14- Isabella's Surprise

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Six weeks later

Elena's POV

I woke up after getting almost no sleep last night and since Stefan and Isabella were still asleep, I decided to go downstairs to avoid disturbing their sleep. Being eight months pregnant meant it's been very difficult to get any sleep at night. Although, it's always helped how Stefan's there every time I wake up from discomfort or pain.
Even though I got no sleep, it doesn't matter because my tiredness was becoming overwhelmed by my excitement. We're planning on taking Isabella to get her a surprise that we've been planning for quite a while now. It's taken a lot of time and discussions and we've both agreed on it. We're not going to tell Isabella until we've showed her what the surprise is, but I couldn't wait. I don't think Stefan can wait either since we know it'll make our little girl happy. I smiled at the thought and snuggled up further into the blankets I had. I was honestly just so excited to see her face when she saw what her surprise was. She knows she's getting one, but like the patient little girl she is, she's been excitedly waiting. My fingers mindlessly began to play with my locket that Stefan bought me before I was brought out of my thoughts.
"Hey, what you doing down here?" His voice was always so soft and calming, so much so it made my heart melt every time I heard it.
"I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake you," I said as he came over and sat down on the sofa.
"I told you that you don't need to worry about waking me up, that's what I'm here for." He gently stroked the stray strands of hair away from my face and kissed my cheek, making my heart flutter like a little kid's.
"Will you sit with me?" I asked with a glint of hopefulness in my voice, even though I knew he wouldn't say no. He nodded his head so I lifted the covers, allowing him to get under them, and cuddled up to the man I love. Being in his embrace has always been so comforting, I always felt safe and secure when I was in his arms.
We must have sat there for at least half an hour before Isabella started to wake up. Stefan went up to get her and gave me the instructions of: stay here and stay warm. I obeyed his instructions and remained seated, since I didn't have the energy to get up yet. Plus, I knew Stefan worried about me so he wanted me to do as little as possible, so that I don't hurt myself or our baby.
A few minutes later I heard Stefan walk down the stairs before they both entered my sight. I smiled at the two of them: the two that I cared about most in this world. Seeing them both with their adorable morning hair, and seeing their smiles first thing in the morning, was just the best. I honestly couldn't believe that I have the privilege of spending my life with the two of them.
"You sit with mummy and I'll make us all breakfast." Before I could protest, he had placed Isabella on my lap and left to start making it.

