Chapter 1

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My heart stopped once again I don't know why but seeing him has that's effect on me.

Pierce gives me a reassuring nod and sirray just stares at him with her eyes narrowed.
I breath heavily, "Saige are you you need to go to the nurse,"

"Um no I'll be.... Actually yea I'm sorry I just have to go."I started walking towards the door when ace grabbed my wrist. My heart sank and my knees grew weak I pulled my wrist away and ran out.

No... I can't do this anymore.

I ran in to the girls bathroom and locked my self in the stall and started pacing around. I put my hand over my chest and clenched my fist feeling my heart thump rapidly in my chest.

I heard a knock on the stall door, "hey Saige you ok Pierce and I are worried about you" sirray said sadly

I opened the door,"I know I'm sorry all this is just to much"

"hey your my twin don't feel bad."

I really felt like arguing with that statement but sat quiet, remembering she's trying to make me feel better. I sighed washed my hands and walked back to class.

"Are you feeling better Saige?" My teacher asked.

I nodded a yes then sat down. The teacher began talking while I zoned out for the rest of class.

The class was finally over. It was time for me to go to the rest of my classes. Of course with my luck Ace was in both of them.

after fourth period I headed to the cafeteria. I walked in on a crowd of girls surrounding a table. I stopped curiously, was Pierce Holden and Reece.

Me and sirray were making our way to sit with Tiffany and Kelly. When someone popped up behind and hugged me by the waist.

"Hey babes."the voice said kissing my head.

"No no no." I growled and took his hand of me. "Alex go away!"

"Why are you so mean babes." He pouted pretending to be sad

"Number one I'm not your babes, number two I've had a rough day, and number three touch me again and I'll rip your hands of and beat you with it."I stated firmly.

"Wow your just like your mom and I heard what she said about that whole boy thing and I'm sorry." I guess in some ways I really am like my mom and know I know that Alex is so fucking nosey!

"Shut up" I said facing him

"What?" He said confused

"Don't say certain things out loud when curtain people in this school have super hearing" I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh" Alex was like a cute clueless flirtatious puppy sometimes... Well all the time.

I sighed and continued walking with him following behind me, "hey Saige took you long enough to get your ass over here." Kelly scolded playfully

"Whatever I said rolling my eyes and sitting In between Kelly and sirray I picked up my bag and looked inside and saw a blood bag.

Ugh moms

"Oooh mom packed you blood lucky"
Sirray said through our mind link

"Do you want it "I said out loud while Kelly and Tiffany stared at me clueless

"No you can have it"she said through the link

Ok I said back

I took a bottle out of my bag and poured it in.

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