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"Ughh" I groaned trying to sit up from what feels like sand. I clunched on to my hair as my head pounded, making the situation even worse. I rapidly blinked but my vision won't focus due to the sunlight and my headache.

"You okay there, love?" I heard a british voice speak. I turned my head to the voice and saw a tall girl with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

"You looked like you weren't tanning on the sand, but rather died-ish." another voice giggled. Then another girl came up with dark brown hair and a pretty smile.

"Guys stop hovering over her, are you alright? Do you need to call someone?" Then another girl with dirty blonde hair and plump lips carefully helped me sit up. I rubbed my eyes and had a better look at the girls. Damn they look like freaking models! They're beautiful!

"Aw thank you, love. We actually are models." The girl with the british accent giggled.

"Delevinge. Cara Delevinge." She shook her hand out. "Those are my two best friends Kendall and Gigi." The other two waved.

"Nice to meet you guys. I-i don't know why I can't remember my own name. My head hurts too bad to even think right now." I said rubbing my pounding headache.

"aw it's ok cutie. We'll take care of you." Kendall said

"Do you remember what happened in the past few hours?" Cara asked

"no. not at all." I said getting mad at myself for not remembering.

"How about who you came here with" Gigi asked

"...not that I remember...I don't even remember coming here." I said looking a my surroundings confused.

They all looked at each other worried. They thought you were super hot and came by thinking that you were relaxing on the sand, but when they came up to you they saw how drained you looked, then decided to help.

"Since you don't know exactly where to go, would you like to hang out with us until you remember a few things?" Gigi asked hopefully, along with the other 2 girls.

I thought about it for a second. I did just meet these girls, but they seem harmless to me. Oh why the hell not. "sure." I smiled which made them smile widely. They all helped me up and guide me to their spot.

"Are you hungry? We could get something to eat." Gigi warmly smiled. I nodded my head shyly as we sat down on a beach towel. "BARRY!" Kendall called out and a man that had no shirt on came by. "could you get us some sherly temples and fruit?" Cara asked. The man nodded and scurried off.

"wow you guys have your own server?" I asked in awe. "yeah. We are on break from shoots and Cara owns a beach house here. Barry is our friend and server everytime we come here." Kendall explained. "Damn." i said quietly but loud enough so they can hear

"not to be ungrateful or anything but how come you guys are helping me and all?" I asked them. They looked at each other first. "well we thought you were hot as fuck and you seemed out of place when we came up to you." Gigi blushed along with the other girls.

They call ME hot? Someone get them a mirror!

"Anyways, do you guys-" I got cut off by a guy that looks way older than us

"hey you! Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you!" The stranger smiled at me casually.

"excuse me, who are you?" I asked confused. The stranger got lost in a trance and just stared at my bare skin which made me uncomfortably cover myself with the towel. Creep. The girls noticed too and spoke up.

"excuse me sir but she doesn't recognize you, so if you could please back off it would be much appriceated." Kendall told him off trying to hold back her anger and....jealousy?

"The others saw you lying there on the sand, I was about to get you but these kidnappers just took you." He said trying to grab my wrist. I backed away. "these girls were helping me. I don't know anyone here but I trust these girls way more than you, sir." I said getting annoyed.

He seemed to have enough of it and quickly yanked my arm away from my seat. "HEY LET ME GO YOU PERVERT!" I tried freeing myself from his grip. "what the hell is wrong with you man!?" Gigi screamed at him as the girls tried helping me escape.

Then Barry came just in time and pried the creep off of me. Once I was free we all stepped far away from the man. "Ugh stubborn ass bitches." the creep muttered while stomping away from us. Cara cupped my face in her hands. "are you alright, love? Did he hurt you?" she asked worriedly. I shook my head.

" I'm fine. Thanks for helping me and thanks Barry for saving me." He nodded his head as a 'your welcome'

I sighed and slumped on my beach chair. The girls were in front of me still worried from what just happened. Kendall was in front of me and she looks so very familiar....like i know someone that looks just like her...


Brown eyes..

Bright smile...

"-y/n!" Gigi snapped me out of my thoughts
"You were staring at kendall for a while are you sure you're okay?" Cara asked as Kendall blushed from all of my staring.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. I think I'm just gonna rest for a while." I said sitting up

"Ok you can sleep in our beach house. Its a few blocks from here and you can call us anytime you need something." Gigi said as she handed my a spare phone.

"Thanks" i took it and headed to the beach house and rested on the couch.

"(Sigh) the fuck happened to me?"

A/n: sorry for the crappy chapter but hey, I finally update right?

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