11- Baby Shower

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AN: There is some reference to Stefan and Damon's mother which is why I'm not making her the evil, unloving person she is in the tv series. You'll know why once you've read it.

One week later

Caroline's POV

"What are you doing?! I told you that the decorations need to be exactly 15 centimetres below the ceiling! Otherwise the proportions will be off!" I felt like I've been shouting at people for the whole day. Why couldn't people do as I've asked? Was it that difficult? People these days...
"Caroline, I think you need to calm down a bit, you're scaring people," Bonnie advised me. I sighed and thought about how I probably should calm down. I was only stressed that we wouldn't get all the baby decorations done in time.
"Anyway, Elena's here since you asked her to come and check up on things. You being stressed will make her stressed," Bonnie smiled.
"Okay, I'll go and see her," I said. I walked off towards the front to see Elena walking in and over to me.
"Hey, how's everything going?" She asked with such calmness in her voice,  I just hope I could reply with the same calmness too.
"It's good, everything's good. We're all on track so it should be done in time, I hope." She gave me a concerned but questioning look.
"Caroline, please don't make yourself stressed over this. I don't want you getting stressed and upset over me," she said as she placed her hand on my shoulder.
"Me getting stressed? Never!" We both burst into laughter after this.
"You and stress are drawn to each other, Care. Are you sure you still want to organise this? It's okay if you don't, I'm sure Stefan and I could've just had a small get together." I shook my head at her response.
"No, no, I love doing this kind of stuff. You know me? Plus I want to show you both how much you mean to me by doing this. It'll be fun," I smiled convincingly. I loved doing these kind of things but I was stressing about making everything perfect. 
She smiled in response. "Only if you're sure and we both love you so much. We appreciate everything you're doing, you've taken a lot of stress off our shoulders," she thanked me.
"I'm honestly just happy to help. I want to be there for you as much as I can," I said before bringing her into a hug.
"I know you do, and I love you for it. Listen, I've got to go now. Stefan and Isabella are in the car since we're going to pick Jeremy up. He's out of town and my parents stayed in a hotel near here last night," she explained.
I clapped my hands together in excitement. "Well, I will see you later," I said.
"Of course, I can't wait. Thanks again and I'll see you later," she said before starting to walk out of the door.
"Bye!" I called back, watching as she turned around and waved again before she got into the car.

Elena's POV

I waved to Caroline before getting into the car with Stefan and Isabella.
He ignited the engine and started to reverse out. "How's Caroline?"
"Stressed, like normal," I replied. We didn't expected anything different from Caroline since it's always been her thing, but I really wished she wouldn't get stressed. I can guarantee that if she was stressed, I would be stressed.
The car ride wasn't too long, it was about 45 minutes. 45 minutes of both Stefan and I laughing, flirting and just enjoying each other's presence. I loved spending longer periods of time with Stefan since I don't get to see him much during the weeks.
Before I knew it, we had arrived and I was seeing Jeremy for the first time in what felt like forever.
"Hey Jer," I said as he got into the back of the car.
"Hey, it's feels like forever since I've seen you all," he said as Stefan started to drive again. I nodded in agreement, happy that I get to see my brother again.
We spent the majority of the car ride catching up and just talking about random things. I loved how well Jeremy and Stefan got along, and how amazing Jeremy was with Isabella.

