Happy Birthday Levi! Part 2

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Levi "tched" as he heard his phone go off. Pausing his cleaning efforts, he removed the phone from his pocket and answered.

"Hello? Who is this?" He said.

"We have your wife and child." A voice disguised by a filter said.

"Who the hell are you?! What are you doing with my family?!" Levi snapped, dread filling his stomach. He couldn't lose them too dammit!

All the colour drained out of him when he heard the sound of his wife crying and screaming in the background.

"Let me go please." Larkin's sobbing could be heard. "No not the Chicken!"


"If you want your family back, come to this address."
Levi arrived at the place within minutes. The place was dark, but the front door was cracked open ever so slightly.

The short man gritted his teeth. When he got his hands on whoever did this...

Levi made his way to the door, and peered inside. The lights were off, and there was silence.

Cautiously, he stepped inside. He couldn't help but be suspicious of this place... Something was off.
Levi gasped as he felt a body hit him hard.

"Yay! You made it!" The voice of a familiar blonde brat said happily.

"Wh-what the hell!" Levi looked around at the place which was now lit up. Streamers and banners were set up around the huge room, and all of his subordinates were grinning. "Happy Birthday Levi" Everyone yelled happily.

Levi was too shocked to get angry. First his wife and child are supposedly kidnapped, then he's in the middle of a fucking party?!

"Sorry about the way we got you out here." Larkin smiled apologetically. "But you know how hard it is to get you to leave the house to do something other than business stuff..."

Levi rolled his eyes, and hugged Larkin. "Thanks for the party, brat." Much to his annoyance the room unanimously went "Aww!" Or snickered at the corpotal's affection.

The only exception was Hanji- who laughed her head off then glomped Levi. "Haha! Shorty has a soft spot for a certain someone!"

"Alright guys! Let's get this party started!" Shaylah cheered. "Bring out the cake!'

A moment later, a gigantic cake was wheeled out and set in front of Levi. On the cake were cute little custom figures of the KPA, and all of his friends. Levi smiled as Emma came over to light the candles.

Everyone joined in on a badly sung chorus of "Happy Birthday" which Levi was all too happy about hearing end.

"Make a wish!" Larkin beamed at him. Levi rolled his eyes, but did as she said.

I wish things would stay this happy- forever.

Levi blew out the candles and the room erupted into cheers once more.

Everyrhing was nice- but somehow he felt this odd sense of deja vu...

'SURPRISE!" Hannah yelled as she burst out of the cake holding Chicken Misaki. Levi cursed loudly as the pastry had once again covered him in disgusting filth.

"Dammit Okumura!" Levi growled. Shaylah laughed hysterically as she took pictures. And Emma who was supposed to be the nice sane one- was pulling out a camera and snickering.

This time though, Larkin had also been hit with the stuff. She giggled as she wiped icing off of her face.

Levi stared at his wife, then reached over to wipe a bit of icing off her nose. "You look like a fucking mess." He smiled as she puffed out her cheeks at him. Chicken Misaki reached over and took a glob of cake off of Levi's face. Apparently the child didn't share her father's hatred of germs, as she stuffed it into her little face.

Shaylah put on some sunglasses, and snapped her fingers ever so coolly. Just like that, another cake was brought out. "Don't worry Heichou! This one is completely safe!"
Later that night Levi and Larkin had tucked their daughter into bed. The two sat peacefully together on the couch, the TV on low.

"Hey Levi?" Larkin said quietly.


"Did you... Have fun today?"

Levi tched. "How the hell could I have fun with all you damn brats doing shit like pretending to be kidnapped, and bursting out of cakes?"

Larkin looked down at her hands. "Oh." Tears threatened to spill. She had wanted the day to be special, she'd spent so much time with her friends planning- and he hated it.

Levi looked over at his wife, shocked to see she was actually crying. He sighed and pulled her into a tight hug. "I did have fun today. I just wish you idiots would stop bursting out of cakes."

Larkin sniffled, and smiled up at Levi. "Sure, we'll work on that."

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