Chapter 7- The Truth

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"Mom this is serious! Just when my life kind of gets normal all this crazy shit has to happen and then some crazy (insane, Mental kinda hot guy) has to come and ruin things by trying to hurt my family!" I said out of breath slightly whining and extremely furious.

Mom sighed and I could see that she was having a debate inside her head wether to tell me or not.

"Seraphina I think she deserves to know now." Dad said while glancing up at mom.

I looked at mom with eager eyes " Fine that guy who was just in her is..... Well he's.... He is my... My Ex! His name is...Cole" mom said slightly glaring at all the broken furniture.

(Her Ex! Ok scratch what I said about him being kinda hot because now that I think about it that's just ugh *mentally gags*)

"Y-your ex really!" Oh Lord! Wow....
H-Her... Y-your ex!...Is there any one else or anything more I should know of!?" I asked arching an eyebrow and crossing my arms

"No... Well not exactly. Cole and I met.... Well... A long time ago as you can see like way long before I even met your dad or new he existed...Cole was the person who made me a hybrid and I felt bound to him some how?" She said scratching the back of her head a bit while plopping down on the couch.

"He was sweet and I felt like I knew him so well and I actually loved him until I found out he was using me!"   Mom said sternly.

I then sat on a different couch as well knowing this would be a long story

"So I guess this is who I get my false hope from!" I whined in my head

"He wanted to make a hybrid army by most likely training the children he thought we were going to have together...With this new found Information I was furious, heartbroken depressed and betrayed."

(And I can really relate to this story)

"I then started to plan my escape, I wanted to start a new life as a immortal being but he found out what I was planning and was angry. He said I was a failure and he needed to eliminate me and start over.
I was terrified and began a life of fleeing."

"I ran away years and years each time he seemed close. But then there was a point in time where I stopped fleeing and got with your dad and had you bunch." Mom said pausing

"Well that explains a bit" I said

"I'm not finished though....once again the demon Cole found me and your dad and made thousands of vampires turn against me as well as your father but just before he did I separated the lot of you. I gave some of you to your relatives and took away your memories of your younger life untill a certain point in your lives where at that point they would return."

'So that explains a lot' I thought to my self

"But while I was separating the lot of you I was left with saige. Me and your father began to run but this time all three of us. That's where we found a cottage in the woods and lived in peace until the vampires attacked us that's when I had to give saige to an old friend/enemy but at a time like this I had to trust her with you saige, she played as your mother while me and your father strived to build a better place where you bunch would be safe."mom continued.

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