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I know what you're going to say. I'm literally the worst and the slowest at updates, BUT I finally got my ass to click on this book again and wrote more. Sorry if it kinda sucks- I'm losing inspo.. also read the last chapter if you forgot what happened (I had to lmao)


"Omg she's so fucking cute when she's asleep."

"I know I just wanna cuddle her right now"

"Hey! You can't cuddle with her because I want to!"

"Guys stop it! We'll all have a chance to spend time with her okay?"


"Guys i think she's waking up!"

I lightly groaned while rubbing my eyes. Even though my eyes were still closed, I croaked out "you guys are terrible at whispering."

I opened my eyes to see 3 beautiful and blushing girls circled around me.
"Sorry for waking you, love" Cara apologized along with Kendall and Gigi.
"No it's alright. How was the beach?"

"Ugh it was awful. We ran into these girls that were following us back home and stalking us." Kendall rolled her eyes

"Oh my god are you guys okay?" I asked finally getting up.
"Yeah. They're at the police station right now." Gigi said
"They won't be bothering us no more, sweets" she said wrapping her arms around me. Kendall and Cara scoffed looking at us.

I smiled. Thank god those stalkers are gone, I'd be scared shitless.


"Sir! We swear we weren't stalking those girls. You think just because we were going in the same direction as them, it means we were purposely following them??" Dinah angrily lied.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration and stress. Normally holding y/n's hand would ease off any bad emotions but she's still missing. I even told the police that she was missing, and he said that he'll "take care of it".

"Miss, i'm gonna need you to calm down." The officer said firmly. I gently patted dinah's shoulder to calm her down before she gets us in more trouble.

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breathe. "Ok. I'm good." She said calmly.
"Now, it's your lucky day because I'm going to let you guys go. There's no proof of you purposely stalking them, nor were there witnesses around the area that saw- the security cameras have shown that. I believe your statement that you guys were JUST walking in the same direction and have told the girls that already, so you're good to go." He showed a toothless smile and uncuffed us.

I exhaled a sigh of relief that I didn't know I was holding in.
"Thank you so much, officer!" I said while grabbing my phone back. He nodded as a 'you're welcome'

"Yeah..thanks man. And uh sorry for the yelling." Dinah said fidgeting with her fingers
He lightly chuckled "your forgiven."

We awkwardly walked out of the police station and was greeted by very worried but relieved girls

"Oh lord have mercy, thank goodness you guys are ok!" Ally said as she ran to hug us- along with everyone else

"Yeah, because I was not about to pay to bail y'all out" lauren said jokingly which got a smack on the arm from dinah and I. We all laughed and walked towards the car.

I fidgeted with my fingers as I thought about y/n again. I can't help but think about the worst case scenarios and worry more and more. I don't know what I'd do if something bad happened to her.

I stared out the window and tried holding back a tear until i felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to normani and she gave me a comforting look that told me everything was going to be ok, but I have a hard time believeing that.

"We're going back to the hotel. If y/n was lost then she'd probably just go back to the hotel and wait for us. She's going to be there. Trust me." She smiled and I gave her a small smile back.

What she said actually made sense. My baby is smart and would always come back for me..


"Soo y/n.." Kendall started.

"We were wondering.." Gigi continued.

"Would you move in with us?" All 3 girls said together

I thought for a moment. "Yes. I'll move in with you guys!"

I KNOW ITS BAD. I'm just winging it right now. So it can either get really good or absolutely terrible:) And I'll TRY to minimize slow updates from now on!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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