The Cleaning Quartet of Misery and Pain

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Written by: Larkin
Edited by: Shaylah

Levi had let some time pass after the baby shower. 3 weeks exactly. He would've punished the girls earlier for cheating during the drinking contest- but that's no fun. Oh no. He let them think they were off the hook. But it was now payback time.

For the first time in potato history, Levi Ackerman, Humanity's Strongest (Shortest) Soldier invited those brats over to his home without any coaxing from his wife.

Now all he had to do was wait.

Right on cue, the door burst open. In came Emma, Sophie, Shaylah, and Hannah. Larkin was already seated on the couch, looking very pleased. You see, it was Larkin's optimistic thinking that brought her to this conclusion: "Levi must finally be warming up to everyone!"

Levi smiled. But it was not the rare sweet smile he occasionally showed to his wife and child. No, it was more of a sadistic, "I hope you're ready for pain," smile.

Sophie raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "So what did you call us here for? No one's dying."

Levi's eyes glinted mischieviously. "Not yet." He made his way to the kitchen, and returned shortly with a bottle of vodka, and 4 shot glasses.

All but one of the girls shared a panicked expression. Hannah, being the only one who hadn't been in on the baby shower mischief was oblivious to what was about to go down.

"You just wanted some drinking buddies shorty? Thanks, but no thanks." Hannah said with an eye roll. Everyone else was deathly silent.

"No. I won't be drinking. Neither will you." Levi said, still smirking evilly. "Those 4 will though."

Four faces paled.

"Good luck. It's time for you 4 to really participate in a drinking contest."

Hannah, being the smart nugget she was, had figured out exactly what was going on. she grinned along with Levi.
The next morning was pure agony for the ladies. Each had downed at least 4 shots. And each had a splitting headache and nausea.

Levi had left earlier since he knew he'd end up taking pity on his wife if he stayed. She needed to learn a lesson like the rest, so he left Hannah a list of his cleaning regiment and told her to make sure it got done.

Hannah was happy she'd finally get to order everyone around, you see: Larkin and Shaylah were always giving everyone else in the Kawaii Potato Army orders. But now, it was Hannah's turn!

"Alright everyone! We're eating pizza rolls for breakfast, and then you guys will scrub this house from top to bottom!" Hannah grinned in the direction of the Corporal, and the Commander.

Pained grunts and groans were the only reply. Hannah felt bad- she wasn't a complete sadist. "Okay, fine. No pizza rolls for breakfast. But lots of cleaning."
2 hours later the quartet of misery and pain had polished the living room floor, cleaned Chicken Misaki's scribbles off the wall and taken turns puking in the bathroom.

Meanwhile Hannah was working hard on the consumption of some donuts.
Another 2 hours later Larkin and Sophie had hand-washed all the dishes in the sink, and scrubbed the kitchen floor.

Shaylah and Emma had been forced outside to dig up weeds. Emma had inquired pitifully: "Why is the sun so loud today?"

Hannah had no answer. But, she was working hard on brewing some tea for herself.
You got it, another 2 hours passed. Levi returned home, followed by the rest of the guys. None of them were too pleased about the drinking contest 3 weeks prior. And so they watched the miserable cleaning quartet clean. Shaylah was still vomiting.

Hannah and the guys were working hard on some Doritos and soda that Eren and Len had been kind enough to buy.
The home stretch was within reach! The quartet of misery and pain would suffer no more!

Sophie victoriously held up her cleaning rag. "We have been blessed by the Potato in the sky!"

Shaylah followed along. "He has rained down strength to help us get through this difficult struggle!"

Emma and Larkin did the Kawaii salute towards the sky. "Thank you, oh great Potato!" Hannah saluted as well, although she was covered in orange powder from the Doritos.

The men shared exasperated looks. Their wives were all morons...

Except Shaylah who had no husband. She was forever alone...

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