His Master: Plan

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Rin was speechless.
"What do You mean, a curse?" he finally asked.

Demonica smiled. "I see I was right to choose that girl. In the end you can't save her."

Sebastian spoke up then, "Master Rin, what she speaks of is called the devils curse. Its not at all a curse but rather an ability many demons possess. It involves getting close to the individual and placing a contract seal on their person without their knowledge. Since it doesn't have the human's consent, the demon won't get their soul, however the demon has claim to it. It connects the two by an unbreakable bond."

"Take the curse off!" Rin demanded.
Demonica laughed in response.

Sebastian sighed, "it's not that simple master. To take it off a much stronger demon must overwrite the current contract with their own."

Rin was silent. He spoke after several minutes of silence. "Sebastian, even if you had another master you would still serve me, right?" He whispered.

Sebastian smiled, "Yes. I am bound to you by an oath."

"Then...You could overwrite the contract. I mean, it's obvious that you're stronger, right?"

"I could do that, if that is what you wish,"

"Then do it," Rin said.
"What do I do about Demonica?" Sebastian questioned.

"I don't know. For now lets focus on finding Shiemi." Rin said.

Rin felt himself being lifted up and held bridal style once again. "Hey! Put me down!" He protested.

He glanced up at Sebastian and noticed Sebastian's eyes. They were glowing a deep red. "Found her," Sebastian murmured.

Sebastian clutched Rin close to his chest and Rin instinctively wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck.

Sebastian quickly ran towards the girls dormitories faster than the human eyes could follow.

Demonica struggled against the cold silver knives that held her pinned to the ground. Damn brat! Sebastian will rue the day he crossed me! She thought.
"Oh dear...what a poor sight to see. Reduced to this by mere silverware!" A soft voice said from farther down the hall.

"Shut it! I will kill that brat!" Demonica yelled, finally removing several of the knives that held her down. She stood up and faced the person who spoke. "Why are you here?" she asked,
"I'm perfectly capable of handling this."

The person laughed. "Of course you are, vile demon!" they said sarcastically. "There's been a change of plans." they said, suddenly serious. "You can't kill Rin Okumura. Your presence is not needed anymore. Instead, there's something else for you to do."

Demonica clenched her teeth. "Oh yeah, what?"


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