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"WE IN HAWAII BITCHES!!" I screamed once we got to the hotel
We all cheered and took some tropical drinks from a lady serving them.

Mani came behind me and kissed my cheek.
Same with y/n and camila

"Were about to see a lotta romance on this trip" hailee said nugding lauren's shoulder.

We checked in and AYEEE were all in the king suite!
I dont know how y/n did it but i love it
Mani is with me
Walz is with y/n
Ally is with taylor
And lauren is with hailee

Once mani and I got into our room we both plopped on our huge ass bed
"This is gonna be fun" mani said smiling, looking at me
"What, the trip or in bed?" I asked smirking
She playfully hit me
"Dinah!" She screamed
"Is what you'll be be saying tonight" i laughed pissing her off more

She started to chase me around and lucky for her i drank a lotta shit when we came here so i was slower than usual
"Ha! Gotchu!" Mani cheered wrapping her arms around my neck
"Ya. You got me" i said looking into her eyes to see adrenaline and love

I leaned in and we kissed which quickly esclated to a heated makeout session.


Y/n was unpacking our stuff while i snapchatted and instagramed the beautiful view from the balcony.

I suddenly felt arms around me and melted into them.
"Beautiful right?" She asked, kissing my neck
"Yeah. The sunset is to die for" i said in awe

"I wasn't talking about the sunset." Y/n said making me blush.
I turned my body around and put my arms around her neck.
"You" kiss
"Are" kiss
"Amazing" kiss
"And beautiful" kiss

"Thank you and so are you" she replied back with kisses
Then we heard knocking on the door. I let go of y/n and opened it. And it was lauren.
"Dinner in 20" she said looking up from her phone
"Okay!" Y/n yelled from the balcony

I closed the door and plopped on our king sized bed
"So what shall we do in Hawaii?" I asked facing my body at her
"Everything" she answered looking at me
"You know. Some guys and girls were looking at you when we got here. You don't want to be punished do you?" I said to her seductively
"Hey I'm suppose to punish you! And is someone jealous?'' y/n asked with an eyebrow raised up

''DUH! I mean your hot and the total package. I'm not surprised that everyone drools over you but they should know that only I can drool over you.'' I said hovering over her 

''uh huh. What else can YOU only do'' she smirked

''this'' I kissed her neck

''and this'' then behind her ear which made her let out a small moan

''and..this'' I smacked her lips on mine and it was pretty heated once she asked for entrance which I quickly let her.

Her tongue was exploring my mouth and my hands were gripping on my hair while hers were on my waist and groping my breast. she went to my neck and attacked it with love. 

We both let out moans. I wanted to take it up a notch but then a multiple number of annoying knocks on the door interrupted us. I groaned as I got up and opened the door, not forgetting to sway my hips to frusterate her. 

The girls were behind the door and the first thing they noticed was my hickey and messy hair

''Oh Lord, What did you guys do in here?!'' ally screamed at us

''oh it's obvious'' Dinah smirked at us while I rolled my eyes blushing.

''oh please I heard you and normani from down the hall.'' y/n said which made normani blush and dinah glare at her

''come on and get ready, were gonna be late for our reservation! I'm hungryyy'' hailee said rushing us

When we got to the restaurant, it was hella fancy but still tropical in a way. 

''damn all of the food here looks good. '' dinah exclaims, licking her lips while looking through the menu

''what are you gonna order baby?" Y/n asked me, putting down her menu

" I don't know yet. The food looks really good but the dessert looks yummier!'' I said drooling over the chocolate lava cake that I have been eyeballing the whole time.

''oh baby, the dessert is being served in our room tonight.'' y/n whispered in my ear which made me blush and get goosebumps. I giggled while she gave me a soft kiss on my neck.

The waitress came to our table, practically half naked and y/n immediantly stopped paying attention to me. I looked over at her and she was pretty hot, I'll give her that , but y/n is mine so I would appreciate if she wasn't standing too close to y/n when this table is practically the same level of her hoo-ha.

This isn't the first time a stranger or waiter/waitress eye fucked her in front of me before so y/n knows when I get uncomfortable when it happens so I felt her hand rest on my thigh to reassure me that everything is gonna be alright. I sighed and melted into her touch.

''have you decided on what to order yet baby?" y/n asked me, waking me up from heaven.

The waitress rolled her eyes when y/n called me baby. I smirked. ''I don't know. Can I share with you babe?" I gave her my best puppy eyes and she nodded, kissing me on the cheek.

''That will be all thank you'' ally told the waitress politely but she left without saying anything before ally could finish. ''bitch.'' hailee and lauren muttered

''hey no swearing and were in Hawaii! these weeks are gonna be so much fun!'' ally exclaimed with joy. Y/n smiled. ''that's right ally. Tomorrow morning I set up a time to go surfing for our first times!'' She annouced

''That's so cool!''

''thanks y/n''

''woohoo!'' we all cheered happily.

Dinah raised her sherly temple. ''to y/n! and the start of an awesome Summer break with you weirdos!'' she toasted

We all joined our drinks together in the middle. ''cheers!''

Camila and I nodded to each other and quickly splashed our drinks on everyone and ran. I could still hear their squeals behind me and an angry Dinah and Lauren too. We ran out of the restuarant and to the beach. 

Camila tripped on sand which made me stop in my tracks. 

''go on without me!'' camila dramatically cried out

''I refuse to leave you!'' I said all heroically but ruined it by laughing at the cliche moment.  I carried her bridal style and ran to who knows where

''lauren gave up but dinah's still running!!'' Camila said looking back.

I ended up taking us to our hotel room and I quickly locked the door and we ran and hid in the bathroom like little children.

We were non stop laughing but we know that tomorrow morning, we are going to get it from all of the girls. We were sitting on the cold floor but then camila got  up and sat on my lap, facing me.

''you know, what you did out there when I tripped was so hot.'' camila whispered in my ear which made me turned on. I remembered that I was supposed to fluster her and quickly got on top of her.

''you know, you never got your punishment.'' I said kissing her neck as she started to breathe heavily

''is that right?'' she asked faintly as her breathing got heavier.

I hummed a yes and kissed my way down her body as she closed her eyes in content and moaned when I took i her left boob in my mouth.

and you can guess what happened next..

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