He's Having A Bad Day

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Sam: "Sam! Get your lazy butt out of bed! It's like 1:00 in the afternoon!" You yell in the direction of your bedroom. Normally Sam would be up and extremely energetic but he just refused to get out of bed today. You missed him...
You turn your attention back to the tv and start flipping through the channels. You finally come across a tv show that both you and Sam really like.
"Sam come on! Our favourite show is on!"
You yell once more, your last attempt to get him out of bed.
After a minute or so, he crawls into the living room, wrapped in blankets, very pale, and a runny nose.
"What happened to you?" You ask him as you look at his figure that is now sprawled out on the floor.
"Isn't... It obvious?" He asks, barely able to get the words out of his mouth.
"I'm... So... So... So......." He says before vomiting onto the carpet.
"Oh babe!" You say as you rush over to him and help him get onto the couch.
You quickly run to the bathroom and grab a trash can just in case. As you enter the room, you place the garbage can beside him.
"Sick." He says finishing his sentence.
"Well I understand now why you wouldn't get out of bed." You say as you go to the kitchen and grab some cleaning supplies to get rid of his mess he had made. You started to clean it up, when you heard him say from beside you,
"It's been a bad day..." As he talks you see some drool running down his face.
You grab a non gross paper towel and wipe his face.
"I know Sam..." You say, feeling bad that you had pressured him to get out of bed.
He opens his eyes that have been closed for the past few minutes while you finished cleaning up his vomit, and looks directly at you. He gives you a weak, but meaningful smile.
"Sorry about... The mess..." He breathes out. You nod at him understanding there was not any other option.
"The only... Reason... I got out.... Of bed... Was to.... See you........ I thought..... You would make..... Me feel.... Better." He says as he reaches his hand over and gently placed it on top of yours.
"I'll do whatever it takes to make you feel better." You tell him as you kiss his cheek.
"I love... You Y/N." He says before letting his eyes close once more.
"I love you too Sam." You say as you snuggle up beside him, and before you know it, you had both fallen asleep.

Colby: Okay, so a series of events had occurred today. Let's just say your date Colby wasn't having the best day. He had asked you out yesterday and you said yes because you've had a crush on him for a while now. He said you would be spending most of the day with him, and how could you say no? You were really excited when you had gone to his house, and you wondered just what he had had planned for you. This is how your date had gone...
Colby had told you almost nothing about what you would be doing today so you had no idea what to wear. You wear debating between formal or casual wear and finally decided on casual. You shouldn't be trying to impress him too much because you could seem desperate.
Once finally dressed and ready you waited at the window by your front door for Colby to arrive. Seeing the car arrive, you smiled to yourself. You were so excited for what was going to happen today. He was currently making his way up the stairs onto the porch when you closed the curtain. You didn't want him to think you were sitting and waiting for him to arrive. You patiently waited for him to ring the doorbell and it had been about thirty seconds now. You were pretty sure it didn't take thirty seconds to come up the stairs, so you decided to open the door to see what the hold up was. You opened the door to find Colby laying on your porch face down.
"Colby are you okay?" You asked while going to help him up.
"Oh um. Yeah!" He says lifting his head up to look at you.
"I just tripped over the last step. Really, I'm fine." He assured you with a smile.
You both made your way to the car after you helped him up and he opened your door for you. You blushed and gave him a quick thank you before climbing in. He leaned with his one hand against the frame of the door as he shut it. You heard him make a weird noise and looked out the window to see that he had slammed his fingers in the door. He was now holding them in his other hand, pain etched on his face. You panic opening the door quickly with a bit more force than needed, just as Colby bends down. Yep, you just smashed him in the head with the car door.
"Oh my god are you okay?!" You say panicking.
"Yeah Y/N! Is it okay if we just stay at your place though?"
"Yeah of course, but I could also drive you home and we could plan the date for another day." You suggest. He just shakes his head, holding onto it with the hand that does not have the crushed fingers.
"Colby, I think we have to go to the hospital!" You notice his fingers are majorly bruised and he looks like he can't move them.
"Yeah. Maybe you're right."
You touch us fingers lightly and he hisses.
"Sorry. They're broken Colby." You say sadly.
"It was so worth it." He smiles looking to the clouds.
"Um, what? Why?" You ask confused.
"Because I get to spend my day with you, and I honestly don't care where we are, or what we do. Just as long as we're together."


I didn't know what to do for Colby so I'm sorry if this chapters bad but at least it's something! Thanks for almost 500 views too, that means so much to me! If you don't mind and you actually enjoy this book, would you please go check out my other books? It would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! ❤️

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