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"BEACH! BEACH! BEACH! BEACH!" Dinah and I chanted.

We were in our rented car, with ally in the drivers seat, Lauren in the passenger seat, Me in the middle, and Camila and Dinah by my side. Mani, Taylor, and Hailee went in a seperate car.

"Say beach one more time and I'll kick both your asses when we get out of this damn car" Lauren threatened, clearly irritated.

Dinah and I both stayed quiet but quietly giggled to each other.

Camila squeezed my hand when she saw the ocean. "WE'RE HERE!" She squealed in happiness.

We all got excited. What all the girls forgot about is that I reserved some surfboards for us to try surfing on. Lauren and I are the only ones here that have surfed before and are pretty decent doing so. 

We go out, met up with the other girls in the other car, and found a good spot. We all started stripping out of our clothes to show off our bikinis. I looked over at Camila and almost fell back. Damn she looked stunning. I smiled and wrapped my arms behind her and kissed her head. 

"You look beautiful. I'm kinda scared to bring you out there because I don't want anyone else staring at what's mine." I pouted 

She giggled "I already know your pouting without even looking at you." She turned around to face me and showed no shame checking out my body while biting her lip. 

"mm we should go to the beach more often if your gonna look like that in front of me" She said seductively still checking me out.


"MY BABY'S HOTTER THAN Y'ALL" I yelled back wrapping my arms around her neck and a leg over her front protectively. Camila chuckled and pulled me towards the water. 

We hung out with the girls and played around a bit and then I led Camila farther in the ocean where not much people were at.

She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms on my neck. I leaned in to capture her lips in a sweet kiss. "Today has been really fun" She smiled at me which made me smile back at her.

"Well it's gonna be more fun soon!" I told her which made her confused but excited.

We heard a camera shutter and saw Dinah taking pictures of us. She saw us catching her in the act and quickly swam away in the water.

We laughed at her "She's weird and obsessed with taking pics of us" i shook my head.

"yeah but I bet their cute. I'm gonna ask for those pics later" Camila smiled at how photogenic we are together.

Then,we raced back to shore which was where the girls were at. While everyone were building sand castles and destroying each other's sand castles, Lauren helped me bring out all the surf boards. 

Taylor and hailee were the first ones to notice us coming back with them

"NOO I'M GONNA FALL!" Taylor whined

"Oh sick! I call the red one!" Hailee squealed taking the red surboard.

The other girls came by and excitedly picked out their surfboard. I noticed Camila hasn't moved away from her sand castle yet so I got 2 boards for us and walked over to her.

"Babe why aren't you getting up?" I asked the girl covered with sand

"I'm gonna suck at surfing and probably belly flop in the water before I even stand up." She pouted, still focused on her sand castle.

"Hey that's ok. I'll teach you ,and if you fall then I will be right there to catch you." I held out my pinky for her to grasped on. She twirled her pinky on mine. "promise?"


I surprised her by carrying and running towards the ocean. Mani helped me take our boards with us.

I saw Ally, Taylor, and Dinah trying to stand up but then falling into the water right after. Then Lauren started surfing and did swerves and tricks. I smirked knowing that she knows she's showing off. "Oh shut up Jauregui!" Dinah yelled at her annoyed.

I laughed and rolled my eyes at them. I lead Camila into the water and got her on the surfboard.

"Lay on your stomache and when a weak wave comes by push out your chest and lay like a seal." She laughed at my terrible teaching but nodded anyways. 

A big wave was coming and I got Camila and myself into form but she wiped out which made me loose balance and fall in the water with her. I swam to her in the water and helped her float back up.

Once I caught my breathe I could here the laughs of the other girls and I stuck out my tongue at them. I checked on Mila "Are you alright babe?" I asked her cupping her cheeks in my hands and repeatedly kissed her cheek.

She giggled "yeah I'm fine. but THAT WAS SO FUN! I wanna do it again." She got out of my grasp and got on her board. I chuckled at her. Hey, at least she's having fun.

There weren't good waves thats gone by yet so we were all just playing bumper cars with our surfboards.

"I SEE A MASSIVE ONE!" Ally screamed. We all looked back and saw at least a 20 feet wave coming our way. Complete chaos immeidantly broke out.

"I DON'T WANNA DIE! I DON'T WANNA DIE!" all the girls started paddling for their life back to shore.  Ally and Taylor was almost in tears of how scared they were, Lauren and Dinah was pushing the other girls out of the way so they can rescue themselves, and normani and hailee bailed on their surf boards to cling onto ally and taylor for "safety." 

Camila? The girl koala-ing with all her might? oh yeah I think she passed out. I didn't know what to do. It feels like all my training just vanished and I have no idea how to surf. I procasinated too long and last thing I knew, a strong force knocked me out with, of course, a tiny koala still clinging onto me.








A/N: no you didn't die. (well idk actually lol) BUT YA. sorry I was died for awhile but I finally updated so that clarifies me ressurection:) HOPE YOU ENJOYED DIS CHAPTER. 

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