I was so glad that we all decided to get dressed up for the shower before we left. Travelling back and forth to get Jeremy literally left us with no time.
Once Stefan had parked we all got out, I unstrapped Isabella and carried her in with Stefan and Jeremy on either side of me. When we walked through the door all you could see was our family and friends talking and laughing with each other. Jeremy went off to see our parents and Caroline swiftly came running over to us.
"Hey you guys made it! Liking what you see?" She was so happy with how everything turned out, and I was more than happy to see her stress-free.
"It all looks great, Caroline. Thank you so much," I said as I brought her into a brief hug. After hugging me, Caroline hugged Stefan followed by Isabella.
"I'll take her for a while if you want," she asked gesturing to Isabella.
"Aw you don't have you, you've already done so much," I replied.
"It's no trouble. Now go and mingle you two!" She playfully said whilst taking Isabella from Stefan's grasp and walking away. Stefan lifted his hand up towards me and raised his eyebrows, suggesting that we take Caroline's advice. I willingly took it and walked with him over to our family.
We spent over an hour talking with our family and friends, all of them were excited to find out the gender. Stefan and I exchanged kisses and hugs from time to time and we never let go of each other's hand. We were both talking to my parents until we heard a familiar voice behind us.
"Elena!" The voice called and immediately I knew who it was.
"Meredith?" I asked, turning around to face her, excited to see her again.
"Hey!" She said as we brought ourselves into a tight hug.
"I'm so glad you could come," I said as we drew out of the hug. I took Stefan's hand into my grasp again.
"Of course, I wouldn't miss one of my best friend's baby shower." She lightly placed her hand on my shoulder in a joking manner as we both laughed. It was good to have Meredith back, I've definitely missed her.
"Okay, it's present time! And then after we'll reveal the gender," Caroline squealed to me. She took my hand and practically dragged Stefan and I over to a group of people holding gifts.
"Aw this is all so sweet," I said gesturing towards the sight that I was seeing. We both sat down with everyone, and Isabella also walked over to us and sat herself down in Stefan's lap. Although, she didn't sit still for long because she started to get up and walk around between almost every member of the family.
Everyone's presents were so generous, we pretty much got everything we needed. We already had the furniture and basic necessities, since we kept them from when Isabella was a baby. People bought us baby clothes, nappies, bibs and a whole variety of different cute things for the baby. Isabella had even drawn us a very pretty picture, which we're going to frame and put in the baby's room. We were bought gift vouchers for restaurants which was definitely appreciated since Stefan and I could use a peaceful night out. Meredith and a couple of others bought me a spa session which I was so happy with, it'll be nice to get pampered. Everyone's gifts were so generous, every single one of them came from the heart. I almost cried several times seeing all the baby clothes and realising that we'll have another little one to put them on. Although, I had to admit, Damon's present to the baby was the most touching of all. Somehow he'd managed to track down an old, beautiful blanket from when he and Stefan were younger. It wasn't just any blanket, it was a blanket their mother had crocheted herself. She used to have her own knitting and crocheting shop somewhere in Italy. Damon said that he only found out about it a couple of months ago so he's only just been able to get a present like this. Since the shop is legally Stefan and Damon's, Damon said that they're both allowed to have whatever they want. I know for a fact that it touched Stefan since he let a few tears fall from his eyes, which made my heart melt. Every time Stefan cries, which is rare, it always kills me inside. I think they were tears of happiness because he has this memory but also sadness, for the fact that his mother never got to meet her grandchildren. Damon and I comforted him to the best of our ability, knowing that he still gets upset over this. From time to time he does get upset about it and whenever he does, I always notice and talk to him about it. I have to admit, seeing Stefan upset did make me upset and I ended up crying a little too. I've always hated seeing him down and I'll do anything to prevent him from feeling like that.
Once everything had calmed down, we thanked Damon for the gift and admired it. The crochets were so pristine and beautiful, I can't believe it's managed to stay intact for this long. It was a simple white colour, making it perfect for a new born which we didn't know the gender of, however that was about to change.
"Are you two ready to find out the gender?" Caroline asked despite the fact that she already knew the answer. I squeezed Stefan's hand a little since we were unsure of how they were going to announce the gender. I knew he felt the same way as I felt him gently squeeze my hand back.
"Okay, so we weren't sure of how to surprise you guys. We asked your mum and she came up with the best idea ever. So, Isabella can you come over here?" She called and out came Isabella who appeared to be wearing a coat. I was a little confused at first as to why she's wearing a coat but I just went with it. Everyone's eyes were on Isabella and I could feel the excitement rising inside of me, and I guessed Stefan felt the same way.
Caroline unzipped Isabella's coat and turned her around to reveal her top that said: 'I'm going to have a baby sister!'
"Surprise!" Bonnie and Caroline shouted. I heard everyone else gasp in excitement as they read the t-shirt. I must've read it at least twice before the idea sank in, and when it did excitement literally rushed through me. I gasped as I moved my hands to cover my mouth which seemed to be curled into a smile. I looked at Stefan to see the exact same expression on this face.
"We're having a girl," I said. My voice probably wasn't audible but it was loud enough for Stefan to hear.
"We are. Come here." He whispered and I practically leaped into his arms. He held me close as I rested my head in the curve of his neck and let a few tears fall. We drew away and exchanged a short, gentle kiss that showed our love for one other but also for our family.
I turned to Isabella, who was giggling and clapping at the excitement, and gently laughed. Caroline passed Isabella over to me so that Stefan and I could wrap our arms around our daughter, who's soon to be a big sister.
"You don't know how much it took from me to keep that a secret from you," Caroline laughed, which made everyone in the room laugh.
"Thank you for keeping it and doing all of this. It was definitely the best way to be told," I smiled and brought her into the hug, along with Bonnie.
"It's our pleasure, we had loads of fun doing it, right Bon?" She asked looking at Bonnie.
"I had lots of fun being bossed around by Caroline," she said sarcastically, making me laugh. Stefan lowered Isabella down after she started squirming and wanting to run around and play.
"But seriously, it was fun doing all of this," she gestured towards the amazing shower they've planned. I smiled, happy that they've both had fun with this whole thing.
"Congratulations you two!" My parents exclaimed as they stepped closer to us. Stefan wrapped his arms around me from behind in a comforting embrace.
"Thank you, I can't wait to see her now," I said, smiling away. Stefan lightly kissed my cheek as his warm grasp tightened around me.
"Me neither," Stefan replied. I smiled at the thought of Stefan being with another little girl, and also to see Isabella be a big sister.
"Thought of any names?" My dad asked, intrigued by our possible reply.
"We've thought of some but not anything definite yet," I said. Even though everyone now knows the gender of the baby, we're going to keep the name until they're born.
"Aw I can't wait to meet our second grand daughter," my mum squealed, reminding me of a child. I laughed a little, relieved that my mother shared the same excitement as Stefan and I.
The next couple of hours were spent talking with everyone at the shower. Everyone gushed over the fact that we were having another baby girl, and of how my baby bump has grown. I still don't think any of this has sunk in yet, it all seemed too good to be true.
Stefan and I separated for a little while so that he could talk to Damon and I could talk to Meredith. Even though we weren't separated that long, it was long enough for me to start missing him. I knew how dependant I am on Stefan, but I didn't care. I loved being around him and literally couldn't get enough of him. I couldn't wait to have my family of four. They're my world and I couldn't imagine my life without them.

AN: Hope you like it! I KNOW, I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW QUICKLY I UPDATED EITHER BUT YOU KNOW. Please comment and vote, pretty please! Thank you! Sorry for mistakes, it's rushed since I really wanted to publish it.
-Chelsea x

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