He Forgets Sunscreen

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Sam: "This is going to be so awesome!" Sam says excitedly as he continues to pack his bag.
"You got everything?" You ask him, as you emerge from the bathroom, bathing suit on.
"Yep." He says turning to you as he puts the towels in the bag.
"You sure?" You ask, sliding a shirt and shorts on.
"Yes, I'm sure." He says, laughing a bit as he zips the bag up.
"Yes." He sighs.
"Extra clothes?"
"Yes." He groans.
"Yes Y/N! You make going to the beach seem like such a difficult thing to do!" He smiles, and then hoists the bag into his shoulder.
"I'm just checking." You say as you lead the way to the front door, grabbing your car keys and then heading out.
Sam follows you, and locks the door.
You get into the drivers seat and start the car, putting your sunglasses on while Sam climbs in.
Once you have everything in the car and are buckled in, you drive off to the nearest beach. You were really going to enjoy suntanning today.
Arriving at the beach, you find a parking space and get out, breathing in the fresh air.
"Ahh. I love the beach." You say, looking out to the water.
"Me too, but not as much as I love you." Sam says, pecking your cheek.
You blush a little at his words as you walk in the sand, trying to find a good place where there weren't many people. It seemed as though everyone had thought it was a good day to come out to the beach.
"There you are my lady." Sam says after he puts the blanket he had brought on the sand.
"Why thank you." You say, taking a seat.
Sam sits down next to you and then takes off his shirt.
You take off yours as well, deciding not to take your shorts off. You then lay down on your stomach, going to begin your suntanning.
You sigh as the warmth of the sun hits your back.
Sam lays beside you, but you don't say anything to each other. Everything was perfect just the way it was, that was until you broke the silence by asking Sam this question.
"Oh, I don't want to burn, can you pass me the sunscreen?"
"Sure." Sam replies as he rolls over to get the sunscreen out of the bag.
"What's taking you so long?" You ask, flipping onto your back and closing your eyes.
"Umm. I can't find it." Sam says. You can still hear him rummaging through the bag.
"Why is that?" You ask, opening your eyes and looking at him. He had not seriously forgot the sunscreen has he? Yep. That he did.
"Sam!" You say frustratedly.
"I'm sorry! I thought I had it!" He defends.
"Oh well won't you look at that." You say, pointing to his now red chest.
"You got burnt."
"Not as bad as you!" He says, touching your back, making you wince.
"Well, I don't want to destroy my skin any longer. Let's go home." You say sighing.
"Yeah." He says sheepishly.
"Hey." You says as you walk with him to your car.
"Cheer up."
"I'm sorry. I just wanted you to have a good time and I kind of blew it." He says, a small frown upon his face.
"It was fun while it lasted." You smiled.
You don't get a response, so you ask him a question.
"Do you know why it was fun?" He shakes his head and kicks his feet in the sand as he walks.
"Because I was with you, and I love you. How could I not have fun with someone I love?"
He stops dead in his tracks, not believing his ears.
"You what?"
"I love you." You reply, stopping as well.
It was the first time you had ever said it back, and he's been telling you that he loves you for about the past month now.
"I love you too Y/N." He says as he puts the bag down, and wrapping his arms around you.
It was like Sam's touch soothed your burning skin, and you couldn't ask for anything better than this feeling of loving him. Love is one of the most powerful things in the world, and you loved Sam. Nothing was more important than that love you two share, and you weren't going to waste one minute of it.

Colby: "Y/N?" A voice asks from behind you. You turn around and are met by a familiar face from your childhood.
"Colby Brock? No way!" You exclaim as you go in to hug him.
Colby was your best friend in elementary and most of middle school, but you had moved away, and you two hadn't really stayed in touch all the well. High school was over now, and that means it had been like 6-7 years since you had last seen him.
"Oh my god. So funny running into you here." He says laughing.
"Oh yeah. I'm just here in California for a vacation with my family." You smile, pulling away from him.
"I actually live here now." He tells you.
"I think me and my friend Sam moved here about a year ago now? We decided we wanted to be YouTubers and viners. We thought we might have a better chance at it if we moved out here. So far things are pretty good and we have a great fan base." He explains.
"Wow. I should check your channel out sometime."
"Yeah. What about you? How are things?" He asks.
"Oh, I'm taking a year off and then I'm gonna go to college to try and become a teacher or some sort of professor." You say.
He smiles at you before looking at his watch.
"Dang it. I hate to leave right now but I really have to go." He says frowning.
"Maybe we could meet up again? The beach maybe?" He asks hopefully.
"Definitely!" You exclaim as you take your phone out and handing it to him. He makes a contact for himself and hands it back to you.
"Text me and we'll make plans." You say, before turning to walk away.
"You bet on it!" He yells after you.
You smile at his words. He's just like you remember he was.

*   *   *

"Oh it's hot out here." You say as you and Colby walk onto the beach.
"Yeah, well it's always hot in California. Hey, it's Christmas! Let's go swimming! Hey it's New Years! Wanna celebrate by going to the beach to suntan?" He says jokingly.
You roll your eyes at his playful behaviour and pick a spot out on the sand.
You set a large blanket out and lay down on it, putting your sun glasses on and leaning back, letting your skin soak up the sun.
"I'm gonna go swim, you coming?" He asks you.
"No I'll stay here for a while, you go ahead. I'll join you later." You say, laying completely down.
"Alright. Be back to get you soon!" He says, and he runs off to the water, attempting to do a cannonball in the shallow water.
You sit up again and watch him splash in the water. You skin begins to get too hot, so you decide to put sunscreen on. You lather your body with it and lay back down. The sand beneath your towel was so comfortable that you hadn't even realized you had fallen asleep, that was until Colby was shaking you awake.
"What?" You ask, sitting up and letting your eyes adjust to the harsh sunlight.
"I think I burnt my back." Colby replies.
"Let me see. Turn around." You tell him and he does what he's told.
You are now able to open your eyes completely, and you see the huge angry red marks all along his back, some of it already starting to blister.
"Oh Colby! You need to get into the shade! You're blistering!" You exclaim, getting up and putting him under the umbrella he had set up while you were sleeping.
"Well I forgot sunscreen." He said shyly, as he bends over, wincing.
"You could have asked to use mine." You reply. Why he didn't ask you you had no idea. It's not like you wouldn't have given it to him.
"I'll remember that next time." He laughs.
"Will there be a next time?" You ask him, wondering if once you leave California if you and Colby were actually going to stay in touch.
"You bet on it." He says, repeating the words that he had said to you just a few days before.


Last night, because I didn't have any homework and I was in a writing mood, I came up with like 15 different preferences and I've started almost every one of them. But I'll keep my updates weekly, because if I update like crazy then I'll run out of ideas and have nothing to write about. Anywho, hope you enjoyed and next week means new chapter!


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