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I was zoned out for the most of the morning, nothing had seemed real. It all felt like a really vivid dream, a pigment of my imagination. Fake. And I wished it was. But I knew in the back of my mind, that wasn't true.
We had just gotten out of the hovercraft that had taken us to the arena and were being taken to our pods.
Effie met me in mine. We had gotten pretty close in the past few days.
"I know I'm no Cinna." She started.
"That's alright." I smiled, "I wouldn't have it any other way."
"You know how hard this is for me." She had started to tear up. She grabbed my shoulders and placed me in front of a mirror. Looking in it she said, "Remember this face, this is the face of a Victor."
I took a second to study myself. My hair was in a braided side bun, we had to wear shorts and a tank top. I assumed because the arena would be hot. But I also had boots. My makeup was a smoky eye and red lips, along with black nails. This part always confused me. What did it matter what we looked like?
Effie grabbed a red jacket from a rack and put it on me.
"All the new tributes will be wearing red jackets, the older ones have black." She said.
"Ten seconds." A voice said over the speakers.
Effie had pushed me towards the pod. She hugged me, tight. She didn't want to let go.
Wiping away tears she said, "Chin up, smiles on." Which made me laugh a little.
"5 seconds."
I stepped in the pod and waited. As the pod started to rise that when it hit me. That this is real, this is real, this is real, this. is. happening.
The gong sounded and I did the first thing that i could think of doing, I ran full speed towards the mouth of the cornucopia.
I was the first one there, I grabbed some throwing knives and a sword. I looked around making sure nobody was near me, tributes were making there ways towards me. I only had so much time. I looked to my left and I was tackled by a girl with an axe, I tried to get out of her grip but she was much bigger than me. She brought her axe up and laughed. I could see others scrambling trying to find weapons, dying left right and center. Just as she started to bring the axe down a knife struck her in the face and she fell to the ground, limp. I scrambled to my feet and look at where the knife came from. A girl with dark hair, Phoebe. fear struck my body for a second, would she kill me too? But she smiled. I quickly grabbed a pack from the ground and ran away from the cornucopia.

The arena this year was a ruined city, there were old hotels and old buildings and houses completely smashed to the ground. Some were standing still but looked as if they would fall at any second. There was a rainforest however, it was on the other side of the cornucopia. I had headed towards the city due to the fact that it would be easier to hide.
Is this what is was going to be like? Me alone? Maybe it would be better. That way I wouldn't have to see my loved ones die, or have them see me. I couldn't handle it last game, there's no way I'd be able to handle this game. I quickly hid inside a house that had been half smashed to the ground. I pulled out my pack and looked inside.
Some food, such as dried berries, crackers and beef jerky, also small water bottle which was empty, and a spile. I didn't know where any water would be so I was going to have to last until I found a water source. Which could be hard. The rainforest could be an easier place for me, with trees and hiding places. But also more tributes had gone that way.

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