Chapter 9 - Tsukinami Shin

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It's been three days since Janne came to Tsukinami mansion. This kind of situation reminding her of the days when she was abducted by the Sakamaki's brothers. The feeling of felt scared every day. She's not allowed to go out the mansion and the only thing she's been doing besides eating, only to get her blood sucked by both of the brothers. Hoping that with Janne's blood, they will get stronger to save their race.

Janne still can't believe the fact that she is not a human. From the moment she aware about the power she holds and how her blood is the main source of the vampires, Janne already suspected something wrong with her. But, she is always denial about it and convinced herself that she's just a human. 

A Genesis. The rarest race in the world. 

She's still wondering why her parents never told her anything. She knows her parents know something. But... Until she find a way to get out from the mansion, she will never get a chance to ask them. Janne is wondering whether Ruki will come for her. She wants to see him. More than anything. She wants to by his side. She believes Ruki will come to save her and convinced her that everything will be okay and he will take her home. Back to where they belong.

"Ruki-kun..." When Janne is busy with her mind...

"Yoo!" Suddenly Shin appeared from the doors, surprising Janne. "How ya been? Bet you're already bored for getting locked up in this room" Shin said but Janne only looking at him. "Hah? What's with that eyes? Tch! Here I'm trying to be nice with you. You're bored right? Come with me, then!"


"Not 'Eh' Tch! You're so slow!" Shin irritated and suddenly picking her up.

"Waaa! Sh--Shin-kun! What are you--!"

"Shut up! Its because you're so slow that I have to do this! Don't struggle or I'm gonna throw you away" Shin said and while he's holding Janne, he headed for the door.



"Uhm, Shin-kun? Where are we going exactly?" Janne finally ask. Can't bear the silent between them. The distance from the mansion to the forest is not too far, but because Shin is not stop walking, Janne starting to wonder where are he taking her.

"Just a little bit more" He said. "There it is!" After he said that, Shin slowly putting her down. "Look!" Janne do as he said and when she take a glance on whatever Shin's pointed to... She could not do nothing but being, amazed of what she see. Its a lake in the middle of the forest. The water is so clean, capable to see their own reflection there. She touch the water and...

"Hm? Its...warm? Don't tell me..."

"Heh! That's right! It's a hot spring lake. You think this is only an usual lake, right? Well, many people got fooled because there is no steam coming out from the water. I always come here whenever I want to take a bath. Its more fun and relaxing rather than taking hot bath tub. Come on! Let's dig in!" Shin said and went in front of her.

"Huh?" Janne confuse.

"Why are you still standing there?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Huh? Are you stupid? Of course we're going to take a bath here!"

"Eeeehhh?!? N-No. I'll have to pass that" Janne said while she's blushing.

"Why not? Oh! Are you shy for showing off your body to me? Heh! Don't worry! I'm not interested with your body. So, you can take off your clothes. Hurry up! Or should I take it off for you?"

"Hell no! Alright I dig in! But, I'm not going to take a bath beside you! I'll take this side" Janne said and went to the Shin's opposite side, behind the big rock.

The Dark Queen (The Dark Series #2) - MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now