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3rd POV
Age- 7

"HELP ME!" You scream while running. "Why does she need help?" Someone said in a disgusted tone. They had just looked at you while you were running away. But from what?

"Oh my God... HOMUNCULI!" Someone screamed. They all dissolved into their homes, now knowing what you were running from.

But no one came to help. Not even the Alchemic users in your village. Granted, you were one, but there were some in the village much more powerful and skilled than you were.

"HELP ME!" You decide to scream one last time, knowing that asking for it has been proven incompetent. Yet, you wonder, why did you bother shouting for help again? "Help," you whisper softly.

It seems like you had been running forever when you finally decide to stop. You look around your surroundings and notice that you have ran deep into the forest, far from the village. You lean against one of the trees, keeping your body straight and hands held above your head to expand you lungs, allowing more air to enter your body. You finally thought you were alone.

"Lust, Envy, I found her!" You hear a high pitched voice say. "Can I eat her?!" He asks, somewhat excitedly.

"Not yet, Gluttony." The woman, apparently named Lust, says to the creature named Gluttony. "Envy and I still need information from her." She says.

To prevent you from running, Lust extends her fingers and spears both of your shoulders into the ground, putting you in excruciating pain and screaming in agony, a pool of your blood quickly forming around you.

"Shut up!" Envy commands, following his order by a kick to the gut. He kicks you so hard, you are left gasping for air and coughing up blood. Envy smirks. "Maybe if you give us the information we need, this wouldn't be happening."

You stay silent.

"Well, time to go to Plan B!" Envy says, making you worried about what the Homunculi were going to do next.

Suddenly, Lust's fingers pull out from your shoulders, making you gasp in pain. You have to admit to yourself that it did feel nice to have the freedom to move. You use your Alchemy to singe the wounds in your shoulders now that the three homunculi were gone.

You could perform Alchemy without a transmutation circle, for you had performed the taboo at the age of 6; Human Trasmutation. You had tried to bring your mom back to life, but failed. In exchange, Truth had taken your right arm, making it end at the base of your deltoid muscle in your shoulder, so part of it was still flesh and bone.

Luckily, there had been an automail engineer that had just finished moving in to the village. But word spread around quickly that you had committed the taboo. You were now despised by everyone in the village. Except by the automail engineer.

Suddenly, you hear screams. The though now dawns on you that the Homunculi are slaughtering everyone in the village. Men, women, children, babies. No soul would be left alive.

You take this chance to run away. You run for hours, days, months, until you stumble upon a little home in an unknown town to you. Luckily, you realized, that after all this time your automail had still fit.

You had barely survived the journey to this mysterious town, and someone recognized this. You noticed that she had beautiful brown hair that flowed in the wind, along with grey eyes that complimented her features perfectly.

"Do you have a home?" She asked. You shook you head.

"Would you like one?" You nodded your head.

She gave you the warmest smile and carried you up hill back into her home. She knew that you were too weak to speak and that you were on the verge of death. She also noticed that you had two scars on your shoulders from where lust had speared you trying to get information out of you.

You heard a door open and faintly saw two little boys run up to the woman who was carrying you.

"Mommy, who is that?"

"She looks really hurt."

"She is, sweetheart. We need to help her get better."

"Then let's help!"

That was the day you met the Elrics.

Hello! So thank you for reading the prologue of this book, starring you!
So This is my first ever Fullmetal Alchemist fan fiction, so sorry if it sucks. If you do have any constructive criticism about my work, please tell it to me. I always love to improve my writing skills so that I can become a better writer.
I will take suggestions about what you want to happen next, so if you have any ideas, jot 'em down below :)

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