Chapter 4- This Has To Be a Mistake

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I placed my finger on my lips, I looked at ace who is scratching his head and looking down. He looks both embarrassed and surprised.( but hey I thought he would never kiss a selfless little reject right?)

I placed both hands on my cheeks which were slowly burning up, I could instantly tell that a slight blush was forming and I'm not gonna show him that he has an affect on me! Not any more at least.

I squeezed my eyes shut and sped upstairs. I run into my room and close the door. I can feel my heart racing, pounding and thumping against my chest, like it was trying to escape. I sat down and closed my eyes to forget but instead I remembered I saw him lean in and kiss again and again it was just to much! I opened my eyes and sat up.

My chest felt like it was clogging up and, it was hard to breath, and my stomach started to ache and feel light, I could still feel all the shocks flowing through my body. My lips felt Numb and I felt like I was losing feeling in my body.

I leaned against my wall and grabbed my head, "How? Why did I could I kiss him!" I squealed angrily  "I just said I wouldn't let feelings get the best of me but that's exactly what's happening! "Ughhh! " I screamed and fell into my bed "What am I feeling?! Why did I kiss him?" I mumbled to myself

"He's-he's our mate!" Sylvia howled.
"No! No! No! This must be a mistake!" I reassured

"I just don't understand! How did my life crash and burn all in one stupid Day!"

*Knock knock knock*

I hear a knock on the door but I ignore it and cover my head with a pillow. When I don't answer The door opens and in walks ace, ( the last person on earth I want to see.. Ever) my heart starts racing just as it was calming down when he sits next to me on my bed "Um Saige can we uh talk" he asks scratching the back of head. I hug my knees close to me and hesitate to answer. " I don't know are you sure if you can contain your self enough from stabbing me oh or maybe hanging me up on the wall?" I spat Rudely he sighed and scratched the back of his head , "I know we didn't get of on the right foot back at the pack house. it's just that I really don't know what that was about  so I wanted to talk to you about it."

I looked at him and laughed bitterly. "Didn't get of on the right foot huh? Just Save it ace. I know what it means as well as you do. I kissed you and I didn't intend for that to happen in fact I never ever ever wanted that to happen it's the last thing I wanted!"  I cleared my throat and continued " But yet it did happen. You know as well as I that your my.....I'm your... Well we are supposed to be. But let's get one thing straight I'm not falling  for you maybe last time I was naive enough but I'm sure as hell not the same person!" I puffed glad to get all that off my chest

"I get it but I just want to know if you're gonna..... Accept me?" He said with a serious look

" Accept you? You have some nerve do you know the heartache you put me through? I literally just finished picking up the damn pieces! im just  not sure. This is just hard on me I'm having mixed emotions about all of this crazy shit like it all happened in one day and it did give me some time to get my mind together"I stared at him as he stared back his brown eyes seemed to be trapping me in a mesmerizing cadge with no escape and before I knew it I was once again lost in his eyes with no escape. All of a sudden I felt like I could read his soul I saw sadness and pain denial and other emotions deep within and no my brain was even more mixed up.

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