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It's been an awesome week. Camila has been officially apart of our squad!! What up yo! Haha I'm lame but anyways, the school still hates me because everyone noticed that Camila and I were the closest ones and practically everyone called dibs on her which was stupid in my opinion

"Camila, it's movie night" I told her
"Cool, just chill at your house and watch movies?"
"Yeah, it's my turn to get the snacks this week, will you come with me after school to get random shit?"
"Sure of course" Camila laughed

The rest of the day was pretty boring, nothing new happened, it was just like any other day.
Well until something else happened at lunch..
"Why is everyone so whispery?"I asked Lauren who was giving cheek kisses to Karla
"ANOTHER new girl" Lauren said not looking at me
"Yeah" Karla said with the same expression as mine

"Hey what's up with everybody?" Camila asked me
"Apparently there's a new student..again"

"We got a new hottie!" some random boy entered the cafeteria shouted
I realized that I stopped paying attention to Camila which made her look pretty upset and annoyed with this new student

"Hey cami, it's okay. You'll always be amazballs!" I side hugged her which made her smile again

Suddenly the door flew open and out comes a girl with short, wavy hair. She smiled shyly because everyone was staring at her. That's so cute!
I then saw Taylor pop up next to her
Looks like she made a new friend

Taylor saw me and headed our way
I see that Lauren and Karla payed attention to the new girl now and Camila looks more upset then before
"Are you okay cami?" I asked the little Cuban
She quickly put on a real good fake smile and nodded her head yes

I decided to not push it this time and faced Taylor
"Hey, my names y/n" I said to the new student
"Hi, my name is Hailee (Hailee Steinfeld)" hailee said
"Hey, names y/n. This is Camila, Lauren, and Karla" I said pointing at each person
"Nice to meet you all" hailee said
She seemed cool and laid back but still pretty and funny
I understand why Taylor is good friends with her so quickly now

"Did you just move here?" Karla asked
"Yeah, moved to a different city more like" hailee replied
We continued to talk and she's a real cool chick. I haven't laughed like this since Camila's and I's date

I squeezed my hands and felt no other hand there
I looked beside me to see that she's gone
Dammit and my terrible attention span
My eyes searched around the lunch room and she wasn't here
I then saw the girly Cuban walking with Dinah side hugging her
"Excuse me guys" I told them and quickly left the room before they can reply

"Camila! Dinah!" I called out
They turned and I saw something that broke me inside
It was Camila crying.

Seeing her cry makes me wanna cry.

Dinah noticed my facial expression and came to me
"Baby it's ok. She was having confusing emotions and came to me for advice. I have her the best one I could think of so I think you better talk to her. And your lucky I love you cuz I would've hurt you but your on the clear with this one" Dinah whispered to me and then left winking

I looked back at Camila. She was staring at the floor with dried tears.
I ran straight to her and wiped them off
"Please look at me" I begged
She looked into my eyes and I saw many emotions in them
"Can we talk outside" she asked quietly
"Of course. Wanna just skip school, I'll tell Dinah and Lauren to give us whatever were missing" I said in a goofy detective voice which made her laugh

She nodded her head and passed through the doors quietly
We came up to the roof and sat on the edge
"You coming?" I asked her seeing that she hasn't joined to sit next to me
"I I'm kinda scared of heights" she said shyly
I giggled lightly "no worries I gotchu"

She smiled and carefully sat down very close to me
It was silent for a while. But it was comfortable we were both looking at the blue sky and admiring the clouds and light wind
"I'm sorry I ran out like that at lunch. It's just that.." Camila stopped. Hesitated for a moment to reassure what she's gonna say
"I'm sorry I never told these kind of things to people before"
"Don't apologize it's ok..go on" I told her

She took a breathe and continued
"I don't know why but I didn't like hailee at that moment. Seeing her with you laughing and all gets this feeling in my stomachs that I don't like. I know that half a week isn't really a long time to figure out your emotions but I know this is real when I talked to Dinah about it...y/n, I like you. Like, like like you. As in more than a friend. Whenever we say I love you to each other I meant them so much. Seeing you with hailee made me explode inside which is partly a good thing because now I know that my feelings are real. You were the first person that ever talked to me when I entered to this school. I honestly thought I would have no friends. When I first saw you, I immediately wanted to know more about you. So I'm just gonna say it...................y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

A/n: ha sorry left you hanging Camila..anyway enjoying da story? Hopefully you are! Love y'all potatoes!

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