The Day Ereri Happened

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Written by: Larkin
Edited by: Shaylah

Hannah, Larkin and Emma smiled evilly. Levi wouldn't let them do what they wanted- so it was time.

Humanity's Shortest Soldier was about to be put in his place!

The 3 rushed off to their designated positions. Hannah was getting Eren, meanwhile Emma was making the setting just right for what was about to go down.

As for Larkin, she was positioned in the shadows to jump out at just the right time.

This was gonna be good!
Eren was shoved into Levi's and Larkin's room by Hannah.

Corporal Shorty was in the shower, and if Emma's calculations were correct- He'd be coming out in exactly 30 seconds.

The countdown began. Eren was locked in the room with no escape. Larkin was positioned outside the bedroom door with her key.

Emma and Hannah were now in the shadows, waiting to witness a great moment in Potato history.

The time had come.

From the other side of the bedroom door, there was quite a bit of yelling and grunting- possibly some begging for mercy.

Larkin unlocked the door with a quick twist of her wrist, and flung open the door.

On the ground was Eren, and Levi. Levi was shirtless and on top of a red-faced Eren, who's clothes were rumpled.

Larkin, Hannah and Emma stuck to the plan.

"...Oh. I see... I'm sorry for interrupting!" Larkin said quickly as she turned away and sprinted down the hall.

"Dammit! It's not what it looks like!" Levi grabbed a shirt ftom the closet before he ran off after his seemingly upset wife.

Larkin covered her laughter with feigned sobs, meanwhile Hannah and Emma got to work putting their pre-made potato decorations around the house.

A confused Shaylah watched her bustling subordinates. What was going on?
Larkin panted heavily as she tried to keep up her quick pace. There was no way she could outrun her husband. She sent a prayer to the mighty potato in the sky. Oh please don't let him catch me yet!

Poor Larkin's wish was not answered. Levi had pinned her against the wall of a building, looking upset and possibly pissed off.

Seeing as she'd been caught earlier than planned, Larkin had to keep Levi distracted just for a few minutes.

"Get off of me!" She cried dramatically, mustering up every ounce of acting talent she had- which was none.

Levi didn't seem to notice. "Would you give me a minute to explain?" He growled, feeling a bit frustrated.

"You know- I should've expected this." Larkin delivered a line with as much bitterness as she could. She failed. But Levi again didn't notice."You always said I was annoying, a stupid brat and-and..." Larkin stammered as she tried to think of something else to say.

Levi mistook this stammering as a sign the poor girl was about to cry. So he pulled her against him for a very rare show of public affection. "Dammit Larkin. You know I never meant it."

Larkin blushed madly, and automatically hugged him back. Please be done soon comrades, I can't hold out much longer!
Emma and Hannah stood back, admiring their handiwork.

Shaylah had been informed of the plan, and had somehow found a Kawaii Potato Army uniform to fit Chicken Misaki.

"Where are my parents, slaves?!"

"Wah! Ah ga!"

Just in time, the front door burst open, revealing a blushing Larkin and a once again stoic Levi.

"So how was your little make out session?" Rin snickered at the couple.

"Shut it, demon boy." Larkin mumbled, hiding her blush by ducking behind Levi, who's face pinkened just a little bit.

Rin and Kazuto shared an amused look.

"Never mind that! It is time!" Shaylah announced, climbing onto the recently polished counter. Levi cringed. Her boots were surely covered in dirt and grime.

"Get off my damn counter!" He ordered, seeing a small speck of dirt now in the counter.

"NEVER!!" Shaylah's voice boomed with pride. "COMRADES, HAND ME THE BABY!"

Larkin handed Shaylah her child Chicken Misaki and Shaylah held up Chicken Misaki in the air like Rafiki from Lion King.

Hannah kicked the boom box and the song 'Circle of Life' came on. "COMRADES!! ALL HAIL THE NEW GENERATION!"

Levi facepalmed and groaned as everyone celebrated, and saluted Misaki.

"That's right peasants! Bow down to your queen!"

"Ah maaa!"
The celebration lasted for a long time as it usually did. Everyone had gone home, and it was once again just Levi, Larkin, and Misaki.

"So, did you really think I was into that Jaeger brat?" Levi asked Larkin, who was cuddling a sleeping Misaki.

Larkin hesitated. She didn't believe Levi would cheat on her. Ever. But there were so many more pranks she could play if she said yes...

Larkin turned her face away so he couldn't see her small mischievous smile. "Maybe."

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