Tagz Be Like

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Oh no. I'VE BEEN TAGGED. *dramatically dies* By none other than mah home gurl _ARMY_FOR_LIFE_
Let the madness begin.

Q : Do you like anyone?
A : Unfortunately.

Q : Do they like you?
A: Pfft. No.

Q : Middle name?
A : Is this an interrogation? *I believe it's called an introduction* Ah. Good ol' Disney.

It's Elizabeth. 😂

Q : Single or taken?
A : Depends. Do my fictional boyfriends count? No. K. I'm single.

Q : Last person you texted?
A : powers077 we talked about Windex. It was exciting.

Q : Last song you listened to?
A : 'Sherry'. Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. :3 cuz I'm classy like that.

Q : Battery percentage?
A : 60%

Q : Female best friend?
A : Bro I have four. But probably Emily or Maria.

Q : Male best friend?
A : Tony. T-Swizzle. T.

Q : Favorite OTP's?
A : Oh Jesus. Jarco, Ereri, Birdflash (Christ almighty I'm Birdflash af), Reigisa, RinSuke, MakoHaru, Yoonmin (:3) aaand EmKon. (Emily X Conner amirite.) BUT SERIOUSLY. I SWEAR JARCO IS AN ANIME REINCARNATION OF BIRDFLASH. THINK ABOUT IT. THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE, THE SIMILARITIES IN WALLY AND MARCO'S PERSONALITIES (not to mention looks. Like whaaaa.) ASDFJKL.

That escalated quickly. Went from 0 to 100 real quick.

Q : Why I made an account?
A : I was looking for a way to read books virtually so I downloaded Wattpad until I figured out it was a fanfiction site. So I just rolled with it and now I'm here x3

True story morning glory.

Q : Current lockscreen?
A : Le Snickerdoodle (check da media bruh)

Q : Birthday?

So. I tag : Sugarfoot18   griffin53 powers077  musichick912  and T_rocks123 even though he's currently dead. I needed to tag more people Jesus don't judge me. E-Swizzle out.

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