever. You give it to him so he could read it and he sighs.
"Yeah I have a cold."
"I told you."
"You were right what can I say." He lays down on the couch, curling into a ball.
"Can you please get me a blanket babe?" He asks politely.
"Only because your sick." You reply as you head to the closet.
"Oh, can I have some hot cocoa, unlimited tissues and the remote too?" He asks.
"Don't push your luck." You laugh as you hand him the blanket.
"Okay." He says, draping it over his body.
"Feel better soon Sam." You kiss his cheek as he slowly drifts off to sleep.

Colby: You're currently driving home from work when you here your phone ring from inside your bag. Thinking it could be something important, you dig through your bag, still keeping your eyes on the road. Eventually you find it, and put it on speakerphone.
"Hello?" You ask, not even bothering to look at the caller ID, since you were doing your best to focus on your driving.
"Y/N." You hear Colby's familiar voice on the other side of the line.
"Hey babe what's up? I'm kind of in the middle of driving."
"Are you on your way home from work?"
"Yeah why?"
"I need you to make a quick detour." He sighs.
"Why? What's wrong Colby?" You ask, immediately becoming concerned because he just didn't sound like himself.
"I think I'm getting a cold, so could you go to the pharmacy and get me the name brand cold medicine?"
"Of course. Just relax if you don't feel well, I'll be home in a little while."
"Thank you so much Y/N. You're the best."
You here a click as Colby hangs up. You put your phone down again and you happen to be driving past the pharmacy at that moment, so you pull in.
Once you get in the store, you begin searching for the medicine aisle. Once you find it, you look at all the variety of medicine.
"I wish he has told me exactly what kind of cold he had so I would know what to get." You mumble to yourself, questioning whether you should call and ask or not. You instead decide to text him, but after 5 minutes, he hasn't answered you.
"Must have fell asleep." You sigh, putting your phone back in your purse.
You scan the rack of medicine one more time, multiple of them standing out to you.
"Cough, fever, nausea, headache..." You whisper, as you read the labels.
"I'll get all four, so when we do need them we'll at least have them in the house next time."
You walk up to the counter, pay for the medicines and walk back to your car.
Eventually you make it home and walk up to the front door. You blindly put one hand in your purse to find your house keys, but the door flies open, surprising you.
"Oh Y/N! I'm so glad you're home!" Colby cheers, pulling you into a tight hug.
"Hey! I don't want to get sick mister! Get your germy hands off of me!" You laugh jokingly.
"Oh sorry." He says removing his hands from you. You notice what seems to be a slight blush on his cheeks, but whether that was from the cold or embarrassment you couldn't tell.
"So here's your medicine I got. I got four because you didn't exactly tell me what kind of cold you think you have." You explain to Colby, handing the bottles to him.
"Y/N..." Colby says as he reads the labels.
"These will all work fine, but they're all for nighttime."
"Oh!" You say, covering your mouth.
"I read the labels but I guess I didn't read them well enough." You tell him.
"Oh don't worry I'll just take the medicine tonight." He says, putting a hand on your shoulder, reassuring you.
"For now, how about a cuddle?" He says, holding his arms out to you, tilting his head to the side. He could be absolutely adorable no matter what kind of state he's in.
"Of course I'll cuddle with you. Even if you're sick." You smile, walking into the house, leaving him to follow behind you.

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