Chapter 6- What The Absolute Fuck?

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Everyone anxiously stared at the door but just then a girl with beautiful light brown curled hair walked in, her glimmering blue eyes lighting up the room, the girl was followed by another girl who looked about skylar's age, she to had light brown hair she was very beautiful with on eye sparkling green emerald colored and the other crystal blue.

The room got quite and I stood ther on guard but completely clueless about what was going on

The smell of salty tears filled my nose and all I saw was a bunch of blurs within seconds the girls who had just stepped in were embraced in a hug by Pierce, sirray, Holden, and skylar but Reece was no where in the bunch.

I looked around and saw Reece glaring at everyone.

"What's going on here?" Mom said as her and dad broke through the crowd to see what was happening.

"Yes! My kids all of my kids are finally....together!" she said sniffing.

The two girls stepped out of the crowd, "scarlet Sharale you came home! I missed you girls so much."mom said Hugging them tight and sobbing.

"For gods sake can you stop crying we have bigger things to deal with.... Like for instance the strange visitor who suddenly showed up in our territory and started throwing trees on this cold winter morning.......other then the two strangers who already invaded our house." Reece looked even more annoyed and angry then before.

"Yes your right but now your sisters can help." Mom said smiling.

"Sometimes mom I wonder why you had so many kids and gave me so many irritating sisters" he turned around and sped upstairs.

"Wow well that was harsh....." I said awkwardly.

"It's because I'm here isn't it mom" one of the girls said.

"It's because of what happened back then isn't it mom" she looked down and I could see tears forming in her eyes.

I stared at her completely clueless of what was happening why is Reece mad at her what's going on.

"Don't worry I'll fill you in on the situation " Pierce said through our mind link

"I'm sure it's not that honey he probably just needs some time to think things through" dad said patting her back

"Time! Dad it's been five years and just seeing me disgust him how much time dose he need bc we are obviously not going anywhere."

All of a sudden the door once again swung open and there stood a guy with strawberry blond hair (who if I do say my self was quite attractive cx)

"I'm sorry to break your little family reunion and quarrels or whatever but sadly you are going somewhere... All of you!" He said with a strong accent while retracting his fangs?

I squinted a little and saw he looked a bit familiar.

As soon as he retracted his fangs he sped by and grabbed skylar by the neck. I snapped back to reality and sped towards them both. I grabbed his hand and broke it causing him to let skylar go.

"Nice try but that would probably work on someone other then.... Me" he said smirking

Mom quickly grabbed skylar while He popped his hand back into place and without even touching me he flung me towards a wall.

I squeezed my eyes shut ready to feel my back hit the wall but I was caught in someone's arms.

"Are you ok princess?" I opened my eyes and saw my dad

"Yea thanks dad" I jumped out of his arms and charged towards him.

I have no idea how he did that or why he's here! This is so weird it's like a crazy cliche movie.

I sped by him and swung at him and punched his face as hard as I could sending him flying into the table with a crack sound.

I stepped back and shock my hand then watched him carefully.

He got up and popped his jaw into place with a smile " nice shot... Princess" he said with a smirk

I growled at him under my breath and gave him a glare

"That was a great shot for... A girl but then again your a vampire so since you've had your shot it's only fair for me to have mine is it not?"

He stood there and cracked his knuckles and his Neck then with a bone chilling smile he came at me

I panicked and slide to the side trying to avoid his attack but instead I ended up crashing into the table.

"Tsk tsk tsk looks like your luck is running out." He said with a smirk.

He pulled his foot back ready to kick me but I was not about to let someone get away with doing that again. As soon as his foot was half way I grabbed it and flung him back without a single glance up.

As soon as he flew back into the kitchen I got up cautiously Pierce, sirray, Holden, and mom began running behind me whilst dad took skylar to the couch where the girl who was skylars age sat with her ready to dash to safety if needed.

"we are going to need all the help we can get. So don't let your guard down Sharale!" Pierce said narrowing his eyes at the Invaderdirection.

We heard rustling then out walked the invader

"you owe me a new shirt there.... Princess." he said with a smug little grin on his face as I let out a growl.

"Well I can't exactly stay here and play "Beat The Boss" with you any longer girlie so we will have to continue later.... Chow." With a snap of his fingers  he disappeared.

I looked around cautiously still not leting my guard down.

" He's finally gone!" I looked towards the direction of the voice and saw mom massaging her temples irritatedly.

"Same here but one question.... WHO THE HELL is "HE."

I'm really sorry I didn't update but I that's only because we moved to a different house a while ago and they still haven't connected the fucking Internet @__@ so I'm really truly sorry but I have a few mor updates in here for ya ;-)



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