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First of all i found this bootiful video of fetus camila. Omg shes so adorkable❤️❤️

Camila's POV

I've never really liked being by myself on stage. It gets my adrenaline rushing faster than me with the girls in a performance with thousands of people.
I locked eye to eye with y/n and felt calm.

"Thank you all for coming, my friends and I wanted to confront everybody about an issue we have been ignoring for too long and now were just sick of it." I spoke into the mic looking at everyone in the audience.
I turned my head to the right to see lauren with her proffesional outfit. 

It makes her feel...Proffesional.

I knew seeing that she mustve had something already planned out so i just let her go first.
"And umm.. Lauren! Is here to talk about her part now."

Everyone lazily clapped their hands while lauren cleared her throat before speaking.
I went backstage with the girls and gave them a confused look and they returned a "i dont even know anymore" look

"Hello everyone. I wanted to talk to all of you about being high schoolers. You see the difference between high schoolers and first graders are the brains...(blah blah blah blah blah blah)" lauren continued her longass lecture.

Y/n was the only one in the crowd listening to her. Well of course, shes her best friend.
I kept staring at her and take all of her in.
She had her hair down and had light waves.
Her legs were on the chair in front of her which showed me her ripped skinny jeans which were my favorite on her.
Also she wore my favorite red crop top on her too.

I looked down on what i was wearing and it looked like trash compared to her.
She saw me staring at her and smiled.
I smiled back blushing bright red because she caught me drooling over her.

She mouthed 'bathroom' and i nodded my head, heading towards the bathroom.
I saw her and ran up to koala hug her.
"You smell good" i said in her neck, inhaling her strawberry scent.
"Thank you. You too babe" she said

I let go of her smiling but when i saw her she was pouting
"Whats wrong baby?" I asked worriedly
"You left me with cold air next to me this morning." She said pouting still
I laughed and kiss her sadness away which worked

We heard lauren boring the people out and saw that our friends came out of the auditorium too.
"Lauren is killing me with knowledge." Dinah groaned
"#Laurenforpresident2k16." Ally tiredly chuckled as we all laughed

"Why did you guys even set up this?" Y/n asked
"I was planning on telling everybody to stop bullying you about our relationship and that they have to realize that im already taken by someone special. Lauren...well we had no idea she made a whole lecture about this." I explained  to y/n

Y/n shed a tear and i quickly wiped it with my thumb.
"You set this up for me?" Y/n asked happily surprised
"Mmhm nobody is gonna mess with you as long as your with us and camila" hailee told her.

She hugged and thanked us.
"Well i think lauren got it from here." Taylor said
"Ya." Normani said
"...froyo?" We all said at the same time

We all headed out the door not really caring about school right now since lauren's speech will probably last all day.
I texted lauren to meet us at the froyo place after her talk
I'm just glad that y/n and I can happily be together without anyone trying to stop us anymore...
Well for a good 5 minutes at least.

Ariana was walking down the hall and she saw us and walked towards us.
Shes a really sweet girl and all but i know that she has had a crush on y/n way before i even went to this school.
"Hey y/n" she said nicely
"Hi ariana" y/n greeted back
I love y/n but she can be the most oblivious person sometimes.
Even hailee knew she liked her without anyone gossiping to her

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