Chapter 10 - Tsukinami Carla

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Tsukinami's Mansion

After Carla saved Janne from Shin, he immediately take her back to the mansion. Janne feels very embarrassed. She maybe have to thank Carla for saving her from Shin's assault but right now...she doesn't have any clothes on! Carla only wrapped her around his jacket and carrying her to the mansion. She knows Carla is not like his brother, but still...

"Uhm... C--Carla-san?" She call, but no answer from the man. Moment after, Carla finally stop in front of the door. Its Janne's room. He open the door, walk inside and roughly throw Janne to the bed, startling her. "C--Carla-san?"

"Hurry up and get changed" He said and leave the room. Janne only confuse, but she's better do as he said or he will get a spank or two from him and it scares her to death. Once she finished put her clothes on, Carla came back just in time. "Are you done?"

"Y-Yes" She answer. Now the situation become awkward again. He only looking at her but not saying anything. He only give her the same face as usual, causing Janne unable to read his mood. She have to at least say something but none of the words came out from her mouth. Maybe she have to apologize, but she did not do anything wrong. It was Shin who take her out from the first place.

"Well?" Carla finally let out some words.


"Do you have something to say?"


"No? I suppose you have something to say, especially an apology"

"Huh? Why should I be the one who apologized? It was your brother in the first place who take me out. Don't blame just I was taken out by your brother"

"You dare speak to me like that? To someone who just saved you? If I was not there, Shin would probably raped you. Too bad your prince did not come to save you"

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"I heard you screamed a name. Mukami Ruki. I assume he is your beloved one"

"If yes, then what?" Janne said it with confident. It is true. Ruki is the most important person to her in the world. She won't let anything bad happen to him. 

Hearing and seeing Janne's reaction when saying Ruki is her beloved one, making Carla amused. He let out a little giggle, confusing Janne. "Wh-What are you laughing at? I didn't say anything weird"

"Hmph. Looks like you don't know about it either" Carla said.

"Don't know what? Is there any secrets that I should know?"

"Well, it'll be bad if you don't know so I will tell you. A Genesis such as yourself, is not allowed in love with a being that are in same level with you" Carla inform her. His information causing Janne in shock but still showing in her face that she don't believe what Carla had just say to her. "Once you're in love with beings lower than you, they will fall in to a very bad luck. Only despair and pain that awaits them. I think that what happened to your previous friend"

"Wh--What? N-No. That's...impossible! Aru was dead because I lost control of my power and Eve was tried to controlled me!" Janne shouts at him. She don't believe of what she heard. There is no way Aruto was dead just because she's in love with him before. Even if its true, Ruki will probably dead just before she came home. "I...I don't believe that!" She's shouting once again. Her gaze fixed on the floor. She don't want to see Carla. She maybe said she don't believe, but deep in her mind-she's afraid that maybe true. Maybe the reason why Ruki didn't came to save her its because he... No. She shook her head. She can't think like that. She have to keep think positive that Ruki will come for her.

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