Chapter 4

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*****Back Story---Jax, Ace & Jack, and Alex & Peater*****

I was sitting on the back seat, the fuzzy dice were shaking violently from side to side, hanging from the rearview mirror. That didn't bother Jax, still flying 120 miles an hour down the slickest road in the state...god he was stupid, but he was my boyfriend, could I have said to stop? Ace and jack were sitting up front it the passenger seat made for one, well they we standing. The sexy red 1964 convertible had its top off and the Halloween wind was whistling through her like the ass chewing yet to come. Alex was on my left, he too standing. Peater was on my right, as well standing. The five of them had already drank two beers before leaving the party, they've had three since we've been on the road, and are on another one...

The radio is all the way up and they're all shouting to a lady gaga song, it was 2013, so she was still pretty popular. Alex spots a kid in a costume, just walking down the sidewalk. He picks up one of the 30 ziploc bags of candy in the floor, and chucks it at the kid, it hits him in the head, but he gets up smiling because he just got a 2gallon bag of candy. When they run out of bags, its time for their next annual game, SmashTheMailbox. Peater picks up the sledge hammer and begins the games...that's when it started going bad. It sprinkled a little, but the boys were too drunk to notice, they were drinking yet another beer. The sky's had cleared up, the moon was full, it was truly a beautiful, horrific night. Peater hit one mail box a little too someone had prepared with gravel knowing what they would try that night. It flew off its post, hitting the handsome smart kid for my geography class, Jaremy. He fell out into the little one way street. Jax tried to miss him, but it was too late. It hit, blood covered the windshield, he couldn't see. He swerved, the car was flying through the air, instead of on the road. All I can remember thinking is "I'm so sorry". The last thing Jax ever did was turn around to me while the car was flipping upside down, he shouted "I love you honey!" I couldn't respond because we hit the ground. Jax and I were the only two that had been sitting, but I was the only one wearing a seat belt. The four others had been tossed from the car like rotten meat from a butchers shop. Alex was crushed under the trunk, Ace was chopped nearly in half by the window they decided to leave up, Jack was half smashed through the windshield, Peater was thrown clear of the crash, into his girlfriends window...already dead. Jax's head was nearly completely severed by the steering wheel I thought of telling him to fix weeks ago...but I didn't. I was curled up into a ball, upside down in the backseat, still buckled in. I didn't have my knife at this time so I was stuck to smell the burning flesh, and hear the screams of horrified neighbors. Peater's girlfriend was the loudest, we were just about to drop him off, she'd been waiting an extra hour. That's one way to make an entrance.

What seems like forever later, the fire, police, EMTs, coroners, and parents showed up. When I saw workers coming to put the fire out I decidd to scream, to let them know I was there. Just as I opened my mouth, I felt the motor explode, my seatbelt wasn't saving me. I skidded across the pavements for a good I was still conscious, or alive for that matter? I have no clue.
Before I black out I see the EMTs rushing toward me, they grab ahold of me to put me on a stretcher, then it goes dark. I woke up a week later in a hospital room, no stuffed animals or balloons from my boyfriend...due to the fact he was dead. Not a soul in sight, no noise, nothing... I was alone.

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