You Meet At A Drive-Thru

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Sam: "Hi welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?" You say into your microphone attached to your headset as you get the previous costumes order arranged. Your coworker Janet takes the order to the window and gives it to the costumer. You mouth her a thank you as you type into the computer the new persons order. At the end of the day, you we're exhausted as you were the only person working at the drive-thru today. Everyone had called in sick or had taken a holiday. Why were you always the one stuck by yourself at work. Sure you had had some people from the main part of the restaurant helping you, but it was still stressful.
Your boss had left you in charge of closing up because he needed to pick up his kids from school. Great. So here you were, alone in McDonalds. You were just about to lock up when you noticed you hadn't turned off the lights for the drive-thru sign. You sighed, and went to flick the lights off when you saw a car pull into the drive-thru.
"Are you kidding me?" You mumbled to yourself as the car pulled up to the first window. You shoved it open and told the driver,
"Hey. I'm sorry I can't serve you. We're closed." You told the boy sympathetically.
"Aww really? You're sign was still on for the drive-thru." He says as he takes off his sunglasses.
"Yeah. Sorry." You say as you start to close the window.
"Wait! Please! Today's been a really busy day and I haven't eaten today and I really don't want to have to go somewhere else." He says looking at you with pleading eyes.
"Fine. What can I get you?" You ask, as you grab a notebook and pen. You were not going to turn the computer back on for one costumer.
"I'll have a small vanilla ice cream and a large Coke." He says as he turns away. He's probably just getting his money.
"That will be $3.99." You tell him, doing the math in your head.
"Thanks." He says as he hands you the change.
As you get him his ice cream you think to yourself that he's actually kind of cute and maybe that's why you had said yes to serving him. You put his ice cream down and go to get his Coke, when you hear him call to you,
"Y/N! You left the window open!"
"Oh it's fine. It's not that cold outside anyways." You say shrugging your shoulders.
"Wait how do you know my name?" You ask as you turn to face him, the now filled Coke still in your hand.
"Your name tag." He says smirking.
"Oh." You say simply as you grab some napkins for him.
"That's not all I know about you though." He calls to you again.
"What are you, like a stalker or something?" You ask slightly frightened by him telling you this.
"No... You said you think I'm cute... Out loud..." He says quietly.
"No I didn't." You had just said that in your head... Right?
"Nope. You said that out loud." He said his smirk returning.
"I'm sorry... It been a long day and my brains not functioning right." You tell him as you hand him the food, and you can feel your cheeks heating up.
"No. Don't worry about it because you're quite cute yourself." He says as he puts the food on the passenger seat of the car.
"Thanks.." You say blushing even more than you already were.
"What's your name?" You ask, not even realizing the words had come out of your mouth.
"Sam. It's nice to meet you Y/N."
"Same to you Sam." You say smiling. You knew this wasn't going to be last time you were going to see Sam.

Colby: It was nearing Christmas time and you were buying gifts for your family, and you were pretty sure they would be appreciative and like the gifts you had gotten them. You just weren't sure about your niece and nephews gifts. You were told what they were getting already and you wanted to get them something similar but it was hard. It was actually kind of stressful. You knew something that relieves your stress was Tim Hortons coffee, and one of them was greatly needed.
You drove straight from the toy store to Tim's and pulled into the drive-thru. The waiting line was quite short and for that you were grateful. You spoke your order of coffee into the microphone and the man, or what sounded like a teenage boy told you to move to the next window.
As you pulled up, and brown haired boy opened up the window and said,
"That will be $3.95 please."
"There you are." You say handing him the money. He smiled at you as he put the money into the register. It made your heart melt and made you all warm and fuzzy inside. It's almost like he was the one relieving your stress, but that couldn't be possible... You didn't even know his name.
"Here is your order." He passes you the coffee with one hand.
As you reach out to grab it, he must assume that you had already had a hold of it, because he let go. You panic, reaching with both of your hands to grab the cup begins to fall. You get one of your hands on it and pull it into your car too fast, resulting in coffee all over your jacket.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I thought you had a firm grip on it!" He says as he passes you napkins.
You dab yourself, trying to rid of the hot liquid on your jacket.
"Ugh, just my luck."
"I'll get you another coffee! On me."
"Thanks." You tell him. He still is cute and not a complete idiot.
He comes back and makes sure you get a hold on it this time.
Some cars behind you seem to get impatient and begin to honk their horns.
"I'm sorry. I'm holding up your line. And thanks for the free coffee."
"Wait. My names Colby, I feel like I should help you with something else. I take full responsibility for what happened. Anything else I can help you with... Um..."
"Y/N, and there is one thing. Do you know what kids like?"
"Yeah." He laughs.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm practically still a kid."
"Good. You can help me pick out some Christmas presents for my niece and nephews."
"Okay. It's a date." He states.
"A what?" You ask confused.
"Nothing." He says with a satisfied smirk, making you blush.


I made this chapter a little bit Christmassy because tomorrow's Christmas. Hopefully you like it! Vote if you like it and make my Christmas by maybe a follow? Also if you have a story you'd like me to read you can leave them in the comments. Thank you and Merry Christmas!


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