His Master: Encounter

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Rin Okumura sighed as he laid on his bed. "I can take care of myself," He mumbled. Why am I always treated like a kid? He wondered.
Rin glanced at his clock. "9:54," He muttered. Suddenly, there was a knock on his door. What's Yukio doing here? I thought he'd be working until tomorrow?
"Coming! Hold up!" Rin yelled.

When he opened the door, He blinked rapidly.
"A-Anabelle! What are you doing here?!" Rin exclaimed. Annabelle grabbed Rin's arm, "Rin! You have to help me! Shiemi is in trouble!"
"What do You mean?!" Rin yelled. "Demons came out of nowhere and attacked us! Shiemi told me to Run and get everyone! Please Rin, you have to help us!"

Rin quickly ran and grabbed the Kurikara blade from the side of his bed. "Show me where she is!" he exclaimed.
I know Yukio told me to stay indoors but I have to help my friends! Rin thought, As he ran after Anabelle.

Once the two were outside, Rin spotted Shiemi's unconscious body. "Where's everyone else?!" Rin yelled, As he unwrapped the Kurikara blade. Rin's blue flames appeared.

All around them were large demons flying through the air In a large mob heading towards them. Rin leaped into the air and began slashing demons.
More and more demons attacked Rin and he was quickly surrounded. "Anabelle! Hurry and get Shiemi out of here!"Rin yelled.
Anabelle nodded and ran to Shiemi.

A light smile appeared on Anabelle's face as she watched Rin battle the pursuing Demons. "it's as the rumors say. Rin Okumura is the son of the demon Lord Satan. How...interesting," Anabelle murmured.

Anabelle stood up as two horns began protruding from her forehead. She grew large talons and big black bat like wings.
"Kill him! Kill Rin Okumura!" Anabelle suddenly screamed. Rin had time to glance at Anabelle before he was slammed into the ground by a large red Demon. Rin coughed up blood and quickly rolled to the side as the red Demon punched the area where he had been, creating a large hole.
Anabelle? What the hell is going on?! Rin questioned.

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