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I woke up to the most beautiful sight ever. Last night was my first and I think Camila's too and I am so glad that it was her. I wrapped the sheets over my  body as I remembered that we were still naked. I checked the time on my phone and it was 4am. Damn.

I also got a few death threats from the girls and..ooh! my favorite wattpad book got updated! (CHECK OUT MY SEQUEL TO ''NEED YOU''!!!!!)

I read the chapter and then started to get ready. I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. I ordered room service for Camila and I once she wakes up.

just like that her eyes started to flutter open. I sprinted towards her and jumped on the bed, hovering over her.

''good morning beautiful'' I kissed her forehead and then her lips. She smiled as she rubbed her tired eyes

''morning gorgeous'' She raised her body to kiss me but ended up dropping the sheets from her body, revealng her breasts. She cutely wrapped herself in the blanket in embarrasment.

''aw babe, it's nothing I've already seen. Last night you were all over me with them'' I smirked as she blushed even more. 

''shut uppp'' Camila covered her face in the blanket. I was about to rip off the blanket away from her until there was a knock on the door. I went to go get it but was stopped by camila

''WAIT! check if it's Dinah!'' She warned me

I looked into the peep hole and saw who I expected to come. 

''close your eyes, it's not her.'' She hesitantly obeyed and I opened the door and took the food tray while saying a quiet thank you to the server.

I layed it all nice and pretty before I tell camila to open her eyes.

''ok open them!'' 

''oh my gosh y/n your so sweet'' she gave me a kiss and hugged my waist. We enjoyed breakfast together while talking what we wanted to do today. We were trying to enjoy the last few moments of life that we had before the girls come in and kills us. Especially Dinah. And just like that Norminah burst through our door, not even knocking. 

"how rude! what if we weren't decent? huh?" I scolded them 

"you owe us for dumping your drinks on us. y'all should be hella grateful I aint giving you a poly beat down.'' Camila and I put our hands up in surrender.

"anyways we smelled the bacon all the way across the hall and immediantly followed it." Normani said helping herself with some bacon. Camila pouted but didn't argue since Dinah was also hungry, and you don't want to mess with a hungry Dinah. They were eating like monsters while Camila and i were slowly stepping away, heading out the door without them noticing.

''how about I take you out for breakfast instead?'' I asked chuckling

"that sounds better" she laughed and got a hold of my hand while we walked off. 

We ate breakfast by the beach, and since it was still pretty early, barely anybody was there. Camila and I texted the girls to come down and eat with us, and of course the early bird Allysus was the only one who answered.

It took a while but we saw everyone coming towards us with grumpy and tired faces and ally with with a smile.

"Sorry it took so long, it took forever to wake up and help get everyone ready since everyone's stubborn here!" she shook her head at the girls who shot daggers at Ally with their eyes

"why are you even eating this early?? It's making me feel like waking up for school all over again." Hailee whined while slowly falling back asleep against Lauren, who is already fast asleep.

"We woke up early and wanted to eat here and watch the sunrise since Dinah and Normani ate our previous breakfasts." I wrapped an arm around Camila and she snuggled closer to me.

"So this is all your faults??" Lauren asked Normani, who stepped back, and Dinah, who just stepped further forward. but they were held down by Taylor.                         

 "um if you guys didn't remember, WERE IN HAWAII! Enjoy every moment'' Camila said to everyone, earning a kiss on the forehead by me.

There was a mix of 'whatever', 'fine', and 'I want food' from the girls as they all sat down.

I laughed at my friends but I couldn't be any more happier than to be with all of them...even if they all probably hate me right now....

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