He Loses His Phone

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Colby: "God Colby! Why aren't you picking up!" You say frustratedly, dialing his number one last time. When he doesn't pick up for at least the 7th time, you put your phone on your table and stomp to your bedroom. You throw your body on your bed and huff angrily.
"Colby..." You say quietly before closing your eyes, trying to clear your mind.
It was Valentine's Day and you had planned everything with him. You were so excited and you were supposed to call when you were ready. Let's just say you've been ready for 3 hours now and you've called repeatedly, all going to voicemail.
You had now given up, deciding that Colby had changed his mind, maybe even his feelings towards you. And to think, that you were going to tell him, after 4 months of dating, that you loved him...
You jumped as a banging noise on your front door startled you.
"What?" You ask yourself, looking over at the clock to see it was past 6 already. You hadn't even known you had fallen asleep. You rub your cheeks, trying to remove some of the stains from your tears earlier and fixed you hair before going to the door.
You open it to be meet a familiar face, Colby.
"What are you doing here?" You ask, surprised that he had even bothered to show up.
"Y/N. Oh my god. I'm so sorry." He says, engulfing you into a hug. You couldn't help but hug him back, even though you weren't sure if you should.
"Why didn't you answer your phone? Y-you had me worried sick." You say, getting emotional all over again.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I lost my phone and I was gonna drive here earlier but Sam was using the car. I just didn't know what to do. I feel like such a bad boyfriend everything's ruined." He grips your arms, almost afraid that you were going to tell him to leave.
"It's okay. I forgive you. I just thought you might not want me anymore." You confess, a small tear escaping your eye.
"No baby, don't ever think that. You're amazing." He says, pressing his forehead to yours. You smile at his words and kiss him softly.
"I love you." You mumble under your breathe, heat rushing to yours cheeks as the words leave your mouth.
"You... You love me?" He asks, unsure if he had heard you right.
"Yeah. I do." You clear throat before saying more loudly,
"I love you."
"Even after today... I just don't feel like I deserve it."
"Don't think that. You deserve to be loved. You are one of the nicest, best people in this world and I have the privilege of loving you." You tell him, cupping his face with your hands.
"Thank you... So much." It wasn't exactly the response you were looking for, but it would have to do for now.
After a moment of silence, and Colby absorbing your words he finally broke the silence.
"I love you too."
You give him a smile and pull him into the house, knowing the rest of your Valentine's Day would be full of pure happiness. And only because you were spending it with Colby.

Sam: "Ahh! Y/N! No! Y/N come here now!" Sam yells from your bedroom.
You had let him stay the night as you had been put late at the movies the previous night.
You rush to the bedroom, thinking that he had hurt himself based on the way he was shouting.
"Sam are you okay?" You say as you reach the doorway. You see Sam thrashing around in your bedsheets and automatically think something really bad has happened.
"No! I am absolutely not okay!" He shouts getting out of the bed and begins rummaging through your underwear drawer.
"Sam get out of there!" You say as you rush to close the drawer.
"Can't un-see that now." Sam says as he moves to your closet.
"Okay stop it! What is wrong?" You ask, getting fed up, you grab his wrists, holding him in place.
"I lost it." He says simply as he tears his wrists out of your grasp.
"What did you lose? Your shirt?" You ask, pointing to his naked chest.
"Because you have an extra stash here just in case." You say as you reach to pull out a box of his clothing from the top shelf of your closet.
"No. I don't care about the stupid shirt." He says, getting down on his knees and looking underneath your bed.
"Then what are you looking for?" You ask one last time, getting annoyed by this whole situation.
"My phone Y/N! I'm looking for my phone!" He says in a panicky voice.
You roll your eyes as you walk to your nightstand and point to it. It was sitting clear view.
"Oh..." He says, slowly taking it and unlocking it.
You make a sound of disgust as you head back to the living to continue watching your show.
"Wait Y/N! Wait!" Sam says as he follows you, struggling to put his pants on.
"I'm sorry! I just didn't want anyone to worry if I hadn't answered them!" He buckles his belt and puts on his shirt that he was holding in his hand.
"Was anyone worrying?"
"No." He says, dragging out the o.
"That's because I texted everyone, saying that you were staying with me tonight!" You shout, angry at him because all he seemed to care about was his stupid phone.
"I'm sorry Y/N. Let me make it up to you." He pleads, taking a seat on the couch, keeping his distance from you.
"How do you plan on doing that?"
"I won't use my phone, it will just be a day for me and you." He offers, putting his phone on silent and sticking it in his back pocket.
"Really?" You ask, trying to hide the small smile that was threatening to appear on your lips.
"Yes. Just you and me." He smiles.
"Okay. I'll except your offer, but use your phone even once, and the deals off." You give him a serious look, and he crosses his heart.
You smile at his actions and close the space between you, cuddling into his chest, his arms wrapping around you.
Some things are more important than your cell phone, and you have to cherish lots of those free moments and spend them with the ones you love.


Yeah so I hope you liked it, and I'm sorry for the disappointing authors notes previously. I'm just gonna continue writing, and I hope to make you all happy. If I've got over 2k reads and 51 votes than I think it must be some what enjoyable. Thank you so much and until next chapter,


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