What You Do Together On The Last Day Of School

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Colby: "Y/N! I'm so ready for this!" Colby says excitedly as you plan out your year end prank on the jerk face you have as a principal.
"Me too! Is Sam going to join us?"
"I don't think so... His mom will kill him and probably send him to summer school."
"Whatever you say." You shrug, still excited about this prank.
It was both of your last years of high school and you thought, why not have a little fun and you couldn't get in trouble for it since you had already graduated? You probably would have told Colby no if you would get in trouble.
Colby planned almost all of it, but you got your word in here and there. Your principal liked you a lot. You got good grades, were always nice to others around you, and did many extra curricular activities. In his eyes, you were a perfect role model for other students.
You knocked softly on the door of his office and after a few seconds he opened it. His expression was as hard as stone, angry looking, but as soon as he saw it was you, his features softened.
"Well if it isn't Ms. Y/L/N! Come in my dear!" He moves out of the way and motions you in, you accepting the offer.
"Hello Mr. Y/P/N. Hard to believe it's my last day here isn't it?" You ask smiling at him.
"Why yes. Please have a seat." He says as he sits in his own chair, which is the chair he needed to be in order for the prank to happen.
"So what brings you here?"
"Oh you know, last day of school, just finished my exams, so I thought, why not come see my favourite principal." You say enthusiastically.
"Well Y/N, you're one of my favourite students, if not my favourite." He chuckles.
"Anyways, are you still with that troublemaker, umm..."
"Colby." You sigh.
"Yes him."
"I am still with him and we're very happy together." You tell him sternly.
"I'm not one to but in on your personal business."
"Correct." You reply.
Now seems a good time to say the cue word in order for the prank to begin, so you say it,
"Pineapple!" You yell.
Your principal gives you a worried and confused look before you hear the panels in the roof shifting. One of them pops out and almost falls on you but you dodge it just in time. Colby comes out of the hole and starts chucking water balloons at your principal.
"Colby! Detention! You too Y/N!" He barks at the both of you.
Colby jumps out of the hole and lands smoothly on his feet.
"Technically you can't do that." Colby smirks.
"And why can't I?" Your principle sneers at Colby.
"Well, the bell to signal the end of the school had rung about, eh, 5 minutes ago." Colby says checking his watch.
"It is also the end of the school year, and another thing. We are no longer students here as we have graduated from this very lovely high school." Colby says, rolling back and forth in his feet.
"B-but..." Your principle stutters, his face flushing red from both embarrassment and anger.
"You need proof?" You ask, picking up the student manual from his desk.
"Take a look at page 27, paragraph 4." You give him the most innocent smile and head out of the room, Colby close behind you.
"Do you think you're his favourite student anymore Y/N?" Colby says as he reaches your side.
"Hey, like you said, I'm not one of his students anymore." You smile at him.
He smiles back as he says,
"This is why you're the best girlfriend in the world."

Sam: "I don't get why we have to be here, exams are done." Sam says from the seat beside you.
"Seriously, just deal with it Sam. You'll make it through one more day of school." You snap at him. You loved your boyfriend, but when he was complaining he could be a huge pain in the butt.
"But I want to leave, it's not like we need to remember any of this. It's the end of school!" He complains some more.
"We might get some extra grades or something. It will help." You try to prompt him to pay attention.
"Ugh. Whatever." He mumbles before placing his head on the table.
"Okay class. Since I'm sure all of you were listening very closely, it's a quiz, and yes, it does count toward your final grade." Your teacher says. You whole class groans in unison, Sam's groan being the loudest.
"I told you to pay attention." You lean over and whisper to him.
Sam gives you a disgusted look, and scoots his chair to the other side of the table. You sigh as the quizzes are being passed out.
You answered all of the questions except two, because you weren't sure of the answers.
Your teacher soon collects the test, giving you a smile as he skims over your answers.
"Very well done Y/N."
He moves to Sam next and sees no answers on his paper.
"Well I guess you'll be losing a fair bit of marks from your final grade Mr. Golbach."
"That's not fair! It's the last day of school!" Sam throws his arms up in frustration.
"Yes, but you are still in school."
"No! The last day of school is supposed to be fun! Not full of boring lessons and quizzes!" Sam shouts, standing up.
"Sam. Sit down. Calm down." You say grabbing Sam's arm trying to pull him down.
"No Y/N! I'm protesting against this! Who's with me?" Sam asks as he looks at the other students in the classroom.
A couple of them nod slightly and give quiet yes' and me's.
"What's that? I can't hear you?" Sam says, cupping his ear.  A few more of the students say yes.
"Say it so the whole school can hear!" He shouts, a smile forming on his face as the students yell,
"Chant it! No more grades! No more grades!" Sam begins, the whole class except for you joining him.
"Come on Y/N! Loosen up!" He says, grabbing your hand and making you stand.
"No more grades! No more grades!" You chant along, not caring anymore.
"Everyone sit down! Zeros for all of you! I swear!" Your teacher yells over the chant.
"Good luck with getting that across the school board!" Sam shouts as he pulls you out of the classroom, the rest of the students following.
You continue to chant as you get outside, pumping your fists in the air.
"Let's make this day awesome." You tell Sam as you both run off the school grounds. What you would do, you didn't know. One thing you did know, was that your parents would not be happy about this at all.


Woooooo! 1.29k reads! You guys are amazing! Also 25 votes! OMG! Thank you sooooo much!!!!! I never thought anyone would read this! I'm gonna update again ASAP and hopefully you enjoy! Feel free to check out my other books as well!

~ Julia ;)

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