Chapter 1

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Sometimes...not all of the time, just sometimes...I feel like a ghost. Like I don't belong. Like people see right through me. I can tap on someone's shoulder a few times and they never even notice me. I could say their name several times, and they don't acknowlage I even exist. When they do notice, I am shouted at that I should be less annoying and quit bothering them. I honestly believe no one would notice if I left, maybe one of the few groups I float around with might say "what happened to that one chick? I donno, I think she moved or something. Oh well."

The only sort of attention people give me is bad attention, I'm constantly being told how useless I am...I feel everyone's feelings and it bothers me to an extreme that I have no control over. I know you're gonna think I'm crazy for saying this, but I see spirits, and demons, and that stuff...its weird but you get used to it after a while, my best friend sees flashes of the future, and I have visions of things that could possibly happen. I once watched my ex get chopped up into little bits by a tractor...when i ask him about the tractors he said the next weekend he was going to a farm. He did not end up getting hit with a tractor though so its all good. Oh! I almost forgot, I'm Penguinz, (my parents were druggys don't even ask). Most people just call me penny, except my best friend, EeVile. Yes that is pronounced ee-vile. We have a strange history.

We've gone through some stuff together, he's been there for me as I've been there for him. I could give you a list of my problems but you might think me mad if I do. If you have not noticed by now, yes I'm British, yes I love Doctor Who. I need a damn Tardis.
Anyway, EE has been through a lot more than me, but I process things differently. I'm surprised he isn't as screwed up as I am.

Things get weird at my house, I hear noises, voices talking to me. Sometimes is hard to tell the difference between the real ones and the ones in my head. Foot steps often occur, when no one is awake. Things fall for no reason. I can have my ear buds in full blast, and I'll hear someone say in my name right behind me...when I'm home alone. I've seen demons creep into my room from the dark shadows believing they haven't been seen. I hear ghosts having conversations, I can't always make out what they are saying, but I've also learned to ignore it.

School. The hell they put you through before you become an adult, and there's nothing you can do about it. Everyone hates me. They think I'm weird. Stupid. Ugly. Lgbt. I'm none of the last one, I'm smarter than they think, just not at math, yes I'm weird, and I'm not afraid to admit it. I believe I'm ugly, and that's what matters, right?
Anyway, the interesting part of my life...

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