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Past few weeks have been awesome.

Hailee and I are great friends and y/n and I have been going strong with our relationship.
We already went on our second date which y/n planned and it was a night at the beach.
We were alone, the stars were bright, the sand was warm, the waves were soothing, and I was with my favorite person so that night was perfect

It was also the night of our and my first kiss!

"Cami can you play dolly with me?" Thea asked in her cute little voice
"I'm sorry little princess but cami and I gotta go to school" y/n came Beside me and kissed both of our cheeks
Thea pouted "I wanna go to school!" She begged
"In a few months you will and that's when you can come with us in our car every morning and jam out to songs!" I cheered which made Thea excited
I looked over to y/n and saw her smiling at us in admiration
"Ok princess, we'll pick you up after school for your play date with Sofi.." Y/n told Thea and gave her a tight hug
"Bye Thea" we both said
She waved bye and we headed to hell

In the car it was pretty much just comfortable silence.
The radio was playing music and y/n was beautifully humming the lyrics while I went on wattpad and started to read my favorite story.
It's called "Called Dibs"
I got excited that the amazing author has finally made a new chapter and started to read it

"Babe were here" y/n said unbuckling her seat belt and racing out the door to open mine
"Ugh do we have to be here? And thanks babe" I whined and kissed her cheek
"I wish we didn't have to and anything for you"
We saw the other girls at the hallways by the corner where we usually always meet up at
It was completely silent exept Normani and Dinah furiously texting on their phone
I mouthed to Lauren 'what's up with them'
She mouthed back 'text fight'
Everyone nodded their head understanding

"Oh no you didn't" Dinah snapped her fingers still not looking up from her phone
"Oh yes I did girl. Yes I did" Normani sassed back

I could see y/n, Lauren, and Taylor trying to hold in their laughs
Ally decided to speak up which was smart because nobody can yell at ally. If someone else tried to talk to them they'd probably snap at them
"H-hey guys" ally said shyly
Normani looked up from her phone for the first time this morning and took a deep breathe
"Yes?" She asked us
"Dinah stop being rude and face people" Normani slightly flicked her arm
"What happened to you guys?" Y/n asked
"Well I don't think you'd like the beginning much but we started off arguing if Camila or you would ask each other to marry them first....
Dinah said Camila and I said you but then it got serious but we won't go into detail bout it.." Normani explained

The girls nodded their heads while y/n and I were blushing red
Marriage? I haven't thought about that. Well of course I'm planning on having a future with y/n but I think it's too soon. We are in high school still anyway.
I looked over at her and her eyes says that she agrees

Then the bell rang and everyone went their separate ways exept y/n and I
We both went to English

The girls made it ackward because the whole walk there was silent
"Y/n, u okay babe?" I asked, concerned for my girlfriend
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just never thought about marriage.." She answered quietly
"Me neither. But don't let the girls get into your head. That's for our future" I intertwined our hands Togther which made both of us smile
Y/n nodded her head and we went to class and the rest of the school day peacefully and boringly.
I mean, it's school so..

In the car ride home y/n was being completely silent.
Usually she would be singing along to the radio and blasting it loud but now she is just paying her attention to the road and putting the music in volume a normal person..

My baby is not normal.
She is fun loving, carefree, and the most kindest person in the world and she shows it humbly but right now she is just blank.

"Babe?" I asked my girlfriend again in concern
"Mm hmm?" She hummed
"Anything bothering you?"
"" she answered hesitantly
Whenever she does that, it means she's lying.
She would never lie to me, even if the secret is soo serious, she would tell me anything and everything

It was my turn to stay quiet now.
Once we made it to her house I quickly reached over and locked her door before she can get out
"Babe you are driving me nuts. What is wrong?! Is it something I did? Whatever it is tell me because right now it seems like you are hiding things that I should know." I said full on annoyed and overly worried

Y/n was tensed up the whole time and had a scared and sad face
Her eyes were getting shiny and her nose was red.
My baby started to cry

"No no no I'm so sorry I didn't mean to sound mean, I'm so sorry baby don't cry" I immediately wrapped my arms around her
"Shhhhh don't cry baby girl" I comforted her
"Do you wanna talk about anything right now?" I asked her softly

She opened her mouth, about to speak. I'm all prepared for whatever she's gonna say, I'll always be there if she needs me for anything

"D-do y-you think I'm a b-bad girl-girlfriend?" She sniffed
"What?! What kind of question is that? No I think your an a amazing girlfriend, the best one in the world! Who made you doubt yourself baby?" I asked her in disbelief
It broke my heart seeing that y.n has been hating herself when she doesn't know she's actually perfect

"You remember the first day when you came to school?" She asked
I nodded my head remembering me bumping into her and talking to her in front of my locker for the first time
"You know when people were calling dibs on you?" She asked again
I nodded my head. It was so stupid
"Some guys came up to me and started telling me that your gonna break up with me and I'm the worst girlfriend ever and won't treat you right" y/n said not looking me in the eyes as a tear rolled down her cheek
I quickly wiped the tear away.

I almost cried as she said that. Dumbass people don't even know a thing about us.

I took out my phone about to text some people but then stopped myself knowing that I should be clearing things with y.n right now
"Babe look at me.." I lifted her head softly so I can see the pain in her eyes which made me feel like someone stabbed me in the heart

"Don't you ever listen to those people. Again you are the best girlfriend ever and I would never EVER, not even think about breaking up with you because you are so special to me that it's driving me crazy." I kissed her on her forehead and she slightly started to smile

"There's that beautiful smile that I love" I said which caused y/n to blush and smile wider

We just cuddled Togther in the car. Y/n started to sleep on my lap so I quietly picked up my phone and started a group chat without y/n in it.

To: China, allycat, manibear, planet green eyes, BALLS, Taylor:  

Girls meet me at the football field at school tomorrow at 7am. Don't ask why just be there please.

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