Stefan's POV

After everyone had breakfast and was ready to go, I helped my pregnant fiancée and daughter out and into the car. Elena looked so tired, not surprisingly though since she only got a few hours sleep last night. Isabella, on the other hand, was bouncing away, babbling and giggling to herself. Since we had to go and pick up her surprise, Isabella still had a little while to wait, but since she's been so patient I was sure she could wait.
"Are you excited baby?" I asked and watched as she gave me a huge grin. I turned to Elena.
"Get some rest, honey. We won't be there for a while." I gently traced the back of my hand on her cheek, watching as she gently smiled and nodded. I ignited the engine, reversed out of the driveway, and made our way towards Isabella's surprise.
Throughout the whole ride the anticipation of the surprise was building up inside me, I couldn't wait to see Isabella's reaction to her surprise. It took us about 45 minutes to actually get there but once we did, my excitement couldn't grow. Elena slept for about half an hour and was just waking up as I pulled up, so I got Isabella out first then helped her out.
We walked inside together hand-in-hand; I was carrying Isabella.
"Okay, Isabella, close your eyes, really tight so you can't see," Elena said as an excited Isabella squeezed her eyes shut. The receptionist knew what we were doing since we called in advance, so we simply led her into the room with her surprise.
"Okay baby, open your eyes." I watched as she opened her eyes and took in her surroundings, she smiled at the sight.
For Isabella's surprise, we decided that we were going to buy her a kitten, since we felt that she was a little lonely at the moment. Even after the baby comes she's still not going to be able to play with her as she'll be too little, so we thought a cat would be a nice alternative for the time being.
"Play kitty!" Her adorable baby voice was enough to make my heart melt, let alone her enthusiasm to play with them.
"Of course you can," Elena smiled as we both watched Isabella run off to look at the kittens in their playpen. I wrapped my arms around Elena from behind and continued to watch our daughter with my gorgeous fiancée in my arms.
We watched as Isabella sat by one of the kittens and smiled as it slowly approached her. "Look at her, she's growing up so fast," I stated, admiring our daughter's enthusiasm with the kittens.
"Yeah, I can't believe it. I'm glad she's growing up such a daddy's girl though." Elena looked up at me with a giant smirk on her face, she laughed to herself and kissed my cheek. Words couldn't describe how much I love this girl, I've loved her from day one and I'll continue to love her for the rest of my life. I kissed her temple in return as I gently tighten my grip around her, never wanting to let her go.
"Mumma! Dadda!" We both instantly looked up to see Isabella excitedly looking at one kitten in particular. I laughed and walked over with Elena to see which one she liked.
"What is it sweetie?" Elena asked as we knelt down next to her.
"Kitty," she said whilst pointing to a little grey kitten.
"Ah Isabella that one's cute. Do you want to take it home?" She asked as I watched as Isabella continued to smile. She toddled over towards Elena as the receptionist entered the room.
"Hiya, have you picked a kitten, sweetie?" She bent down to listen to Isabella's response but didn't get one since she simply rested her head on Elena's knee.
Elena smiled and stroked her head, "I think she likes that one," she replied, pointing towards the kitten that had previously captured her attention.
"Okay, so this one is called Daisy," she said as she picked the kitten up and held it at Isabella's level. I was actually really surprised at how gentle Isabella was when stroking it; I knew she's going to be amazing when the baby comes.
"Daisy," she repeated as she continued to stroke her, all the while looking up at Elena and smiling.
"Shall we get this one Isabella?" I asked as she looked up at me, allowing me to see the adorable grin on her face.
"We'll take that as a yes," I said. Elena laughed at my comment.
We all stood up whilst Elena took Isabella in her arms. "Okay then, if you'd like to follow me and sign some papers, Daisy will be yours," the receptionist stated. We followed her into another room in order to fill out the forms and put Daisy in her travel cage.
Once all the papers were signed and Daisy was in her cage, we were finally able to take Daisy home. I strapped Isabella in, followed by Daisy's travel cage before getting myself into the car. When everybody was strapped in and ready to go, we made our way home.
As soon as we got home Elena got a call from Caroline and Bonnie, they were both asking if we'd gotten the kitten yet. After Elena told them that Daisy was here they both said they'd come round.
At the moment, Elena's reading a book on childbirth on the sofa as I was on the floor helping Isabella play gently with Daisy.
A few minutes later and we heard a knock on the front door, followed by Caroline and Bonnie's smiley faces as they walked in.
They both dropped to their knees. "Aw it's so adorable! Is it a girl or a boy?" Bonnie gushed.
"It's a girl, and her name's Daisy," I answered and smiled at how enthusiastic they were.
"Aw she's so cute! Do you like her Isabella?" From hearing her name, Isabella turned towards Caroline and began to ramble.
"What are you reading, Elena?" Bonnie stood up, walked over and sat by Elena.
"A book on childbirth," she replied.
"Why? Surely that'll scare you!" Caroline gasped, which took both Elena and I by surprise.
"Well I have to learn one way or another," she laughed a little. Elena's laugh was literally music to my ears, I could listen to it all day.
"Yeah, I know. But don't those kind of books scare you? Like they don't sugarcoat any of it at all," Caroline said. To be fair, I didn't even know what's in those books but if Elena's okay and wanted to read them, then I wasn't going to stop her.
"It's fine, Caroline. It's telling me the truth, which is what I need to read so that I know what to do." She replied with another cute, small laugh as she turned the page.
Caroline let out a sigh. "I don't know how you do it," she murmured.
Just then, Daisy decided to take a little wander, and walked off away from Isabella. She didn't seem happy about Daisy's adventures and started to cry as she stretched her arms out.
"It's okay, you have to let Daisy walk around." I said to comfort Isabella, who was already full-blown crying. She's already so attached to her, which was good since we wanted her to play with Daisy.
Elena closed her book at the sound of her cries, "Mummy will come and play with you now," she said as she sat on the floor with me and Isabella as Caroline and Bonnie swiftly followed. Seeing Isabella's smile and face practically light up when Elena sat down near her was such a cute sight. As soon as Elena made contact with the floor, Isabella was already making her way over to her and engulfing her in a hug. Seeing them two together always warmed my heart, I loved them so much.
We sat down on the floor playing with Isabella until she became hungry and restless. By then, Caroline and Bonnie had left to go feed themselves so Elena and I made dinner together with Isabella sitting and walking around our feet. Since we both could cook, the dish turned out pretty well, Elena was pleased and Isabella devoured it so that was definitely a success.
Right now, Elena and I have literally only just sat down after putting Isabella to bed. We've always cherish the moments we get together before we both end up falling asleep.
"I can't believe how soon the due date is. There'll be two babies in the house," she said, surprise lacing her voice. Her head was lying on my chest as my fingers mindlessly traced circles on her side.
"It's a big change. Are you ready for it?" I asked, looking down with a smile on my face, I already knew her answer as she already knew mine.
"Absolutely. You?" She asked with a small laugh, which just filled my ears so perfectly.
"More than I could ever be." She smiled at my reply as we both moved closer to one another. I connected our lips in a passionate but sweet kiss, a kiss that told her how much I loved her, told her how I'll always stay by her side. We both drew out of the kiss smiling, grateful for the moment we got together.
"I love you," she said as she snuggled back down under the covers.
"I love you too, so much." I whispered back and simply held her in my arms until I knew she's asleep. Once she was fast asleep it wasn't long before I let sleep take over my body. It's been a perfect day with my perfect family.

-Chelsea x

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