1- The Spell

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AN: Hey guys! It's nice to be back writing again, I've had a nice long break. But, I am so sorry it took me so long to publish this book. Hope you like it and comment and vote as usual!

Three months later

Elena's POV

Dear Diary,
Sorry it's been so long since I last wrote, things have been crazy lately and I haven't really had the time to write down my thoughts.
It's been three months since we found out about the spell that could allow Stefan and me to have children. However, it's not all 'happy days' yet, because, in order to have another child with Stefan, I had to become a vampire.
I know, it's a lot to take in. It was for me too. I had to keep my distance from Isabella for a little while, just until I felt like I had some kind of control. It completely killed me inside. Knowing that I, her mother, was a threat to her, physically killed me. It was extremely difficult, but I made it through, especially since I had the most amazing fiancé throughout the transition. Stefan has been so supportive within all of this drama, it makes me wake up thankful that I have him.
We haven't planned the wedding further since before the engagement party. We felt that with me turning into a vampire, things would be a little chaotic if we were trying to plan a wedding at the same time.
Before I forget, Isabella has made great progress in the last three months. She's currently babbling, not saying any words yet, and walking! My little girl is walking! Stefan's face was priceless when he saw his baby girl taking her first steps. I'm so glad I got it on the camera, because my parents were able to gush over their granddaughter's first steps. Because of the daunting, but also exciting, fact that our daughter is now walking, we've baby-proofed the house with stair gates and child-locks, just to be on the safe side. Stefan's been taking Isabella to a local baby group, whilst I'm at school, so she can interact with other babies. It's doing her a lot of good and Stefan really enjoys taking her, which I was so happy to hear.
I better go as Stefan and I are going over to Bonnie's. Today's the day. Today's the day Bonnie casts the spell to allow Stefan and I to have a baby. I'm nervous and excited if I'm honest; I have no idea what to expect. But, anyways, wish me luck!
Love Elena x

I placed my diary underneath the bed and made my way into the bathroom. Every step, every breath and every movement I made felt different since I've been a vampire. However, being a vampire, I knew I could protect Isabella, I had the strength to. That was all that matters.

I scraped my hair into a high ponytail whilst returning to our bedroom. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and before I could look up from the screen, his smooth, perfect voice glided into my ears.
"Ready to go baby?" he asked, whilst looking at me curiously. I gave a quick, uneasy nod before letting the words escape my mouth. "Yeah, I guess. I'm just worried," I replied with a nervous laugh.
He continued to approach me. "What about?" He asked.
"Just the fact that I don't know what to expect. Bonnie never gave us details on the spell she's using. We don't know if it'll go well or if it will work-," I rambled on but was interrupted by a light kiss on my lips.
"Stop worrying. Everything will go fine, we have to trust Bonnie. This is a happy day, remember." He spoke so softly it made a small sigh escaped my lips. I faintly nodded my head and gave him a smile.
"Okay. I trust Bonnie and I trust you." I said placing my hand in his and leading him out of the bedroom.
We walked into Isabella's room to find her sitting against her cot bars, chewing on her toys. Once she saw us, she instantly pulled herself up and rested against the cot, her arms stretching out desperately. Her eagerness to get to us was evident. She began giggling when we approached her.
"Someone's in a good mood today." I stated as I gently lifted her out of the cot and rested her against my hip. Stefan lightly tickled her chin, making her reach out for him. He willingly took and held her whilst I grabbed her bag and began to pack it. Isabella being such a daddy's girl warmed my heart. Stefan's wanted this for so long and now he had a child, and potentially one on the way, just made me so happy. I was happy I've given him everything he wanted.

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