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I woke up with no other human beside me.. ;-;
Where's Camila?
Little foot steps interrupted my thoughts as I see a little top of a head trying to jump on my bed.

I even saw her little baby hairs bounce and she was trying to claw her way up the sheets like wolverine... Aw cutie!
I decided to reveal myself
"Morning princess, need help there?" I giggled at my little sister
"Yes...yes pwease" Thea said clearly out of breathe
I carried her up on my lap
"What's up lil princess? It's Wayy to early in the morning for both of us to be up right now" I said to Her.
Thea took a deep breathe and then spook
"I know but but but I heard cami sneak out which woke Thea up and then..... Cami told me to not tell you that she was going but but I am, which means Thea is bad girl because I broke her promise" Thea said In her lil baby voice and started to tear up

"Oh baby girl don't cry, your not a bad girl, your a good girl and I'm glad you told me this" I wiped her tears away
Why did Camila leave without telling me? What if she's cheating on me?? No. I shouldn't think of the worst straight away.
"Thea, princess why don't you go and get ready to go to grandma's. I'll make pancakes for breakfast!"
"MKAY!" She sprinted to her room and got ready
I chuckled at her cuteness and her love for food.
Reminds me of Camila ALOT

I ran my fingers threw my hair and got up to get ready
After all of that and eating breakfast with Thea I took her to our grandma's so she can watch over her while I'm at school, and I stopped by Starbucks to get coffee for Camila and I

"Venti Carmel Latte and a chai green tea please" I ordered

"Hey isn't that the slut that's gonna be broken up by Camila?" 

"Yup, she's even more uglier in person" I heard people purposely talking above a whisper behind me

They started to laugh aloud which made me feeling really down.
But then I Remebered what Camila told me and then got mad

"Hey! Shut the fuck up and stop being rude. You don't know a thing about our relationship!" I walked towards them not shouting too loud since we're still in public

"Oh yeah? Where's you little girlfriend now? Did she already break up with you?" One of the girls said as the other boy laughed
"No.." I answered looking down since I actually don't know where she is..

"Did she leave you early in the morning?" The boy asked
I looked back up at them again in suspicion
"Do you guys know where she is?" I asked them in shock
"Ha I bet she left her so soon because she was just a one night stand" the boy told the girl as they laughed

"I can fucking hear you bitches!, don't make me repeat myself AGAIN, do you know where she is" I asked them annoyed and worried since other people might know where she is and I don't even have a clue
"She's at school but-" I didn't let them finish and quickly thanked the person for my Latte and sprinted to school.
I never wanted to go to school this bad EVER

I entered the school to see.................

Killing me with their glares.
I sighed and walked over to my locker.

It was weird though.
Usually I'd see the girls at my locker or coming towards me.
Also the atmosphere is very thick. No one has been coming up to me to try and piss me off about Camila yet

Then the principle interrupted my thoughts

"Good morning students. For first period please go to the auditorium for an a assembly. Thank you have a nice day."

I followed the crowd that was heading to the auditorium. By myself. God I'm gonna kill the girls for leaving me.
I had to sit in the front row because everyone weirdly just headed for the backseats. Only like 4 or 5 people were sitting behind me...and those were teachers.
I rolled my eyes and waited for the assembly to start.

The principal, Mr. Benson, walked from backstage to the front stage and adjusts the mic before he spoke.
"Can I get your attention students. Now I know I said this was An a assembly's not." He said hesitating while looking at me.
People were murmuring in the back. Students looked like they were fake curious and some couldn't help but laugh. Even some teachers were smirking.

Then all of the sudden Dinah, Taylor, Normani, Lauren, ally, and Hailee walked out from backstage.
I shot up more confused then ever.
Hailee and Dinah was trying to hold in a laugh. I gave them a 'what the hell is going on' look
I gave the rest a 'you guys are so dead for leaving me alone' look

"HEY Y/N!!" Dinah waved loudly in the microphone
"Is this thing on?" Taylor asked tapping on the microphone
"Dumbasses of course it is!" Lauren shooed Taylor and Dinah away
I laughed at my silly friends but went back to a poker face remembering that I'm supposed to be mad at them
"Hey y'all! This is for y/n from Camila!!" Ally introduced.
The curtains then showed Camila..

I didn't have the finger energy to type the rest of it so I decided to do parts. SORRY AND EXPECT PART TWO TOMORROW!!
peace POTATOS✌🏻️

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