The Things You Do When You Don't Have Wifi

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Colby: "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!!!" Colby yells at you from the other room in a variety of different voices.
"What?" You answer groggily, laying in your bed, slowly drifting off once more.
"No Y/N! There is a serious problem!" He complains.
"Unless someone's dying or the house is on fire, it's not worth waking up for." You retort.
"You're really gonna care about this though!" He whines more.
"What is it Colby?" You say getting more annoyed by the second.
"Well the wifi is not working!"
You dramatically get up and say,
"The wifi is out? What are you gonna do? Oh yeah, use your phone."
You fall back into the bed and cover yourself up with your blankets.
"That's part of the problem, I used all of the data for our phone plan..."
You look over to him and groan.
"All of it? Really?" He nods and you roll your eyes.
"This is why I hate sharing a plan with you Colby."
"I'm sorry but you know I can't disappoint my fans!" He explains.
"I know... But don't you have to shoot today?"
"Well no...."
"Then why do you need to use the wifi?" You ask, sitting up once more.
"I was bored and you were sleeping." He replies shrugging.
"So I'm guessing you want to do something." You say, raising your eyebrow.
"Exactly!" He exclaims, throwing his arms in the air.
"Fine." You sigh in defeat.
On one hand, you really wanted to go back to sleep because Colby had woken you, but in the other hand, a day with Colby without wifi sounded interesting.
Once you were both dressed and ready to go, you follow Colby outside and you started walking down the sidewalk.
"Do we have to walk there? Or... Wherever we're going?"
"Yes." Colby says simply.
The suspense was killing you, and there was no way Colby was gonna tell you what you were going to do.
After about 10 minutes of walking, you reached the park.
"The park? Really?" You ask.
"Come on Y/N! It will be fun! Besides, there's no kids around because duh, they're all at school." He smiles at you.
All of a sudden, he takes off and he's climbing onto the play structure.
"Colby, it says it's for 5 to 12 year olds." You say, afraid of what people walking past would think of two teenagers on a play structure.
"So? What's the fun in obeying the rules?" He says before going down the slide. He walks towards you, taking your hand in his, and dragging you back onto the slide.
You sit down and were just about to slide, when Colby put you in between his legs. Before you could protest that you could get hurt, he pushed his weight forward, you going down the slide with him. You landed on the ground on your side and giggled uncontrollably.
"Oh! Sorry Y/N! I didn't think you would go flying off the slide!" He laughs with you.
"It's fine." You smile as he crawls to your side. He leans down and kisses you softly before standing up and saying excitedly,
"Come on! Enough of the park. You're not gonna believe what we're gonna do next!"
"Oh boy." You say trying to sound unhappy.
He sees right through your lie as he takes your hand once more and leads you out of the park.

Sam: "Sam! Sam!" You call from the living room.
"What's up?" Sam asks, popping his head in.
"The wifi's down. You're not going to be able to do your YouTube update later today."
"Aww man." He says walking in.
"I hate to disappoint the fans." He sighs, sitting beside you on the couch.
"I could use my phones hotspot though." He smiles.
"No because it will be too slow. You need to upload it quick." You point out.
"Right..." He says as he thinks of another way you could upload it.
"What about at Colby's house?" You suggest.
"His wifi's even slower than my phone
Y/N." He says smiling.
"How about a double video update next Sunday?" He says after a minute of silence.
"Good idea Sam. But you'll need to come up with an idea fast."
"Hmm. Y/N. Call Colby. I'm gonna go write this genius idea down!" He tells you after a few minutes, before bouncing out of the room. You shrug and pick up your phone and dial Colby's number.
After calling Colby, you walk into Sam's bedroom, where you see him sitting at his desk, writing furiously on a piece of paper. You were just about to open your mouth to ask him what he was planning, but he raised his hand as if to silence you. You backed out of the room and sat on the couch to watch tv. You heard the doorbell ring shortly after, and went to get the door, knowing it was Colby. Just as you were about to open the door, it swung open  and Colby apologized, realizing he had probably almost hit you.
"I can't contain my excitement! I mean, we're doing a double update next Sunday!" Colby says as he takes his sweater and sneakers off.
You just shake you head at him. You hear yelling from the other side of the house, and Sam runs in clutching the paper in his hand.
"Colby! I got it!" He yells some more.
"What?!?" Colby yells equally as loud.
"Come on Y/N! You're going to be in this video too!" He says as he reaches into the near by laundry basket and throws some clothing at you. You barely catch it as he continues,
"Put em on! We've got a lot of recording today." He smiles as he hands Colby some clothes and grabs a pair himself. You head into the bathroom and slip on the clothes, not really knowing what they were. You look at yourself before asking aloud,
"Why am I wearing Colleen's clothes?"
A knock on the door interrupts you and you open it.
"Why am I dressed like this?" You ask Sam, who is waiting outside.
"You'll see! Just put the wig on." He says as you look at his clothing. He's wearing your clothes. You walk into the living room and see Colby wearing Samantha's clothes.
"We are going to make a Samantha, Colleen, and Y/N video! Mashup edition!" Sam explains excitedly.
A wide smile spreads across your face as you picture the possibilities of things you could do in this video. Sam awaits for your and Colby's reaction, while you and Colby look at each other. At the same time you both look at Sam and shout,
With that you all put together ideas, and you know that this was going to be one of the best Sam and Colby videos ever.


I would have updated sooner, but I blanked out for this one, but I wasn't going to give up on it! Thank you for voting and almost 1000 reads! That makes me want to write even more for you guys! The next chapter will most likely be up in a little over a week! Hope you enjoyed it!


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