He Swears In Front Of Your Parents

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Sam: You had a feeling this might happen eventually, considering you had been dating Sam for almost 6 months now, but you hadn't expected it to happen while you were at a dinner with your parents. Your parents really liked Sam, but you didn't know what they would do if he swore in front of them... So here is what went down...
"Oh my god, Y/N! Do you remember that time when Colby smashed his toe in the wall!"
"Yeah yeah, I remember." You giggle nervously, hoping he wouldn't reenact it. He didn't seem like he was going to, until your dad leaned over and said to him,
"Sounds like a good story. What happened?" Of course he had to ask, and you knew Sam loved telling this story, so much he knew it word for word, detail for detail.
"Okay so, I was sitting in the living room at Colby's house, with Y/N and we were just chilling, watching some tv, waiting for Colby to come back from the basement. He was grabbing us refreshments." He started with the biggest smile on his face. You parents smiled along and listened for the funny parts, but you just buried your face in your hands. He was eventually going to get to the embarrassing part involving you.
"He called to his mom to ask where the drinks were, because he was having trouble finding them. She replied and told him where they were, but he still couldn't find them, so he came up the stairs two at a time, going to get his mom to show him. We both looked at him and I thought for sure he was going to fall on his face, but surprisingly he didn't." He laughed a bit because it was now getting to the funny part. Here it comes...
"He was a little surprised himself and he looked over at us and gave a look that said, 'yeah, you saw that awesomeness'. He did not happen to be looking where he was going, so as he turned into the kitchen where his mom was, his pinky toe hit the edge of the wall, and he yelled fairly loud, 'fuck! That hurt!'."
Your smile as well as your parents smiles dropped. You knew he knew the story very well, as did you, but you did not actually expect him to swear in front of your parents. Clearly, they didn't expect it either.
He continued to the embarrassing part, involving you, not even noticing the mood change in the room.
"His mom got mad at him for swearing, since she doesn't really like that language. Y/N and I didn't even care that his mom was yelling at him. We were just laughing at him hitting his toe! His reaction was so hilarious, but Y/N's reaction was even better. She laughed like a donkey making me laugh even harder. I laughed so hard I was brought to tears!" He finished, laughing loudly at the memory.
Your mom made a quiet fake laugh, a little annoyed that Sam had swore. Now it wasn't the fact that Sam had swore that bothered your parents, it was the fact that Sam had swore at the dinner table while you were all eating. Your parents didn't say a word about it and neither did you, so the night carried on, but with a more awkward silence filling the room.
Sam still didn't notice that there was anything wrong, but you would be having a stern talk with him about swearing at the dinner table later on. Geez, you would sound like your own mother giving him a talk like that.

Colby: "Blah, blah, blah." Colby says to you making his hand look as though it was saying that.
"Come on Colby, I'm being serious here! I really want my parents to like you!"
"Why is that?" He leans forward so his face is closer to yours.
"Because I really like you!" You giggle, pushing him away.
"We've been going out for almost two months and my parents still haven't met you. They want to finally meet their daughters boyfriend."
"Don't worry Y/N, I'll be on my best behaviour. Besides what's the worst I can do? All were gonna do is watch a movie." He says before swiftly kissing your cheek and then knocking on your front door.
"Colby! Hi! It's so nice to finally meet you!" Your mom says before engulfing him into a hug.
"It's nice to finally meet you too Mrs.Y/L/N." He says hugging her back.
"Oh don't be silly. Call me Y/Moms/N."
Your mom lets go and he gives her a warm smile as she lets you both walk into your house.
"Colby, you can just sit in the living room."
"Okay." He says once he has his shoes off, and then heads to the couch.
"Y/N how long have you been dating this wonderful boy?" You mom asks, trying to contain her excitement.
"Almost two months." You reply nervously.
"What? Well why wouldn't you tell us then?" Your dad says as he walks in and you give him a hug.
"I was just afraid you wouldn't like him, that's all." You say shyly, burying your face in your dads shoulder.
"He seems nice sweetie," You dad says, rubbing your back. He pulls you away and looks you in the eyes,
"But if he hurts you, he is gonna pay." You could hear the seriousness and knew your dad loved you that much.
"He's a good guy dad. You'll like him. I promise." You say as you turn to go into the living room. Your parents follow closely behind you and you see Colby looking at the movies your mom had set on the coffee table for the event. He looks up and smiles as he says,
"How about The Vow?"
"You want to watch that?" I ask questioningly, knowing he wasn't into romance movies.
"Yeah, to please the ladies." Your dad answers, nudging Colby in the shoulder.
You sit with Colby on one couch while your parents sit on the other.
It gets to the part when she can't remember who he is, and you begin to tear a little. You couldn't imagine the pain Colby would go through if you couldn't remember him, and as you pictured him not remembering you, you thought your pain would be even worse.
You shuddered and Colby felt it as he had his arm around you.
"You okay?" He whispers.
"Well I was just picturing if either of us was in that position" You whisper to him, looking him in the eyes.
"No, don't picture that. You don't need to because we won't forget each other ever." He hesitates a bit before whispering so quiet that you could barely hear it.
"I love you."
It took you a minute to process what he had said, but you answered. It was the first time he had ever said it to you and you knew your feelings for him.
"I love you too."
"Fuck it." He said louder than intended as he grabbed your face and kissed you roughly.
For a moment you forgot that your parents were even in the room.
Your dad cleared his throat, before saying,
"Umm, you can kiss my daughter, but I do not tolerate the language."
You blushed and looked at Colby. He is as red as you are, if not more. You've never seen Colby this embarrassed or shy, be wasn't even this shy when he had asked you out for the first time.
"Sorry." He smiled before kissing you one last time.
You continued to watch the movie, or attempted to. You mind was clouded with the thoughts of how in love with Colby you were. You wondered if Colby was thinking the same thing as you.


So I'm trying to update more, so I wrote kind of a bad chapter, and I really should be studying for a science test right now... Why would I want to study for a test when I could be writing!! Hope you all enjoy, but I'm probably gonna go study now. Thank you for almost 700 reads! And 13 votes!


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