Chapter 1: The Transmutation

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Age: 9
A/N- I know, you're really young to be doing/going through this kind of stuff. But, you know what, it fits what I have in my mind. Also, Ed is 11 and Al is 10.

Trisha Elric is dead. The one who took you in and raised you like you were her own child, dead. A body in a container, buried in the ground with a piece of stone and identification of who is covered by the soil, never coming back.

Or so you thought.

Edward had figured out something and told you and Alphonse about it, making all three of you excited and so happy to be able to see Trisha again.

You were going to do Human Transmutation; the Taboo among Alchemists.

Although you had already performed the Taboo before (as proven by your right automail arm), you wanted to try it again because you had become more attached to Trisha as a mother than anyone else you had met before. You needed her back, and you would give up anything.

Ed and Al were just as determined as you were.

You went down to the market-place and picked up most the ingredients needed for a human. You could get water from the river down the hill and the three of you needed to use Ed and Al's blood, since they are of blood relation to Trisha. But, you would perform the Alchemy with them.

"It's time," Ed told you and Al. All three of you began to smile.

"Lets do it," you said.

The three of you went to the basement of the house and drew the Transmutation Circle needed. You put the correct amount of ingredients you had bought down in the middle of the Circle as Ed listed them off. The two boys then cut their fingers and put their blood into the ingredients. The three of you clapped and placed your hands on the circle. A golden light began swirling around the ingredients and the three of you.

It then turned a dark purple. An eye also appeared in the middle and opened. Hands began to come out of it and grab the three of you.

You began to see all of it; Al having his body taken away and Ed his left leg.

Now, it was your turn. But you didn't see the Truth again. Instead, the figure (that was apparently you) spoke to you in a disappointed tone.

"I thought you had learned your lesson. You, of all people, should know that it is impossible to bring someone back from the dead. Yet, you attempt it again.

"For being such a fool, I will take away your voice. Scum like you doesn't deserve to speak."

You then felt an emptiness. It didn't' cause pain, but when you tried to scream, you couldn't.

You woke up and saw Ed, lying in a pool of his own blood. A suit of armor then picked him up and looked at you. It then picked you up too. "We have to get to Winry's!" it exclaimed. The three of you then made your way over to Winry's house.

Once the suit of armor got there, it pounded on the door. Granny Pinako then opened it and saw one hell of a sight.

Ed, two limbs missing and your automail arm falling apart. "Get in!" she exclaimed.

A thought suddenly dawned upon you. You also came up for a reason why Ed was missing both his arm and leg when before you spoke to Truth, he had only lost his leg

The suit of armor is Alphonse.

What the hell have we done?! you thought to yourself. You begin to sob silently, also remembering what was taken from you:

Your voice.

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