Chapter 13

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I wake up lying on something black. Hot, sticky, sandpaper material, rubs against my skin as I sit up. Shingles. I'm laying on the roof. I scan nervously for EE, but I'm not at his house. Its my exs house. The one before the one who died. The abusive one, who broke my arm in three places. Who thee me down the stairs,who called me worthless and made me believe no one else would ever love me. I dated him for a good year before breaking it off. Then my hunk of burning love found me, he was oh so sweet, muscular, football player, swooshy hair. I could never take my eyes off of him, until the night I had to. Now, stuck here, in love with my best friend, who doesn't want be with me, and for some reason on my ex's roof. I climb down the gutter like I did when I was dating him, after I'd snuck in, I'd sneak out. Chris was never the greatest, but he told me he loved me, and he was general at times. The sun is blazing mid sky, I'm pouncing across the soft multi blade grass as quietly and quickly as possible. I just needed to get out of there, before anyone saw me. Just as my left foot grazes the burning summer asfault, Chris' from door opens, I hear the familiar creak and click of the door closing behind whoever deemed to step out.
"Penny!! What are you doing here? Been a long time girl? How ya been?"
Its Darek, Chris' dad.
"I'm good, howa bout you sir?"
He jogs over in his old man kakihs, dress shoes, and button up. He was on his way to work.
"Awe, I'm alright, say, what are you doin over here?"
"Honesty sir, I have no clue, not even sure how I got here."
"Well do you need a ride? I drive right past your friend EeViles place on my way to work."
"Sure, that'd be great, just don't tell Chris I was here."
He laughs like I'm joking.
"Hehe well alright."
We get in the car, seat belts buckled. He turns the key and let's the engine of his his old beautiful mustang roar to life. She sounds like she just rolled of the assembally line. The radio kicks on, with his KISS cassett tape playing as always. As we back out of the cobblestone driveway, the front door opens, my heart stops midbeat. A bead of sweat forms on my for head, and I almost panic. Thankfully its just Cathryne, his mom. She waves then continues her business getting the mail and returning inside. We take off, above the speed limit as always. As Darek drops me off, I thank him and head inside, searching for EE. Its half past 2, I run as fast as I can up the stair, around the corner and down the hall. I rush into his room. Empty. I scurry downstairs to the kitchen, empty. Laundry room, empty. Living room, empty. His moms bedroom, her.
"Hey, have you seen EE this morning?"
Shes sitting on the opposite side of her bed, with her face looking at the floor. Her hands on either side of her, clenching the sheets. She slowly turns around to face me. Her whole from is completely darkend, it looks as though she wears a mask, with her lips curled so far up her face it rips into her gums. Her teeth are sharpened to a point. Blood drools out of her face, and she's drained of all colour.
she cackles like a hienna with a chicken bone splintered in its throat. Then she begins to change...into me! As I walk towards myself, I realize that is a bad idea and run back to EEs room. He's there, ripped to shreds, on every inch of the floor, blood sprayed everywhere. He's still breathing. His eyes flick at me from the bed. His jaw and mouth on the for my my feet whisper three little words with Hus last breath.
"I Love You."
Each of his scattered limbs shutter, then stop. He's completely still.
My heart is gone, I can't feel it any longer. That's because it isnt in my chest anymore. I can feel fake me's hand reaching through the huge hole in my chest. She punched it out. I collapse on the floor, my face in a pile of his blood, his hand is there, so I hold it. Its still warm. I close my eyes to say goodbye. But I open them again. I'm alive, no blood, EE is still asleep in his bed, and it was just a nightmare. He's okay...that's all I care about. Now where is EEs real mom, that thing wasn't her. It was the Shadow Man.

3 days later-
"Pen, hey wake up, Pen, please wake up."
I grumble and toss and turn.
"Pen, we have to go school shopping, Cmon, get up."
"Its June, let me sleep."
"No Pen, its August, school starts Monday, today's Wednesday."
I open my eyes, wearily, and not at all wanting to be awake at 11am. I sit up letting the soft blue comforter slide off my face. I look at him. He's perfect, he's already gotten dressed. I'm so tired, I slide off the bed and wrap my arms around his neck. I'm wearing his tee shirt and his sweat pants. His big pink lips land softly on mine, he places his big manly hand on my neck pulling me as close as he can, unfortunately that creates a problem for the both of us that we don't have time for. I tease a little but pull away to go get dressed in Walmart accepting cloths. I grab one of his Tee shirts out of the closet, and a pair of skinny jeans. I slowly take off the tee I was wearing, I can feel him watching me. His smooth blue-green eyes glazing over my whole body. I turn my back as I slip of the sweat pants and put the skinny jeans on first, to avoid him seeing my legs. My black skinny jeans and his white captain America shirt, boots and a pony tail. He's wearing boot cut wranglers, cowboys square toes, and a plain white tee shirt tucked in with a belt buckle that says "bucko".

"Cmon, let's get outa here."
"Not before you eat, that's why I work you up early, let's go to the kitchen." We go down the familiar creaking steps, and around into the kitchen, and sit down at the island. His mom is making breakfast, pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, and French toast. EE turns on the old radio I gave him for his birthday last year. It used to be my dads, he'd had it for ages, but never changed the chanel. Then our favorite song came on. HIGHWAY TO HELL, ACDC.
We both start singing along, and his mom laughed so hard she almost peed.

We eat our breakfast in the lightened mood, then head out by noon. Piling into his moms deep green suburban with pink flames on the sides. His mom is pretty weird and bad ass.
As we pull into the parking lot, its almost empty, we were expecting it to be packed.

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