Larkin Wants To Be Noticed!

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Larkin frowned as she watched her Senpai from the shadows.

Ava had been so caught up in spending time with her Senpai, that she had practically forgotten about her kouhai!

Larkin watched sadly as Ava laughed and held hands with her Senpai.

Tears sprung to her eyes. Had she been forgotten? Senpai wouldn't just forget about her, right?
"What the hell is wrong with you, brat?" Levi glared down at his wife who was curled up on the couch with a tub of ice cream. A blanket was draped around her shoulders and Turkey was positioned on her lap, also digging into the cold treat.

"Senpai forgot about me." Larkin said glimly as she stuffed a spoon of ice cream into her mouth.

Levi gave an exasperated sigh. "Tch. You talked to her 2 days ago!"

"But not today! Not yesterday! Senpai forgot about me!" Larkin wailed as she buried her face in Turkey's hair.

"Seid dir wa Essen?" Myako cooed as she attempted to comfort her grieving mother.

Larkin wiped away her tears and hugged her daughter before removing her from her lap.

"I will find a way to make Senpai remember me!" Larkin declared as she grabbed her coat and ran out of the house.

Levi face palmed and picked up a confused Turkey.

"Shitty brat."
Larkin ran down many streets, and got lost many times before reaching Ava's residence. A bag was held tightly in her right hand.

Instead of knocking on the door, Larkin went around to one of the windows and peered in. Ava wasn't home.

"Good." Larkin said as she forced the window open, and entered the dark home.

Larkin carefully stepped over the various dead bodies scattered around the room, and made her way to Ava's bedroom

"I'll make sure Senpai never forgets about me again!" Larkin smiled happily as she set down the large bag she'd been carrying.
Ava returned home and frowned when she looked around her. Someone had been here... Ava closed the living room window which hung open ominously.

Gripping her knife, Ava made her way up the dark, spiral staircase until she reached her room. Ava gave the door a good kick, which sent it flying across the room.

"EEK!" A familiar voice cried out as the door narrowly missed her head.

"...Kouhai?" Ava frowned at the small blonde girl who was standing beside her dresser.

"Uh... Hi Senpai!" Larkin smiled nervously.

Narrowing her eyes, Ava examined the room suspiciously. "What were you doing here, Kouhai?"

"I-I got you a gift, Senpai!"

Ava raised an eyebrow at the trembling blonde girl.

"I-I h-hope you l-like it!" Larkin pointed to a large fancily wrapped box on Ava's bed.

Ava walked over to the box, and positioned her knife perfectly in her hand.

With a quick flick of her wrist, Ava opened the box and was pleased to find many things that might come in handy.

"Good job Kouhai. I'm proud of you." Ava walked over to Larkin and gave her a small pat on the head.

"You like them, Senpai?" Larkin smiled brightly, happy that her Senpai was noticing her.

"Yes. I think the handcuffs and horse whip will especially be useful one day."
Levi frowned when Larkin returned home. The girl was much happier than she had been earlier.

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