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"Ugh where the hell is she??" Dinah exclaimed frustrated as we've been trying to look for y/n for an hour now.
"My poor baby could be hurt or something" i said on the verge of tears
"Hey we'll find her, i promise." Ally said walking to me with open arms

Here's what happened after the whole wipeout.

We were all whisked to shore but unconscious so the lifeguards saved our lives. We were way far from our spot so i guess we landed on the opposite side of the beach. The only person that wasn't with us was y/n and now we're frantically looking for her.

"Excuse me have you seen a girl with (y/hc) and     (y/ec) that's wearing a blue bathing suit walk around here?" I asked a couple that was tanning

"no, we're sorry sweetie" they replied sympathetically. I nodded and sadly walked away

"Mila, why don't you grab a drink with us. You've been looking around for a long time and the lifeguards are already on the search too." Normani said softly as i'm in a concern and fragile state.

I hesitated but slowly nodded as i was feeling a bit dehydrated.
We went over to the bar where a shirtless bartender was showing off some tricks while making the girl's drinks

"Hey my name's Barry, what can i get for you today?" He asked with a bright white smile

"my girlfriend" i muttered quietly

"Come again?"

"uh a pina colada, please. And hold the alcohol" i said with a fake smile. I slumped on a stool and listened to Hailey whispering how hot the bartender was.

Not gonna lie, he is hot, but no one can beat my y/n.
3 girls went over to the bartender. Two of them had blonde hair and the other had dark brown hair.

"Barry! Can you watch our spot for us, we're gonna check on y/n" the girl with the british accent said.
Barry nodded saying "gotcha"

My ears shot up when I heard y/n name

Was she taking about my y/n? Well maybe it was a different y/n..
But what if it was her though?

My procrastination has gone on long enough that they left and i didnt notice.
I looked around and saw them heading out of the beach. I also noticed Dinah looking at them too and then at me. We nodded to each other as we had the same plan in mind.
We both slipped out of our stool and ran to catch up to the 3 girls

"Shit I forgot my phone!" The brown haired girl said.
Dinah and I quickly pretended to take a selfie to act casual as the girl passed by us to go back to the beach to get her phone
The other 2 girls kept walking so we followed them from a distance

"Do you think y/n looks cute sleeping?"
"I bet she looks hotter waking up!"
The two girls squealed as they talked about this y/n girl
Dinah rolled her eyes at them and I became concerned that if it was my y/n then why the hell is she sleeping in these stranger's house?? Did they kidnap her??

We continued to follow them down the block until My phone started ringing and the two girls looked behind them.
We quickly looked anywhere but at them. I checked who was calling me and it was Ally.
She wouldnt call for no apparent reason so maybe they found y/n!
But what if those girls have y/n?
I had to make a quick decision as the girls walked off again, making a turn as they pass a crosswalk.

"Fuck" i muttered as made the decision to press the answer button
"Did you find her? Is she okay?" I asked hopefully

"No Sorry honey but i called to tell you to come back because the hot bartender is doing tricks with fire now!!" She squealed
You've got to be kidding me. I get more pissed off as I see the girls are out of sight too so this plan is offically over.
"Godammit Ally!" I cursed
"Hey! No saying the lord's name in vain young lady!" She scolded but i hung up the phone and threw it in a nearby bush angrily before i could say anything back.

"Walz, calm down. I know this is not what you wanted it to turn out but there's a big chance that theose girls had a different y/n anyways." Dinah said wrapping her arms around me

"I know but there was a chance that it was her too" i said sadly.
"I know, girl. I know" she patted my back and hugged me tighter

"Lets head back. I need some more pina coladas" i said turning around but as i do I see the girl with brown hair next to 2 police officers

"There! Those two were following my friends and I and stalking us!" The girl pointed at us

"You have the right to remain silent" the police officers said as they forcefully put our hands behind our back

"Get cho crusty ass hands off me!" Dinah said squirming
"No! It's not what it looks li-" i was cut off by the sound of handcuffs hugging my wrists


A/n: oof. Finally updated though! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'll try making longer chapters, don't worry;)

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