Happy Birthday Levi! Part 1

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It was a week before Shorty's birthday.

Larkin had been unusually quiet for the entire day. Sure, she'd gone about her usual daily activities. But Levi was quite weirded out by her behavior.

When he had asked her to clean, she simply did it. No playing dead, no banging on doors. Just cleaning.

The whole thing had Levi baffled. Was the little blond brat up to something?

"Oy, Larkin! Don't forget to clean Misaki's room later."Levi commanded, hoping to get some sort of reaction from the girl.

All he got was a faintly said "Alright."

Levi sighed in frustration. Had he done something to upset her again? She didn't even correct him about Chicken Misaki's name!
"I can't believe that man!" Larkin cried in frustration. "I swear the only thing he likes is cleaning products and tea!"

"C-calm down now!" Kirito laughed nervously at Larkin's outburst.

"No! I have to do something." Larkin pounded her fist on the table. She muttered some very colourful words under her breath because her hand was now throbbing.

"Why don't you just get him more tea and cleaning products?" Shaylah inquired.

"Cause! That's what he's getting for Christmas!" Larkin groaned and put her head down on the table.

"We could throw him a potato army style b-day celebration!" Emma suggested helpfully.

"I suppose that'd work. But what in the world can I get him?" Larkin fretted.

"How about you give him a demon?!" Hannah supplied helpfully, to which Rin gave an offended huff.

"Or another kid?!" Shaylah giggled as she wiggled her eyebrows.

Larkin rolled her eyes at Shaylah's suggestion. "Thanks, but no thanks. I wanna make it something really special!"

"Isn't a kid special?" Emma inquired.

'Yes, but this is the first time we'll be celebrating his birthday together. I just... I wanna make it really special." Larkin blushed as her friends shared an amused and affectionate look.

"Alright, tell you what." Emma stood up and smiled. "We'll all pitch in and make this the best birthday Mr. Grumpy Pants has ever had!"
The next day Larkin was missing..

Levi was extremely irritated- The brat barely says a word to him one day, then the next she just disappears? What the hell?

Chicken Misaki crawled over to him, and began trying to eat his pants leg.  Levi sighed and removed his daughter. "Where'd your brat of a mother go, eh?"

"Ma ga goo!" Chicken Misaki replied happily as she grabbed a fist full of Levi's hair and began tugging on it.

"Brats everywhere." Levi smiled fondly as he untangled himself from his daughter's grip.
Shaylah smiled proudly at the place they had found. Since they were keeping the party a surprise for Levi, they couldn't host it at anyone's house. So everyone had pitched in to help rent out a nice place to celebrate in.

The KPA and the menfolk- excluding Levi of course- were planning activities and decorations.

Larkin had basically turned into the equivalent of a bridezilla as she furiously drew out plans for the party, and made calls to all of Levi's subordinates.

No matter what- This day had to put a smile on Shorty's face!
It was the day they had all waited for. December 28th- Levi's birthday.

Larkin had been acting strange the entire week- and she was even worse today.

The poor girl kept pacing around the house, straightening pillows and pictures- and just acting strange overall.

"Oy brat! Sit your ass down or go pace somewhere else!" Levi said in annoyance as Larkin continued shuffling around the living room.

Larkin glared, and stormed off at this, and took Chicken Misaki with her.

Levi heard the front door open and close- Larkin was once again gone. What was going on with her? No one had been acting quite right lately. In fact- everyone had been avoiding the short man.

"What the hell do those brats think I did now?" Levi wondered aloud.

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