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"Y/N WAKEY UP!" I felt my little 6 year old sister Thea bouncing on me
"I'm up, I'm up! Morning lil princess" I kissed Thea's forehead and got out of the covers and got ready for hell. Oops I should use the other term for it, school.

"Hey mom"
"Morning sweetie, you going to school with Lauren?"
"Yeah" I replied with my mouth full of Cheerios

A car honked outside which must be Lauren so I quickly grabbed my bag, kissed Thea and my moms cheeks, and went out the door

"Hey bitch" Lauren greeted once I got in
"Sup whore" I replied
"Where's Karla?" I asked
"She's sick so she isn't goin to school" Lauren said turning on the radio
"Aw is Lauren gonna be a good girlfwiend and check up on her after school?" I said in a baby voice teasingly
"Fyi YES. And don't go saying that shit when you don't even have a girlfriend" Lauren said back with a playful evil grin on her face
I huffed and pouted and started to sink in my chair
"One day.." I muttered
"Oh, what? What was that? Did I hear Lauren you were so right, I'm a single pringle and I love you and your bootiful?"
"Ha, you wish" I lightly chuckled
"Ugh, bitch!"
"Love you"
"Love you too"

Then we listened to Justin Bieber "Sorry" until we arrived at school 7 minutes early
This was practically mine and Lauren's friendship but mostly Lauren to me is the person I'd go to first to talk about anything to.
Dinah is the one I joke around with a lot. She's also the protective one.
Ally is the mama and makes sure everyone is ok.
Troy, her boyfriend is the same
Normani teaches me dance moves and is the only one that spends gas on me! (Cheap ass friends of mine..)
Taylor and I laugh together about Almost everything we see that seems funny
Zac shows the chill side of me and we just share favorite movies that we always watch on everybody's movie night
So yeah.
I'm the "baby" in the group cuz I'm the youngest and goofiest but I can be responsible and mature if I want to..sometimes.

"Y/n, Lauren!" A girl voice screamed our name across the hall
We turned around seeing Taylor (Taylor swift) coming towards us with Zac (Zac Efron), and ally running to us carefully in heels.
She's still the smallest.
We also saw her with Troy, her boyfriend

Then of course we saw Dinah and normani were following behind, holding hands

Times like these I REALLY wish I had a girlfriend or boyfriend ;-;

"What up guys"I greeted all of the weirdos..aka my friends

"Guess what" Zac said to me
"Chicken butt" I replied
Everyone looked at me, shaking their head while Taylor, Dinah, and I laughed
"Ok seriously, what's up" I said
"So y/n, we heard there's this new girl" Taylor said
"Shit, heard she was hella hot" Dinah said
"Heyy! Babe you told me I was hot" Normani pouted
Dinah quickly kissed it away
"DJ no swearing!" Ally said trying to look serious
"Nah I'm not that interested" I shrugged, I guess I wasn't feelin so awesome. It is Monday though.
"CALL DIBS!" Dinah, Troy, and Zac said earning a hard slap from all their girlfriends
The three was trying to convince There girlfriends that they were kidding but all of us were stubborn as shit
"I was just kidding babe, I only love you"
"Cough liar cough" I fake coughed quietly
Dinah was giving me a death glare like she would give me a poly beat down
"JUST KIDDING, NORMINAH FOREVA!" I cheered nervously

I started to block out what my friends were saying and started to hear what everyone else was saying

"New girl, ugh saw her and she's so fucking hot I call dibs!"
"Call fucking her first!"
"Too bad bro, already called dibs"

The hell? Are we in first grade or something?
Anywho, I was starting to get really curious about what this hot mystery new girl looks like..

All the sudden everyone started to back up
I was so confused but just proceeded to play zig zag on my phone
I heard people whispering but I blocked them out cuz I was at 100
I heard someone cough in front of me trying to get my attention but I was in zone!
"Excuse me" I heard a girl's raspy voice. I would've stayed where I'm at but the girl's tone was polite and sweet
"Sorry but I think that's my locker behind you" the girl nervously giggled biting her lip
I finally looked up and saw heaven.

The girl. She was a brunette with long, wavy hair. She was so thin dam!
Her eyes sparkled with a beautiful brown. She was about my height and wasnt wearing heels.
She was adorably hot.

I started to realize that I was staring once she started to blush
"I-I'm so sorry" I backed away and let her go to her locker which was literally next to mine
I looked down at my feet as a habit when I'm nervous or feeling stupid doing something

"Hey pretty face, why looking down all the sudden?" The girl asked me
She called me pretty face. Am I still alive?
"Um you okay?" She asked
"Y-yeah" I replied
I'm alive.

"Sorry I get nervous talking to new people." I apologized
"It's okay, I'm the same but you seem like a nice person" she smiled which made me smile and looked up again
"Camila" she said
"Y/n" I said
"What class do you have next?" I asked
"English" she said checking her schedule
"Oh same! Wanna walk with me? My friends already ditched me" I offered hoping she'd say yes
"Of course" she smiled

"Did you move here?" I asked trying to make conversation
"Yeah, I used to live in Miami Florida but my Dad got a new job and its here in California" she replied
"That's cool. I've been to Florida I think at least twice. I mainly Remeber going to Disneyworld!" I said starting to realize I'm showing too much of my child side
Camila was staring at me with a smile on her face and giggling lightly
"S-sorry" I said straightening up my maturity
"No it's ok! Your goofy side is really cute!" She said in awe
I blushed hard.
She called me cute to!

When we entered into English class everybody was looking at us. Camila with lust and admiration and me with disgust and hatred.
Wait but why- ohhhhhh I get it!
Can't believe that just now did I realize that Camila was the new girl!
Ha, almost everybody called dibs on her and the only one who didn't, she picked! Oh the irony

I ignored the death glares I received and went to my desk which was in the middle and backish

"Class we have a new student with us. Camila cabello. Please make her feel welcome. There is a seat next to y/n that you can sit at" he teacher, Mr. Swiss said
I ushered her next to me and scooted over.
"Hey English buddy" I said
That made Camila giggle a lil

The class was boring even though we had a cool teacher. Camila and I were just passing notes even when we're right next to each other

C- have you been paying attention?
Y/n-no, you?
C: I can't! When you write something down your tongue sticks out and your eyes are so focusing, it's so freakin cute!
Y/n: stopppppp
Camila: haha, do you maybe wanna hang out sometime?
Y/n: oooooh is you asking me on a date??
Camila: idk if I did would it be okay?..
Y/n: I never actually been on a date..
Camila: whaaaaaat, yea me too.
Y/n:...after school, 5:30?
Camila: yes! And I'm planning it!
Y/n: whateva I'll do it next then!
Camila: are you saying there's gonna be a second date??
Y/n: no! Well yes, maybe? Idk I'm sorry I didn't think about that
Camila: haha I'm just kidding!
Y/n: I hate you
Camila: you try but you can't

I was about to reply but the bell rang and Camila and I sadly had to split up.

"Tomorrow" I said

"After school" Camila said


"Remember dat!"





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