
247 36 15

ogygia, 2015

Luke wanted to do something for Micheal after watching those memories. He didn't know why.  Maybe it was that he was Scared of his own image. He had been so rude before. It wasn't because he liked Michael. He  did not like the green haired boy.

Luke went to his loom and began to weave, Michael's was in need of new clothing. He remembered the strange blue pants and  interesting green jacket from the memories, so Luke recreated those.

When was pleaded with his work, he headed down to the beach where Michael was located. Michael was at his workbench, concentrating particularly hard on something.

''I brought you-"

Michael jolted, dropping everything he was holding. His whole body tensed.  "Bronze bulls, Luke! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

Luke had to remind himself not to smile, this boy was actually quite funny.

"I wasn't sneaking," Luke said indignantly. "I was bringing you these."

He gave the clothing to Michael, who looked surprise and even a little grateful. "How?" He asked.

"I do have a little magic, you know. You ruined all your clothes, so I thought I would weave something familiar."

"Thanks" He actually sounded generally impressed. Luke had been expecting sarcasm. "So . . . you made an exact replica of my favorite outfit. Did you like, google me or something?"

Luke was sure he had never heard that odd term in his entire life. "I don't know that word," he said, frowning.

"You looked me up. Almost like you had some interest in me." Michael claimed, smirking.

Luke huffed, this boy was absurd. That idea was ridiculous! He had no interest in him, He just watched the green haired boy and his memories for research purposes.

"Oh, yeah. You're really warming up to me," Michael said, grinning.

Luke felt himself flush. "You are the most insufferable person I have ever met! I was only returning a favor. You fixed my fountain."

"That was no big deal. I don't like it when things don't work right." Michael tilted his bright head back, laughing.

"And the curtains across the cave entrance?" Luke inquired.

"The rod wasn't level."

"And my gardening tools?"

"Look, I just sharpened the shears. Cutting vines with a dull blade is dangerous And the pruners needed to be oiled at the hinge, and -"

"Oh, yeah," Luke said. "You're really warming up to me."

Michael gaped, and Luke felt himself smirk.

After Luke's interesting conversation with Michael, he retreated back to his cave. He lazed around the whole day and drifted asleep. A nightmare overtook Luke quickly. 

He was in a dark room, with a voice that could only belong to his fathers.  He was trying to talk to Luke, and the only way Atlas could do that was through Dream.

"Ah, Luke. Still here, I see, despite all your visitors promises. Why do you think that is, my dear Son? Are the Olympians being spiteful, leaving you with no company except this fool with the bright hair?" Atlas boomed.

Luke stared into the darkness, attempting to keep his breathing steady.

"Yes. The Olympians are faithless. They do not give second chances. Why do you hold out hope? You supported me, in the great war. You knew that the gods must be destroyed. Why do you hesitate now? I offer you a chance that Zeus would never give you."

"Where were you these last three thousand years?" Luke asked, finally finding his voice. "If you are so concerned with my fate, why do you visit me only now?"

"the titans are slow to wake. War comes in its own time. But do not think it will pass you by on Ogygia. When I remake the world, this prison will be destroyed as well."

"Ogygia destroyed?" The term was hard to believe, however Luke knew that Atlas meant what he said.

"You do not have to be here when that happens. Join me now. Kill this boy. Spill his blood upon the earth, and help me to wake. I will free you and grant you any wish. Freedom. Revenge against the gods. Even a prize. Would you still have that boy Calum hood? I will spare him for you. I will raise him from from his home and family. He will be yours to punish or to love, as you choose. Only kill this trespassing boy. Show your loyalty."

As tempting as it sounded, Luke knew that it was wrong. Calum would never forgive him for what he had done, and besides . . . Michael had grown on him. A lot. He couldn't live with herself if he  killed Michael"

Luke held out his hand, in the Greek ward against evil. "This is not just my prison, Father. It is my home. And you are the trespasser."

"Don't forget about me," The wind dissolved Atlas's  form, and He was gone.

Luke awoke, his heart racing and pounding. Why would his father want to speak to him? It was probably just a silly dream. Wasn't it?

Even though it was just a dream, why did he save Michael?

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