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"Sofi, should I wear the white crop top or red one?" I asked my lil sister that was brushing her doll's hair
"The red one" she said looking up
"Thank youu" I ran upstairs to change
I looked at the time to see it was 5:15

I'm feeling really nervous
I don't know why but something about y/n intrigued me and I wanted to know more about her and spend more time with her
I guess you can say it's a lil crush..
"Kaki why are you turning red and not moving?" Soft asked inviting herself in my room
"..promise don't tell mommy and papa?"
She nodded her head quickly. She's always excited when she's told a secret
"..I kinda like someone and I'm going on a date with them!!" I squealed
"Yay kaki's in love! Is she pwetty?"
I checked the time again to see it was 5:25 and went to kiss sofi's cheek and got out the door

I got this!


"What do you mean your going on a date with the new girl??" Taylor asked excitedly
"What do you mean..when you nod your head yes-"
"Y/N!" They all yelled/ laughed
"Look, Camila happened to ask me out on a FRIENDLY date cuz I was the first person she talked to when she entered in school" I half told the truth
They all nodded understandingly
"She better treat you right, or imma beat dat pretty face of hers!" Dinah said all tough like
"Come on we gotta get you ready!!" Ally ushered me to the bathroom where ally and Lauren were doing light, neutral makeup just how I like it and Dinah, Taylor , and normani were picking out my outfit

"Casual or formal?" Normani asked
"She said casual" I replied
They all nodded their head

We finally picked my outfit, got my makeup done, and finished curling my hair in settle, loose waves

The door bell rung which startled everybody
All the girls fought down the stairs and pushing past each other and tripping themselves, trying to open the door

I sighed and shook my head at the weirdos I call my best friends

Here goes nothing..


You can do this..

You can do this..

I finally knocked on the door with shaking knees and sweaty palms
I heard various voices of screaming and moving
Although it was all at once, I knew that there wasn't y/n's voice that's screaming

Suddenly the door flew open which startled me.
There were girls that look around my age that were on top of each other's backs and ones even in a choke hold
"H-hi" I said uncomfortably
They all straightened themselves up
"Hello! You must be Camila!" The shortest girl greeted cheerfully
"Yeah, nice to meet you all" I started to slowly gain confidence
"My name is ally." The short Latina introduced
"My name is Taylor"
"Names Lauren, nice to meet you"
"Whaaat how come I'm last?? But anywho, wassupp Dinah here!" The tallest introduced which made me laugh

"Guys!" Y/n appeared pushing her friends out of the way.
Damm she looks gorgeous!
"Sorry were they bothering you?" Y/n asked which earned a slap from them all
"No, not at all! Your friends are really cool"

"Oohh y/n I like her!" Taylor said
Everyone else agreed with her

"Well shall we?" Y/n gestured the door
"We shall!" I don't know why but I went in and took her hand. She tensed up a bit but calmed quickly.
I was glad she didn't pull away because it feels..I don't right? Like our hands were made for each other
Sounds cliche but it's magical because I already got goosebumps

The girls shouted
Y/n and I laughed

We waved and I opened the door for y/n
"Thank you m'lady" y/n bowed
"Of course your majesty" I bowed
I closed the door and grinned widely like an idiot

I got in and we drove off
"Where we going?" Y/n asked
"I was thinking to go ice skating and then we can maybe eat afterwards!"
"That's sounds cool, but I have to warn you, I suck at ice skating"
"Don't worry I'll be next to you the whole time!"
I felt y/n blush next to me, I followed her gaze which was to our hands
We were back to holding hands again and none of us noticed until now
I gave her hand a light squeeze and proceeded to drive and hopefully not crash:)


I quickly got out of the car to open y/n's door
She thanked me and we went inside
After getting our ice skates on we went into the rink
I almost fell but I started to glide smoothly
I didn't feel a presence next to me so I looked behind me and saw y/n holding onto the edge
"What happened to being by my side??" Y/n pouted
Awww stop that! I really wanted to take a pic of that

I came over to her and held out my arm
She quickly took it and we went slow
"Hey I think I'm starting to get the hang of it!" Y/n stared at her feet in awe
I fell on my own feet which caused y/n to fall down with me
We both laughed our butts off on the floor of the rink, ignoring the weird stares we were receiving

"Come on, do you wanna get some food and hang around town?" I asked her giving her a hand
We carefully exited the rink and returned our ice skates

I drove us to an ice cream shop
I ordered a double scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough and y/n ordered a double scoop of cookies n creme
We walked around the streets just laughing and talking. I've been learning a lot about y/n. She has a little sister that I noticed she cares a lot about which I find really cute. Her mom divorced and it was harsh for her and her little sister Thea. I reassured her that I will always be there for her.

She also loves music, movies, and she's the youngest of all her friends.
I was only a month older than her

"W-wait you were chased by a wave at the beach?" Y/n was laughing uncontrollably, we were telling funny stories aka our life fails and we've been laughing Til our stomachs was hurting the whole time

"It hit me so hard, I fell!" Y/n laughed harder and we both were holding on our stomached
Y/n checked her phone
"Wow it's already 6:55!" Y/n said wiping her laughing tears
"All we did was ice skate and had like 5 rounds of icecream."
"Yeah but this date was the best actually, I had a lot of fun" y/n grinned which made me grin
"Yeah, we should do this some other time!" I suggested
"Of course"

We headed back to y/n's place
When we made it, they were all offering me to come in and hang with them. I passed the offer politely but then y/n gave me the puppy dog eyes and I immediately gave in

We pretty much talked and watched movies which y/n had like 3 giant bins filled with them.
I learned a lot about y/n's friends which quickly became my friends too.
I also played with Thea and she's so adorable. I told y/n about how Thea and Sofi should go to the park one day and we could go to the mall or something. She agreed and we quickly planned everything.

I cuddled closed to y/n. Dinah was at the other end of y/n. The rest of the night was filled with laughs and jamming out to songs with people that make me feel like I've known them for ages. I look to my side to see y/n smiling at me and I smiled back. She handed me a giant microphone pillow and we shouted the lyrics to One direction.

This. Right now. I just wanna stop time at this moment.

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