Christmas Eve At The Ackermans

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Co-Written by: Shaylah and Larkin

One Winters night, the Christmas Tree was up. The presents were all wrapped up to be open on Christmas Day.

But somewhere in the Ackerman's household, a certain blonde was sitting on the sofa watching anime...

"Oy brat! What do you think you're doing, neglecting your own child on Christmas Day?" Levi walked into the room while carrying Chicken Misaki in his arms, in hope to get his wife off of her latest obsession with anime.

"SHUSH IM AT THE GOOD BIT!!" Larkin hushed her husband angrily.

There was a power cut and all the lights in the house went off, including the Christmas Lights on the tree and the Laptop, Larkin was charging.

"What?" Larkin pressed one of the button. "No not now!!" Larkin furiously kept on poking at the buttons.

"Tch brat, put that piece of crap away and help me look for the candles. Levi placed his child on his shoulders and Chicken Misaki held onto his head to support herself as Levi and a depressed Larkin walked into the kitchen to look through the draws.

"Aha! I found some!" Larkin held up the object.

"Good job you found a match stick." Levi complimented sarcastically as Chicken Misaki giggled.

Larkin pouted at her stoic husband. There was a knock on the door.

"Don't tell me it's those bra-"

"I'll go answer it!!" Larkin chimed as she skipped to the door and swung it open. One by one, a hoard of friends walked into the house unannounced one by one.

"MERRY EARLY CHRISTMAS!!" Vivian beamed while flailing her arms about.

Levi had already found the candles and lit it up, placing it around the house to give the place a light glow.

"Are you idiots so homeless that you always have to target my house to freeload all your crap?" Levi sneered, annoyance lacing his voice.

"There was a power cut in our house and it's scary over there so we decided to have a get together in your house!" Hannah explained as they placed all the presents under the tree.

Levi sighed as everyone sat down on his clean sofa that he cleaned thoroughly, less than 39 minutes ago.

"I GOT THE BOOZE!!" Hanji held the whiskey in the air.

"NO! last time you brats tricked all of us into a drinking competition, you brats cheated!" Levi reminded them but while he was talking, Hanji already passed everyone their drinks and started pouring the whiskey into their glass.

Shaylah refused, being the religious girl she was. Ava had her own separate bottle because she was completely immune to alcohol.

"Too bad we don't have any Vodka." Akane pointed out sadly.
"I'm surrounded by idiots." Levi mumbled as Chicken Misaki crawled onto his lap, making the short Corporal smile at his child. "But I don't mind." Levi cradled his child close to his chest as everyone 'awed' at his rare smile and his affection.

"Hey guys! Now that we're all here, why don't we play in the snow?" Larkin suggested happily.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered as they began pulling on hats, jackets, and gloves once again.

"Aren't you all getting a bit old for playing in the snow?" Levi sighed in exasperation as Larkin attempted to force a jacket on him.

"Never!" Shaylah raised a fist in the air. "Snow is for all ages!"

Hannah patted Levi on the back with a huge grin on her face. "Come on Shorty! You can't poop on this party!"

Levi tched as he was dragged outside. The winter air was harsh and cold, but it seemed he was the only who notices- or cared.

Chicken Misaki crawled through the snow, getting snow all over her jacket and inside her boots. Even she was too caught up in everything to care about the cold.

"Hey Shorty! Check it out, we made you as a snowman!" Hannah snickered as she pointed to a tiny sloppily made snowman.

Levi glared at the girl, and threw a snowball offered to him by his daughter at the disrespectful brat.

"Ow! Think you threw that hard enough?!" Hannah complained, beginning to make snowballs of her own.

A snowball fight began almost immediately. Larkin laughed as she dodged the snowballs being thrown at her, and used her husband as a shield.

Ava was throwing the snow like it was baseballs. One hit Len in his man-bits, causing him to double over in pain. Sophie went all Yandere on Ava, and began screaming something about her Senpai needing to be whole to reproduce. Ava just laughed, because she was of course the Yandere queen.

Poor Vivian was being assaulted with snow by Hannah and Emma, while Rin and Kazuto watched in amusement.

Chicken Misaki attempted to copy Ava's throws. One of her snowballs hit Rin on the ankle, and he winced.

"That kid throws hard!" He rubbed his ankle which was now cold and sore.

Chicken Misaki seemed to be snickering at him. She made another snowball, and threw it, this time though- what she hit ended up shattering.

Levi swore loudly as his window broke into a hundred pieces.

"Good job Chicken Misaki!" Larkin cooed proudly at her daughter.

"Ma ga!"

"Don't encourage her!" Levi swore under his breath as he ran into the house to get the broken glass cleaned up. "Now the house is gonna be cold all damn night."
That night everyone slept cuddled up close to their partners.

Rin had his arms wrapped tightly around a snoring Hannah.

Emma and Kazuto were spooning on the couch, each sleeping peacefully.

Ava was hugging a body pillow with a picture of her Senpai on it since he was absent from the party.

Sophie was sleeping protectively on top of a somehow comfortable Len.

Even Levi was asleep. Chicken Misaki was nestled against his side. Clearly she was gonna be a daddy's girl.

Only Larkin and Shaylah were still awake. The two sat side by side in front of the fireplace, blankets thrown over each of their shoulders. Vivian was asleep beside them.

"I'm glad you came back from the dead for Christmas." Larkin smiled happily.

Shaylah gasped, and stood up. "You have broken the fourth wall!" She screamed so loudly that everyone woke up.

"Damn brats! Can't you keep your mouths shut for 5 minutes?" Levi said exasperated.

"B-but the fourth wall has been shattered!" Shaylah stammered.

"Shut up and go to sleep." Levi rolled his eyes.

The girls huffed, and laid down.

Despite the drafty broken window, the home was warm that night. Levi supposed he had his... Family. Yes, family- to thank for that warmth.

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