Chapter 8: The Chikara

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A/N- "Chikara" is "Strength" in Japanese

(3rd POV)

Al spent every moment with you in the hospital while you were recovering. He let you spar against him so that you could get used to your new automail. You weren't able to beat him yet, but you were stronger than before. Al could tell that all the pain that you experience has been transformed into skill, and fighting was a release for your pain. The more pain you experienced, whether it be emotional or physical, the stronger you became.

After two and a half weeks in the hospital, you were released. Ed and Al had gotten tickets to go back to Risembool to see Granny Pinako and to drop Winry off. You were very relieved to be out of that God awful hospital. It got very boring in there since most of the time you were either laying in bed or sparring with Al. You needed a change of pace.

Boarding the train, the four of you were able to get your own compartment in the train. Once all of you sat down, Ed asked a question that had been on his mind for quite some time now. "So, when Envy said 'Your people', what did he mean by that? And don't avoid this."

You sighed and began to write:

"Five  years ago, a war broke out between the homunculi and my people, the Chikara. We were known as 'The People of Strength' since our name is translated to 'Strength' in your language. 

"The homunculi wanted a secret long kept away from every other clan, village, and race that came across our people. They heard rumors about it, but they needed to confirm. I am not willing to tell anyone this secret, not even you. I'm sorry." You handed the first piece of paper to them and they nodded, finishing the first piece and understanding why you would not tell them what the homunculi had wanted to know.

"They wanted our secret, and we wouldn't give it to them. So, they killed our people's leaders. Those leaders were my parents.

"My parents' dying words were for the strongest in our village to train me and keep me hidden from the homunculi. He took me into a place where no foot has ever stepped and trained me there.

"Eventually the homunculi did find us. We ran until we came across a village. We ran into the village and found a home, where there was already a family inside. But my mentor asked if they could take care of me, and they obliged." You handed this piece off.

"After a year of hiding there, I began to miss my mom and feel grief towards my parents. I found an Alchemy teacher that specialized in the rarest form of Alchemy; Light. I learned his ways and after two years, I was deemed ready to research on my own. I researched a way to bring my mom back and came across Human Transmutation.

"I found out how to do it and performed the taboo. I saw Truth and in exchange, they took my right arm.

"An automail worker then gave me automail and took me in since the family I was currently staying with abandoned me after they found out that I had committed the taboo. Word spread quickly about what I had done and soon, the whole village hated me.

"Eventually, the homunculi found me again. They tried to force information out of me, but I wouldn't budge. Eventually, they resorted to burning down the village. I took this chance and ran.

"Eventually I came across the town of Risembool and Trisha took me in. I committed the taboo again and for being foolish and doing it again, Truth took my voice. You know how the rest goes." You handed this piece of paper to them, not writing anymore. 

"So, all those times you were gone in the Military, you were training..." Ed said. You nodded your head. "You won't tell anyone this secret?"

"No. It's a secret my people have kept from other clans for centuries." You wrote. "I understand." Ed said, kind-of disapointed.

"Well, if it is her choice, then let her be, Ed!" Winry exclaimed. "Sorry, I was just curious..." Ed said. You shrug your shoulders saying that it was okay for him to be curious.

"Anyways, thank you for telling us, Y/n." Al said, breaking the ice. You smiled.

The train then jolted to a stop. "Wait, we're not at Risembool, though." Winry said. You, Ed, and Al each gave each other a look, knowing something was wrong. "I'll stay with Winry. Al, you and Y/n go and see what's going on."

"Alright, brother. Lets go, Y/n." You and Al exit the compartment and head over to other train cars.

"Put your hands up, or we'll shoot."

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