He Stubs His Toe

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Sam: "Y/N? Y/N? Where are you?" You hear Sam whisper yell from somewhere in the library.
"Over here." You say in a normal voice.
"Shh!" Sam whispers as he turns the corner to where you were sitting.
"You can talk normally Sam you just can't be too loud." You tell him, giggling softly.
"Oh." He says before plopping onto the couch beside you.
"What are you reading?" He asks.
"Will Grayson Will Grayson." You reply before going back to your book, scanning the pages trying to find the spot where you had left off.
"Oh I've read that one." He says.
You look over at him and raise an eyebrow.
"And?" You ask.
"And what?" He asks confused.
"Well is it any good? Should I use my time to be reading this book?"
"Well it is pretty good so I think you'd want to finish it, the beginning is kind of messed up though."
"I realized that. But I guess it gets better if you told me to continue to read it." You say, flipping the page.
"Yeah." He replies before standing up.
You look up at him and set your book down on the table in front of you.
"I've gotta go, but I just wanted to say hi."
"Yeah, says the one who was searching for me in the library." You smile at him.
"Alright, alright." He says as he moves past the first leg of the table.
Unfortunately, for the second leg of the table, he goes and smashes his pinky toe into it.
He turns his head to look at you, his mouth opening wide. You knew he was about to cry out in pain, so you did the only thing you could think of. You stood quickly and covered his mouth with your hand.
"I know it hurts but you can't be loud!" You say, turning him around and looking into his eyes, which were now brimming with tears.
He nods at you and you slowly take your hand away from his mouth.
His mouth is pressed into a straight line, but he has little sounds of pain coming from him still.
"Let me take your shoe off okay." You say, bending down to reach for his laces. You look up at him to see if he was okay with it, and he gave you a few frantic nods.
Once the laces were undone, you carefully took his show off his foot, doing your best not to cause him anymore pain. You then removed his sock and looked at his pinky toe which was bent at a weird angle. You cringed at the sight, and you had no idea how he wasn't crying out in pain.
You looked up once more to find his face tear stained and stood up, taking his hand.
"Let's get you to the hospital, yeah?" You ask as he slowly stands up, you supporting him as he wobbles.
You grab his shoe, his sock and your book and make your way out of the library, him hopping on one foot.
It's not very many times that you hear someone breaks their toe when they stub it.

Colby: "Hey Y/N. What's up?" Colby asks as he walks through your unlocked front door, closing it and looking at you. You had a clear view of him from the kitchen so you rose an eyebrow.
"Ever heard of knocking?" You asked, continuing to write the paper that was due for school in two days.
"Yep, but I'm your boyfriend so it's not like it matters." He says as he finally makes his way to you, pulling out a chair from the table and sitting beside you.
He begins to him the tune of Hall of Fame by The Script, and you drop your pen, looking over to him.
"What?" He asks.
"Stop trying to distract me. I know that's what you're doing." You says, pushing his shoulder playfully.
"I'm not!" He defends, smiling at you.
You roll your eyes, trying to focus on your work once again.
Colby pushed you until you finally couldn't take it anymore. He bugged you and tried to distract you so much, that you just needed him to leave.
"Colby get out." You say pointing to the door.
"What? Why? You were working so well!" He says, trying to fight off his smile.
"You keep distracting me! There's no way I'm going to be able to get this done at this rate!" You say, growing more frustrated with him.
"Get out!" You point to the door once more and standing up.
"Come on Y/N." He says, standing up and trying to wrap his arms around you.
"No." You say, pushing him away.
"Listen, I love you, and I promise that we'll spend more time together once in done this paper." You say, spinning him around and pushing him towards the door.
"Y/N, let me stay. I won't distract you anymore." He pleads as you open the door.
"Stop fighting it." You say as you try to push him out. He puts his hands on the frame, stopping you from pushing him out.
You begin to push harder, and you see one of his hands beginning to slip.
With one final push, his hand slips, and he moves his foot to maintain his balance. Instead of catching himself though, his foot hits the door frame and he stumbles out of the house.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Y/N! My toe! My toe!" He says as he lifts his foot up, hopping around on his other foot as he holds his sore toe.
"Colby! I'm so sorry!" You say, pulling at his arm, trying to guide him back into the house. You instantly felt bad that he had hurt himself, and you couldn't just tell him to leave now.
"Sit down. I'm sorry. You don't have to leave. I'll take care of you." You say as you lead him to a chair. He sits down and looks up at you.
"Thanks I guess." He says, before taking of his shoe and sock, to see his big swollen toe.
"I love you." You say, smiling slightly, before going to the freezer to get him an ice pack.
"I should have just listened when you told me to leave." He says to you, stroking your hair. You hold the ice pack to his toe an he winces slightly.
"Sorry." You say.
"Don't worry babe. You can go do your paper now if you'd like. I'll be fine." He says looking over to your working station.
"I'll have time to get it done. Right now I want to take care of my wonderful boyfriend." You say smiling at him. He returns your smile before saying,
"I love you."
"I love you too." You say as he kisses your forehead.


I know this chapter kind of sucks, but I wanted to update. I've been working on my other books as well, and then there's lots of school work that I've been busy with so I will try to update every week, but if I don't then you'll know why. Thank you so much for all the reads and votes! The next chapter will be better!


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